Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19251110 | Notable examples of Rembrandt etchings. | 1 |
19251111 | Rare & artistic old English furniture & objects of art. | 1 |
19251112 |
Fine old paintings by George Morland, T. Sully, C.W. Peale and others ... : to be sold Thursday afternoon, Nov. 12th, 1925. The marine collection of the late William Bell Chambers; Part One. The Joseph Dabissi collection. |
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19251113 | Spanish & Oriental rugs & textiles; fourth sale. | 1 |
19251116 |
Lustre ware, Staffordshire, Lowestoft, Liverpool; Part Two. Catalogue of valuable printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and historical documents ... : which will be sold by auction ... on Monday, November 16th, 1925, and following day. Bibliothèque de M. -J. W. Six de Vromade; premiére partie. Une fort belle collection de monnaies obsidionales et de nécessité, monnaies des provinces-unies des Pays-Bas, de la République Batave, du Royaume de Hollande et du Royaume des Pays-Bas, et d'une collection de monnaies en or, dans toutes les séries des pièces uniques et grand nombre de raretés. |
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19251117 |
Collections Camillo Castiglioni de Vienne, I. I. Tableaux, sculptures, meubles, orfèvreries, bijoux, tapisseries, tapis, ... porcelaines, etc. II. Bronzes antiques et de la Renaissance. |
2 |
19251118 | Fine English glass in brilliant colors & old English furniture. | 1 |
19251119 | Greek vases, Roman glass, important ceramics; Oriental rugs and fabrics. | 1 |
19251120 |
European & American paintings chiefly of the XVIII and XIX centuries. XVIII century English and American furniture and works of art. |
2 |
19251123 | Early American furniture; children's furniture; hooked rugs. | 1 |
19251124 | Antique & decorative furniture, Chinese & Japanese porcelains, Oriental & European objects of art. | 1 |
19251125 |
Gemälde alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts. New England furniture, pewter, Staffordshire, Chinese Lowestoft, glassware & hooked rugs. |
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19251126 |
Venezianische Gläser der Renaissance, frühe italienische Majoliken, Kunstgewerbe, Antiken, Miniaturen, Gemälde. Englische und Französische Kupferstiche des XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus Berliner besitz. |
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19251127 |
Sächsische farbige Ansichten dabei eine wundervolle Sammlung der Schönsten Ansichten von Dresden. European arms and armor from VI to XVIII century; Part II. |
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19251201 |
Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, antiquités. Engravings, illustrating the history of the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte. Fine eighteenth century American & English furniture & embellishments. |
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19251203 |
Eighteenth century English furniture & artistic embellishments. Rare ship models. A choice and valuable collection of modern etchings. |
4 |
19251204 |
Fine series of artists proof etchings by W. Dendy Sadler. Catalogue des objets d'art et d'ameublement ... tableaux et dessins anciens ... sièges variʹes, meubles & paravents, tapisseries anciennes ... XV-XVIII century rugs. |
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19251208 |
Antique rugs & carpets. Deutsches und ausländisches Porzellan, deutsche Fayencen und Steingut. Beschrieben von L. Schnorr von Carolsfeld. Eingeleitet von O. von Falke Sammlung Heinrich Freiherr von Tucher. |
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19251209 |
A collection of old engravings. Spanish antiquities. Paintings of the American and Barbizon schools; old masters. Colored lithographs by Currier and Ives consisting of rare prints in the finest impressions of American historical scenes and portraits, views, American town and country life, naval and marine prints, early West railroads, sporting, &c. mainly the collection formed by George F. Lawton of Boston, Mass. and Charles Farber of New York. |
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19251210 |
Paintings assembled by the late William Trevor, mostly by eminent American artists. Rare old English furniture, porcelains, silver & Sheffield plate, chiefly of the eighteenth century. Gemälde alter Meister aus einer Kopenhagener Sammlung im Auftrage der Danske Landmandbank, einem norddeutschen Museum und anderem Besitz. |
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