Call Number (LC) Title Results
18781028 18781030 A most valuable collection of Japanese & Chinese high class objects of art, ancient and modern ... 1
18781104 Third catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781106 Fourth catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781107 Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of Japanese and Chinese art treasures, antique and modern ...
Fifth catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop.
18781107 18781108 Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of Japanese and Chinese art treasures, antique and modern ... 1
18781108 Sixth catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781109 Seventh catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781127 Fifteenth days sale catalogue of the contents of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781129 Sixteenth days sale catalogue of the old curiosity shop. 1
18781209 Catalog der ausgezeichneten sammlung von kupferstichen, radirungen, holzschnitten, originalzeichnungen und büchern des Herrn Georg Arnold. 1
18781212 Japanese and Chinese art treasures, antique and modern. 1
18781223 18781224 Rich Turkish and Persian goods, imported by Haim Vidal, Constantinople ... 1
18790203 Ausgezeichneten sammlung von kupferstichen, radirungen, holzschnitten, photographien und kupferwerken aus dem nachlasse von Carl Weitz. 1
18790210 Catalogue de tableaux modernes appartenant a MM. L. [Lethon], de New York, & Hermann, de Paris. 1
18790214 Catalogue de tableaux modernes & anciens, dessins & aquarelles formant la collection de M. Alfred Saucède. 1
18790217 18790221 Catalogue des tableaux, pastels, dessins, miniatures, terres cuites formant la collection de feu M Laperlier. 1
18790303 44 tableaux, études et esquisses par le Chevalier Alfred de Knyff.
Catalogue de tableaux anciens de l'école hollandaise, ... formant la collection de M.M.K... [Kahn]
18790317 Die Kupferstich- Sammlung Sr. Excellenz des Herrn Franz Josef Grafen von Enzenberg zum Freyen und Jöchelsthurn. 1
18790317 18790322 Catalogue de tableaux des écoles anciennes, flamande, hollandaise, allemande et française, porcelaines, meubles anciens, bronzes, argenteries formant la précieuse collection de feu Mr. Mathieu Neven. 1
18790403 Choice paintings, the private collection formed by Mr. Albert Spencer. 1