Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19320706 |
Old English silver plate. Modern etchings. |
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19320707 |
Fine French & English furniture, objects of art, tapestry, rugs and statuary. The well-known collection of miniatures, rings & objects of vertu; portrait miniatures. |
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19320708 |
Pictures by old masters; and old pictures and drawings. Old English furniture, Oriental carpets, Italian faience, porcelain services. |
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19320712 |
Engravings by old masters. Porcelain, faience, objects of art and vertu. |
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19320713 |
Old English silver plate. Pictures & drawings by old masters of the Italian, Dutch and French schools. |
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19320714 | English and decorative furniture. | 1 |
19320715 | Ancient and modern pictures; also old pictures and drawings. | 1 |
19320718 | Printed books and a few manuscripts. | 1 |
19320719 | Decorative furniture, objects of art, porcelain and rugs. | 1 |
19320720 |
Old English silver plate. Nineteenth century and contemporary paintings. Drawings by old masters of the Italian, Dutch & French schools. |
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19320721 |
Continental and English glass, porcelain and pottery; Oriental porcelain, Japanese and Chinese textiles, Persian and Caucasian carpets. Porcelain, old English and decorative furniture, objects of art & rugs. |
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19320722 |
Works of art of the Italian Renaissance and other periods; antique and decorative furniture; armour and weapons. Jewels and jewellery. Old pictures; also ancient and modern pictures & drawings and engravings. |
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19320725 | Valuable printed books & manuscripts, autograph letters & historical documents, etc. | 1 |
19320726 |
Miniatures, objects of art and vertu, porcelain and decorative furniture. Savage art from Africa, Oceania & North America; early Peruvian textiles also Egyptian and Roman antiquities. Engravings, etchings & pictures. |
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19320727 |
Old English silver plate and some foreign silver plate. Valuable books and manuscripts, autograph letters and historical documents. |
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19320728 |
Valuable English silver; objects of vertu, jewellery; gold-mounted bronze armour & weapons of the early Iron Age. Porcelain, objects of art, decorative furniture, rugs and carpets. |
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19320729 |
Modern pictures and water colour drawings. The celebrated collection of purple-lustred English pottery; antique Oriental rugs and carpets; old English furniture. |
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19320805 | Japanese color prints and paintings. | 1 |
19320825 | Bilder alter und neuer Meister; französische Möbel des 18. Jahrhunderts; italienische Möbel der Renaissance und des Barock; gotische Wandteppiche; flämische Wand- und Bodenteppiche des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts; antike Perser Teppiche; deutsche und französische Plastik, 14. bis 16. und 18. Jahrhundert; italienische und französische Bronzen; antike Marmorskulpturen und Vasen; Sammlungen ägyptischer, chinesischer, siamesischer Plastik, persischer und ostasiatischer Keramik; italienische Majoliken; Glasscheiben. | 1 |
19320906 |
Jagdkammer des Reichsgrafen R. v. Kaunitz ... Gotischer Feldharnish, Rüstungen, Schwerter, Fahnen ... Waffensaal des Schlosses Grafenegg, II. Teil. Arms and armours of the castle of Erbach (Germany): Extract from illustrated catalogue Mobiliar, Arbeiten in Bronze, Kupfer, Messing und Schmiedeeisen, Zinn- und Silbersammlung, Porzellan, Fayencen, Glas, Glasscheiben, Miniaturen, Schmuck, Plastiken, Kultusgerate, antike Kleinkunst, Stoffe, Ostasiatica, Teppiche, Stiche, Antiquitäten, Gemälde, Waffen Griechische, etruskische und römische Altertümer: Vasen, Terrakotten, Bronzen (Ausgrabungen von Boscoreale), Silberfund, Gläser, Waffen, pompejanische Fresken, Schmuck, Mumienporträt, Goldmünzen; Marmorfiguren und Reliefs (Venus Anadyomene; Alexander-Schlactrelief usw.); römische Tische, Sarkophag und anderes antikes Kunstgewerbe. Zinnsammlung V.: bedeutendste Zinnkollektion in Reliefarbeiten von Briot, Enderlin, Horchheimer; Waffen: Rüstungen, Schwerter, Dolche, Helmbarten, Schilde, Feuerwaffen; Glassammlung aus englischem Besitz: Syrien, Venedig, Böhmen, Deutschland, Schweiz. Waffensammlung Konsul A.D. Hans C. Leiden, Köln. |
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