Call Number (LC) Title Results
18030211 Small collection of books, including a very choice and valuable selection of English poetry, generally in fine condition, many in elegant bindings. Among them are: Puttenham's Art of Poetry, exceeding fine copy in morocco; Heywood's spider and Flie, Church Yard's Worthiness of Wales, Chalkhill's Thealma & Clearchus, blue turkey; Fleming's Plant of Pleasure, green turkey; Steeven's Essays and Poetry; Lovelace's Lucastz, with portrait; Heath's Clarastella, Drayton's Owle, Collop's Poesis Rediviva, Ld. Cutt's POetical Exercises, Durfey's Pills to purge Melancholy, 6 vol. Hackett's Epitaphs, 2 vol. Wither's Works, &tc. with a few miscellaneous: among which aare, Encyclopedia Britannica, 18 vol. Bacon's Works, 5 vol. 4to, fine copy. Bulliard, Herbier de la France, 15 vol. Kampfer's Japan, Lavater's Sketches, Donovan's Insects, 10 vol. Burke's Works, 8 vol. curious and rare Tracts, &tc. 1
18030420 Collection of Books, formed fromt he genuine duplicates of that distinguished amateur, Robert Heathcote, Esq. containing such an assemblage of urious Greek, Latin, French and Italian rare little books, that never before occurred in any public auction in this country; amongst a few books of another description, are some large paper quarto classics; some matchless Variorums; a fin coppy of Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 5 vol. Russia;; VOyage Pittoresque de la Greece, de la Suisse, de Sicile, Naple, et Malte, &tc. 15 vol. a matchless copy, in Morocco; Piccart's Religious Ceremonies, 9 vol. in Morocco, gilt leaves; Buffon Histoire Naturelle, 65 vol; Wakefield's Lucretius, the large paper; Mexerai's Histoire de France, 3 tom. folio, grand papier, genuine edition; Voltaire, 70 tom. cts, Beaumarchais edition, great paper in morocco, the identical pick'd copy for Madame Beaumarchais; and Queen Jane of France's matchless manuscript, on vellum, with upwards of 200 fine miniature paintings. 1
18030425 English and foreign portraits. 1
18030513 18030518 Valuable prints and books of prints of John McGouan, lately deceased. In which, besides many rare and curious articles will be found nearly a complete collection of the works of Rembrandt, fine Impressions, some of them extremely scarce; proofs and etchings, by Sir Robert Strange; rare impressions, by Bartolozzi, Hogarth, &tc. Among the books is a magnificient set set of Strange's works, presented by the author to Mr. McGouan; Sir William Hamilton's Etruscan, Greek and Roman, Antiquities, &tc.
Original Drawings by the Greatest and Modern Masters
Medals, Coins, Gems, Antiquities and Books on the Fine Arts
Library, Manuscripts, Paintings, Minerals, Roman and Grecian Antiquities
18030530 Valuable collection of books and books of prints, consigned from abroad. Among others, equally valuable are Den Voyage en Egypt, 2 tom; Voyage Pittoresque de la Syrie, Egypt, &c; Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, 18 tom.; Vandyck's portraits; a Capital Bass Viol, by Albany, 1692; a Harpsichord, &tc. Also a Collection of Prints from Sir Joshua Reynolds; prints and drawings to illustrate Mr. Pennant's ondon; among them are many very rare portraits, topography, &c. Russia and other portfolios, &c purchased at a great expence. 1
18031222 Genuine genteel household funiture, 400 ounces of plate, linen, china, books, prints, &c. of Mr. Matthew Brown, printer, a bankrupt. 1
18040308 Notice de tableaux, des trois écoles ... : le tout provenant et faisant suite au mobilier de M.*** : dont la vente aura lieu le jeudi 17 ventôse an 12 (8 mars 1804), de relevée, et la jour suivant ... par le ministère de M. Lesourd-Duplessis, commissaire-priseur ...
Catalogue d'une collection de tableaux, composant le cabient de feu M. Joseph-Antoine Borgnis.
