Call Number (LC) Title Results
18060401 Collection of prints and drawings, by Bolswert, Bartolozzi, Hogarth, Woollett, &c. English and foreign portraits; topography; Birch's Lives, with Houbraken's Heads, vol. 1, large paper; a few pictures, framed and glazed, prints, &c. 1
18060422 Collection of prints, including several portraits, proofs and private plates, from Sir Joshua Reynolds, &c. views by Middiman, Pouncy, Sandby, &c. Clytie, a proof, Bartolozzi, Pond's Etchings. A collection of portraits, by Vandyck, English historical after Westall, proofs, a collection of 118 prints, by Hogarth, in a portfolio, drawing of portraits from original pictures, several views and studies from nature, &c. &c. 1
18070127 Part of the household furniture, collection of pictures, painting materials, plaster casts, a small muscular figure in bronze by Spong, &c. THe pproperty of that ingenious artist, Mr. Edward Edwards ... among the pictures is a most elaborate representation of Westminster Abbey, at the Commemoration of Handel, containing a great number of portraits. 1
18070203 Variety of English portraits, by Pass, Delaram, Elstracke, Faithorne, Glover, Marshall, Lombart, Loggan, &c. Fine Impressions by John Smith, several of the works of G. Vertue, English topography, &c. Being the remaining part of a late valuable collection. 1
18070309 Valuable collection of prints. Late the property of Mr. Daniel Waldon, dec. consisting of a very extensive collection of the works of Rubens, Vandyke, Poussin, Le Brun, Teniers, Vernet, &c. also many historical, of the Italian, Flemish and French Schools; a great number by Sir Robert Strange, Wille, Bartolozzi, Vivares, and Le Bas, almost an entire assemblange of the Works of Woollett, proofs, etchings, and other variations; the most complete collection existing, by Worlidge; late the property of Mr. Ingham Forster; and likewise nearly all Hogarth's productions. --Together with upwards of 3,000 portraits, English and foreign, by White, Faithorne, Smith, Vertue, Houbraken, Nanteuil, Drevet, Edelinck, Van Schuppen, Vischer, Suyderhoef, &c. 1
18080308 Catalogue d'une réunion précieuse de tableaux par les plus grands maitres ... / 1
18080331 Genuine and extensive collection of engraved prints, portraits, illustrated books, books of prints, atlasses, and British topography; consisting of The Works of Hollar, Faithorne, Delaram, Hogarth, Strange, Bartolozzi, Audran, Edelinck, Rembrandt, &c. being the best works of the great masters of the Italian, Dutch, Flemish, German, French and English Schools; many variations of the plates in etchings, finished and unfinished proofs, drawings, books of prints, numerous illulstrated books, and portfolios, &c.--forming one of the most splendid and rare collections hitherto submitted by public sale, and collected with a true classic taste of the fine arts by the late Sir James Winter Lake 1
18080425 A catalogue of the genuine and extraordinary collection of British portraits and historic prints, consisting of the sovereigns, princes and princesses, peer and peeresses, statesmen, Knights of the Garter dignified and inferior clergy, men who have signalized themselves in the Navy employments, patriots who have rendered service to their country, Lord Mayors, Aldermen, sheriffs, and merchantes of the city of London, the Costume of the people, ambassadors from foreign states to England, the various sovereigns of Europe connected with the political history of the same, and illustrious strangers who have visited Britain, literary characters, artists, remarkable persons who have been notorius for their eccentricities or evil memorable events of the history and first invention of the fine arts brought down to the present time; comprising the works of Delaram, Elstrack, the Faithorne's, Hollar, Loggan, Lumley, the Passe's Place, Smith Robert White, Barra, Vandrebanc, Rembrandt, Edelinck, Nanteil, Audran, &c. the proofs and variations innumerable, private plates unique prints and miniatures, unknown in any other collection or public repository; forming the most splendid and rare series of English portraits hitherto submitted to public sale and collected with the true classic taste of the fine arts at a most liberal expense by the late Sir James Winter Lake, Baronet. 1
18080509 Catalogue de tableaux precieux ... composant le cabinet de feu M. de Choiseul Praslin. 1
18080624 18080625 A catalogue of the very valuable collection of important pictures, ... lately forming the collection of Sir William Hillary, ... 1
18090116 18090118 Catalogue d'une réunion précieuse de tableaux, par les plus grand mait̂res des écoles d'Italie, de France, de Hollande, et de Flandre / 1
18090118 Extensive and truly valuable collection of engraved British portraits. 1
18090216 Catalogue d'une rare et précieuse collection de tableaux par les plus grands maîtres des trois écoles ... composant la curiosité particulière de feu Pierre Grand-Pré / 1
18090417 Superb assemblage of prints and books of prints, formed by a gentleman of distinguished taste and judgment, and selected with scrupulous choice in regard both to immpression and condition, comprising an interesting series from the earliest period, after the discovery of printing, down to the present time,--abounding in chef d'oeuvres and rare specimens; and combining every excellence of the graphic art, not onoly by the most eminent engravers, after the great masters,, but in etchings, &tc. of the masters themselves, besides nearly complete works of Marc Antonio, Rubens, cornelius Visscher, Rembrandt, &tc. in which are comprehended all their capital works of brilliant quality, it contains numerous particulars by Vandyck, Albert Durer, Goltzius, Io Vandenvelde, Count Goudt 1
18090524 Prints, Drawings, Books of Prints, and Books relative to the arts. 1
18091122 Catalogue des objets rares et précieux ... provenant du cabinet de feu M. le Baron P.N. de Hoorn van Vlooswyck / 1
18091127 18091129 Catalogue d'une jolie collection de tableaux anciens et modernes, provenant du cabinet de M*** ... 1
18091227 Catalogue d'une précieuse collection de tableaux, composant le cabinet de M. Emler. 1
18100206 Prints ... of the French, Flemish, German and English engravers ... portraits, grand historic compositions and rich landscapes ... painters' etchings. 1
18100322 Very valuable collection of prints. 1