Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19281129 | Kupferstiche, Radierungen, Holzschnitte, Lithographien und Handzeichnungen alter und moderner Meister; illustrierte Bücher und Mappenwerke; Gemälde und Bronzen neuerer Meister. | 1 |
19281130 |
Modern pictures & drawings of the British and continental schools. Paintings. Catalogue des très beaux portraits des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles composant la collection de Monsieur H.B... |
3 |
19281201 | Eighteenth century French furniture & objets d'art. | 1 |
19281203 |
Antique furniture; decorations. Modern pictures & drawings. |
2 |
19281204 |
Old engravings. Kunst-Sammlung und Innen-Einrichtung der Villa des Geh. Kommerzienrats Hammerschmidt. |
2 |
19281205 |
Magnificent jewels. Old English & French furniture, decorative objects and porcelain. |
3 |
19281207 |
Important American antiques from the King Hooper mansion; Part Three. Etchings, dry-points, lithographs. |
2 |
19281210 |
Ancient & modern pictures and miniature portraits. Tableaux des ʹecoles allemande, anglaise, espagnole, flamande, française, hollandaise et italienne du XVme au XIXme siècles. Catalogue des tableaux anciens, pastels, dessins; œuvres de W. Beechey, H. Fragonard, C. Hoin, Dirk Langendyk, N. de Largillièrre; Claude Lefebvre, N. Nattier, F. Pannini, J.-B. Pater, Hubert Robert, John Russell, G. de Saint-Aubin, A. Schouman, J.-F. De Troy, R. Tournières, Carle et Amédée Vanloo; portrait de jeune femme par H. Fragonard; importante décoration de salon attribuée à Salembier. |
3 |
19281211 |
Tableaux anciens et modernes, dessins anciens. Antike Schmucksachen und Gegenstände der Kleinkunst in Gold, Edelstein, Halbedelstein, Glas, Bronze. |
2 |
19281212 |
Old English silver plate of the 17th & 18th centuries. Oil paintings, collection formed by the late Don Eugenio Bayo. |
2 |
19281213 |
European & Oriental sculpture for interiors & gardens. Decorative furniture, objects of art and porcelain. |
2 |
19281215 | Magnificent creations in gold plate made by Claude Odiot. | 1 |
19281217 |
Old engravings. Pictures and engravings; modern pictures & drawings; old pictures. Catalogue of important autograph letters, literary, historical and medieval manuscripts, valuable printed books, drawings by William Blake, &c. ... : which will be sold by auction ... on Monday, 17th of December, 1928, and four following days. Catalogue des tableaux anciens, porcelaines, faiences, cristaux, argenteries, pendules, tapis, meubles anciens appartenant à plusieurs amateurs ... |
4 |
19281218 |
Catalogue de tableaux des ecoles allemande, espagnole, flamande, frana̧ise, hollandaise et italienne des XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siècles ... antiquitʹes, Grès, verreries, faïences diverses, argenteries, cuivres, bronzes, fers, sculptures, ivoires, pierres et marbres, tapis d'Orient, bois sculptʹes, meubles ... Europa̤ische Fayencen und Porzellane, ostasiatische Keramik, Möbel, alte Gemälde; II. Teil. Fifty jewelled & enamelled gold boxes, etc. many with miniatures. |
3 |
19281219 |
Antique & decorative furniture, paintings, rugs, textiles & objects of art. Collectie oude en moderne schilderijen, meubelen, antiquiteiten. |
2 |
19281220 | Early English engravings. | 1 |
19281221 | Old pictures; & drawings. | 1 |
19290102 | Old English furniture of the 17th & 18th centuries & objects of art. | 1 |
19290103 |
Chinese porcelains, carved jades & objects of art. The art collection of Mr. Harry Glemby, mainly of the Gothic, Renaissance and Louis Quinze periods. |
2 |
19290108 | Fine furniture, bronzes, important tapestries, European porcelains, objects of art. | 1 |