Call Number (LC) Title Results
19120404 Norton collection of valuable Old Masters. 1
19120409 Illustrated catalogue of the noteworthy collection of beautiful old Chinese porcelains and other Oriental treasures formed by the late Herbert G. Squiers. 1
19120409 19120412 Illustrated catalogue of the noteworthy collection of beautiful old Chinese porcelains and other Oriental treasures formed by the late Herbert G. Squiers. 1
19120418 Illustrated catalogue of the private collection of paintings by the Barbizon masters and their contemporaries formed by the late William Buchanan. 1
19120424 Illustrated catalogue of the rare art treasures, furnishings, embellishments and other costly property contained in the residence of the late J. Hampden Robb, Twenty-Three Park Ave., New York City. 1
19120424 19120425 Tableaux modernes; œuvres remarquables de Corot, Courbet, Decamps, Delacroix, Leys, Madou, Stevens Alf. et Jos., Willems, &a. 1
19120424 19120426 Illustrated catalogue of the rare art treasures, furnishings, embellishments and other costly property contained in the residence of the late J. Hampden Robb, Twenty-Three Park Ave., New York City. 1
19120429 High class paintings by great artists. 1
19120506 Catalogue of valuable paintings by the great masters of the modern and ancient schools, also rare Aubusson tapestries.
Catalogue des estampes du XVIIIe siècle formant la 3e partie de la collection Louis Valentin.
19120507 Kupferstiche, Holzschnitte, Radierungen, Handzeichnungen und Aquarelle, alter und neuzeitliche Meister. 1
19120508 19120509 Old French snuff boxes. 1
19120510 Catalogue of pictures by old masters, the property of the Hon. William Lowther; highly important portraits of the early English school, the property of Charles J. Wertheimer; and pictures of the early British school and works by old masters.
Pictures by old masters; highly important portraits of the early English school.
19120514 Tableaux anciens dépendant des collections formées par M.-C. Hoogendijk de La Haye.
Catalogue d'importants tableaux anciens dépendant de la collection *** de S ..., la succession-F. A. S. A. baron van Ittersum, la collection W. d'Amsterdam, et de quelques autres provenances.
19120517 Fine proof etchings and engravings : a remarkable collection embracing fine examples of the best work of many of the leading etchers and masters of the Burin including Seymour Haden, Whistler, Haig, Cousins, Dicksee, Laguillermie, Melasonier, Rembrandt, Dendy-Sadler, Waltner, Brunet-Debaines, Breton, Kratke, Romney, &c.; also many fine color, and sporting prints : to be sold Friday afternoon, May 17th, 1912 / 1
19120520 Valuable collection of old masters. 1
19120520 19120521 Catalogue des tableaux anciens des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : objets d'art et d'ameublement du XVIII siècle et autres faiences de Delft ... dépendant des collections de M. Jean Dollfus. 1
19120527 Catalogue of household furnishings. 1
19120530 19120601 Catalogue des tableaux modernes, aquarelles, dessins, pastels, sculptures, tableaux anciens, dessins anciens, objets d'art & d'ameublement, appartenant à Madame la marquise Landolfo Carcano. 1
19120605 Catalogue of the firearms and edged weapons.
Collection Jacques Doucet [deluxe edition]
19120605 19120608 Collection Jacques Doucet [deluxe edition] 1