18040326 Valuable and extensive collection of English portraits of the remaining Classes of Ladies and remarkable characcters, foreign portraits appertaining to the English Series, several not generally known, many selected for illustrating Lord Clarendon, and other Historians, foreign and English topography, particularly Yorkshire; together with a choice and very numerous assemblage of Hollar's works, morocco portfolios, &c. 1
18040419 English and Foreign portraits, alphabetically arranged, among the foreign are many by Edelinck, Nantuel, Drevet, &c. 1
18040430 Prints by the great antient and modern masters 1
18040705 Small collection of books; including Capt. Cooke's Voyages, 3 vol; Thoresby's Leeds; Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, plates by Hollar; scarce tracts; old quarto plays; and other curious articles. 1
18040910 Catalogue de la célèbre collection de tableaux de M. van Leyden, d'Amsterdam, ... 1
18041117 Ancient and modern prints, English and foreign portraits, &c., several proofs, drawings, and books. 1
18041126 Catalogue of prints, by the best masters, viz. Audran, Hollar, Bervic, Sir. R. Strange, Berghem, Morghem, Callot, Schmidt, Drevet,, Volpato, Wille, &c. Rare English and foreign portraits, the whole in fine condition, many proofs; among the books of prints are, Tenier's Gallery, Theatre de la Grand Bretagne, Pirenese's Views Bischop's Statues, &c. &c. About 30 lots of ancient stained glass. 1
18050316 Valuable and extensive collection of miscellaneous prints comprehending the choicest works of the greatest ancient and modern masters in the various schools ; including the finest impressions of the works of Alb. Durer, Goltzius, Count Goudt, Matham, Muller, Saenredam, &c, &c. Dutch etchings, portraits by Aegidius Sadeler, Suyderhoef and Corn, Visscher, beautiful proofs by Wollett, &c. particularly a capital work of Rembrandt, collection by the late M. Chalon, nearly the entire work of J. Callot, a superb collection of portraits and historical prints by John Smith, the Works of George Vertue, from the Portland Collection, the Works of Captain Baillie, and Worlidge's Works, with scarce variations; together with a numerous assemblage of specimens by different artists, books of prints and portfolios, the property of Mr. Robert Grave, deceased; 1
18050424 Portion of the library of Willaim Fillingham, Esq. consisting of old quarto plays, early English poetry, and a few scarce tracts. The articles are generally in fine preservation, some of them extremely rare and curious. 1
18050502 18050515 Catalogue raisonné du cabinet de feu Mr. Charles Léoffroy de Saint-Yves. 1
18050527 Genuine household furniture, plate, plated articles, linen, about 200 dozen of port, sherry & madeira wines, select library of books, by the best authors, including the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Buffon's Natural History, &c. china, glass, fire arms & effects of the late J. R. Miller, Esq. deceased : the furniture comprises lofty four-post and other Bedsteads, prime goose beds and bedding, mahogany and japan'd chairs, window curtains, drawers, wardrobes, ladies dressing stands, a drawing-room suit in fine chints, elegant chimney glasses, carpets, two secretaries and bookcases, a library bookcase and table, handsome sideboard, set of mahogany drinig tables, oil-cloths, kitchen articles, &c. 1
18051127 Collection of prints and drawings, by ancient and modern artists, drawings of birds in crayons, English and foreign portraits, a port-folio with near 500 prints, by Callot, Della Bella, Zeeman, Teniers, &c. Several curious and uncommon books with portraits, &c. &c. 1
18060127 Valuable collection of books, consigned from abroad, comprising a large collection of Greek and Latin classics, history, voyages and travels, fine books of prints, &c. including Johson and Stevens' Shakespeare, illustrated in 21 vols. bound in blue Turkey, Latham's Birds, 9 vol. coloured, Drury's Insects, 3 vol. ditto, Hoffman's Illustrious Men of Denmark, Dictionaries in various languages, arts and sciences, Raddemaker's Views, memoirs of Count Grammont, Admiranda Romanorum by Viljamena, &c., Bischops Statues, Merian's Topography, 9 vol. Leinschoten's Voyages, Dart's Canterbury and Westminst, Bowyer's Hist. of England, proofs, Van Dyck's Heads, Views in Italy, 8 vol. Illustrious Heads by Houbraken, &c. mostly proofs, Hodges' Views in India coloured, Views in Piemont, &c. 4 vol. Duke of Newcastle's Horsemanship, L. P., books of architecture,o̲̲̲̲f Emblems, &c. &c. A few cabinet pictures, by Albano, Both, Guido, N. Poussin, Rembrandt, Wynants, &c. 1