Call Number (LC) Title Results
19310415 Old English silver plate of the 17th and 18th centuries. 1
19310416 Collection of important paintings.
Decorative furniture, objects of art and porcelain.
19310417 Old pictures; and drawings.
American furniture.
19310420 Important American paintings.
Catalogue of printed books and a few manuscripts ... : which will be sold by auction ... on Monday, the 20th April, 1931, and two following days.
19310421 Paintings representing English sports by artists of the 18th and 19th centuries.
The important art library of Mr. Arthur James Sulley, deceased; late of 54 Grosvenor Street, London, W. 1.
Tableaux modernes et anciens, antiquités, art de l'Extrême Orient, art classique, bronzes des fouilles de Luristan.
19310422 Early American glass; Part One. 1
19310423 The Israel Sack collection.
Decorative furniture, objects of art and tapestry.
19310424 Period English furniture, French & Flemish tapestries, decorative paintings.
French XVIII century gold and enamel snuff boxes and bonbonnières, Georgian & other fine silver.
Pictures by old masters.
Sammlung Dr. Hans Wendland.
19310427 Das Kupferstichwerk der Sammlung Hausmann-Blasius, Braunschweig; Holzschnittwerk; einige Dürerbücher.
Valuable printed books.
19310428 Eaux-fortes, lithographies, tableaux modernes, antiquités.
Modern furniture, antiques, tapestries, oriental rugs, paintings, ivories, linens, silver, rare porcelains and other embellishments.
Catalogus oude en moderne schilderijen, tapijten, oude meubelen, antiquiteiten, zilverwerken, Chineesche en Japansche kunstvoorwerpen, gobelin, enz.
19310429 Handzeichnungen alter Meister des XVI. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts. 1
19310430 Eighteenth century gold and enamel snuff boxes, bonbonnieres, watches, Chinese jades, porcelains; part I.
Old English furniture.
19310501 Furnishings & decorations for interiors.
Modern pictures and water colour drawings.
19310504 Wertvolle Kupferstiche, Radierungen, Holzschnitte alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts; Handzeichnungen vorwiegend des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts. 1
19310506 The very choice and well-known collection of Chinese pottery, stoneware and porcelain.
Collection of paintings.
19310508 Old pictures; and drawings. 1
19310511 Tableaux anciens.
Catalogue early American antiques.
Objets d'art et de luxe de la pʹeriode de la Duchesse de Berry.
Very extensive and well-known library of English poetry, drama and other literature, principally of the XVII and early XVIII centuries, first portion.
19310512 Antiquiteiten en oude schilderijen.
Sammlung Stroganoff, Leningrad.
Howard Grace cup also known as "The Thomas à Becket cup.".
Old English silver plate.
Antiquitʹes, objets d'art.
19310513 Tableaux anciens, objets d'art et de curiositʹe de la Renaissance. 1
19310514 English and French XVIII century furniture, tapestries, silver, porcelaians and other objects of art.
Decorative furniture, objects of art and porcelain.