Call Number (LC) Title Results
19350415 The Howard W. Fisher Collection : Chinese and Japanese art objects, fine porcelains, semi-precious stone carvings, beautiful embroideries, arms and curios ... fine brocades, chasubles, fabrics, and mounted American butterflies. 1
19350416 Porcelain, decorative objects and furniture, Eastern rugs and carpets.
Atelier Simon Maris.
19350417 Chinese objects of art.
Old pictures; and drawings.
19350424 American, English, French furniture, oriental rugs, fine silver, objects of art.
English and American furniture, oil paintings, Georgian silver, tapestries, Oriental rugs.
First editions, association books, autograph letters and manuscripts and other important items ... : public sale April 24 and 25 [1935].
19350425 Porcelain, decorative objects and furniture, tapestry and carpets.
British portraits, Barbizon landscapes, early Dutch works.
Lonsdale collection of 18th and 19th century American pewter.
19350426 Fine etchings, dry-points, engravings, lithographs, and woodcuts.
Die Bestände der Berliner Firmen Galerie Van Diemen & Co; Altkunst, Antiquitäten; beide in Liquidation, II. (letzter) Teil.
Modern pictures; and water colour drawings.
American and European paintings.
19350429 American furniture.
Old pictures; & drawings.
Oggetti di sola arte antica, quadri, sculture, bronzi, mobili, maioliche italiane.
19350430 Objects of art and vertu, miniatures and jewels and jewellery. 1
19350501 Old English silver plate. 1
19350502 Fine Chinese porcelain, objects of art, French and English furniture and tapestry. 1
19350503 Chinese Art Objects.
Choice modern pictures and water colour drawings.
Modern pictures and drawings.
19350507 The valuable library removed from the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, and sold by order of the Radcliffe trustees.
Mobiliar; Gemälde alter und neuer Meister; Waffen.
Waffensammlung von Schwerzenbach Bregenz
19350508 American Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepplewhite furniture together with English examples.
Important American prints and paintings.
Historical and literary autograph letters, documents and manuscripts; collection formed by Henry A. Murray, New York City, sold by order of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, executor, and from the estate of the late R. Arthur Heller, Newark, New Jersey, sold by order of Arthur E.C. Heller, executor, and other properties including rare printed Americana : to be dispersed at public sale Wednesday and Thursday, May 8 and 9, [1935].
19350509 Valuable paintings of the American and foreign schools.
Porcelain, decoraitve objects and furniture.
19350510 Pictures by old masters; also old pictures and drawings. 1
19350513 Modern pictures and water colour drawings. 1
19350514 Belle collection de tableaux anciens.
Art treasures and furnishings of Ophir Hall: notable paintings; two Gobelins tapestries; English and French XVIII century furniture, Persian and Chinese rugs, Chinese porcelains, stained glass, prints, textiles, garden furniture and ornaments.
First portion of the important collection of fine English glass.
19350515 Porcelain, decorative objects and furniture. 1
19350516 Alte und moderne Graphik, I. Teil.
Old English silver.
19350517 Naval pictures; also old pictures. 1