Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19770522 | Louis Marx Company collection of Marx tin toys, competitor tin and other toys and trains. | 1 |
19770523 |
Japanese netsuke. Bijoux; objets de vitrine; orfèvrerie ancienne; argenterie moderne. Objets d'art et d'ameublement 1900 - 1930. Fine English porcelain. |
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19770524 |
Mentmore, volume three: Vincennes and Sèvres and other continental porcelain and Italian maiolica. Fine American and English silver. Korean and pre-Ch'ing ceramics; works of art. Argenterie ancienne; argenterie moderne. Miniatures, objects of vertu, decorative spoons, rock-crystal, Russian and other works of art. Jugendstil, Art Déco, Gemälde, Graphik, Plakate. Japanese wood and ivory carvings, okimono, netsuke and inro. Fine natural history books, early printed books & illuminated manuscripts. |
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19770525 |
200 tableaux modernes de la fin du XIXe siècle et des ʹecoles modernes. Impressionist, modern and contemporary paintings, drawings, watercolours and sculpture. Objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Ballet and theatre material. English furniture, works of art and clocks, continental and Oriental textiles, Eastern, Persian and Oriental rugs and carpets. Fine jewelry. Gravures, tableaux, ʹetains anciens, objets d'art et d'ameublement anciens et de style. Mentmore, volume four: Paintings, prints and drawings. Oriental works of art. Estampes des XVIIe au XXe siècles Russian works of art. English, old master and modern prints. |
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19770526 |
Dessins, tableaux, sculptures anciens et modernes. Tableaux anciens, meubles et objets d'art. Fine nineteenth century European paintings. Sculptures en marbre antiques et d'après l'antique; antiquités égyptiennes. Fine Japanese and Chinese works of art = oggetti d'arte giapponesi e cinesi. Peintures du XIXe siècle; 15 aquarelles de voyages en Afrique du nord; peintures orientalistes 1830-1930; cuivres syriens et nord africains, beaux meubles anciens du XVIIIe siècle. English and foreign silver and plate. Fine English furniture. Kunst: Graphik, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle und Ölgemälde alter und neuer Meister, Landkarten, Veduten, dek. Graphik. |
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19770527 |
Fine old master pictures. Dessins, aquarelles; tableaux; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Oriental rugs and carpets, textiles; paintings on glass and transfer engravings; works of art; furniture. Bel ensemble d'objets "au ballon". |
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19770530 |
Japanese armour, swords and fittings, including tsuba, kozuka, fuchi-kashira, and menuki. English pottery and Wedgwood. Silhouettes, English and continental miniatures; fine objects of vertu and gold boxes. |
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19770531 |
Fine Renaissance bronzes, sculpture, and works of art. Fine paperweights, art nouveau, 19th century porcelain and bronzes. Japanese swords, sword fittings and armour. Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours. English and Continental glass. English pottery; English porcelain. |
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19770601 |
Topographical paintings, drawings, prints and bronzes. Chinese snuff bottles, jade carvings, archaic bronzes, sculpture, ceramics, works of art and paintings. Dessins, estampes originales modernes. Fine old master paintings. Decorations, silver and silverplate, paintings, prints, drawings, furniture and rugs. For the benefit of the women's campaign. Tapis d'Orient. Art nouveau, art dʹeco. Arte Pre-Colombiana, Africana ed Islamica ed oggetti di archeologia. French and continental furniture, clocks and works of art. |
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19770602 |
Importanti mobili, tappeti e arazzi. Highly important continental and English silver. Fine English and continental oak. Pot lids, Goss, commemorative and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures. |
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19770603 |
Oriental rugs and carpets. Rugs and carpets; textiles; works of art; furniture. English pictures. Estampes anciennes & modernes; tableaux, aquarelles, dessins modernes. Affiches diverses et de cinéma, livres d'enfant, almanachs...érotisme, jeux et jouets...poupées, marionnettes et automates, photographies et cartes postales, divers, minéraux Disegni antichi, dipinti antichi e del secolo XIX. |
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19770606 |
Dessins et tableaux anciens; objets d'art; sièges et meubles; tapis d'Orient. Fine Dutch, Flemish and Swiss drawings; Part II = Belandrijke Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Zwitserse tekeningen. |
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19770607 |
Tableaux anciens, tableaux et sculpture modernes, archʹeologie, Extrême-Orient, importants vases de Gallʹe, objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, tapis d'Orient, tapisseries, rare tapisserie de Bruxelles du XVIe siècle. Ostasiatische Kunst und Kunst des Islam. |
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19770608 |
Faïences & porcelaines anciennes. Graphik und Handzeichnungen alter Meister. Estampes japonaises ; paravents du Japon des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles...tapis d'Orient Modern paintings, drawings & sculpture. Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century British and European paintings. Moderne Kunst des neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Très importants tableaux modernes. |
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19770609 |
Fine Eastern rugs and carpets. Clocks; scientific instruments; watches. American furniture and decorations. The collection of the late Dr. Hans Wetzlar. Twentieth-century English silver and plated wares from 1901 and foreign silver and allied wares, Russian works of art and objects of vertu from 1830, nineteenth-century English silver and plated wares (1830-1900). |
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19770610 |
Orfèvrerie ancienne. Rugs and carpets; furniture. Dokumentations-Bibliothek VI; bibliothek Helmut Anton Kra̐tz. A jubilee sale of ceramics & glass, pictures & prints, costume & textiles, photographs & printed material, silver & miscellaneous items, all with royal associations or subject matter. The contents of Mountain Crest, the collection of Mrs. Loyce Mayfield. Antiquités préhispaniques...collection de grenouilles et de crapauds..Océanie...Indoné nègre...Madagascar Fine Japanese works of art. English furniture and works of art: a collection of stuffed birds and mammals. |
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19770613 |
Textiles, tapestries, Oriental rugs and carpets; French and Continental furniture and decorations; English, American and Oriental furniture and decorations including important Wedgwood and other English factories; art nouveau and art deco; 19th and 20th century European and American paintings; watches, objects of vertu and Russian works of art; American, Continental and English silver; fine jewelry; Japanese netsuke, lacquer, inro, porcelain and works of art; Oriental works of art. Watches, antique jewelry, objects of vertu, American, Continental and English silver. English glass; continental glass. Monnaies, Grecques, Romaines, Byzantines, Gauloises ... Jetons. Fine nineteenth century ceramics. Fine English pewter. |
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19770614 |
Korean works of art. Japanese and other Asian works of art. Important English drawings, watercolours and pastels. American and European paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculpture. Important Chinese jades and hardstone carvings. Fine Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours. English and continental pottery and porcelain. |
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19770615 |
Tableaux anciens; instruments de musique; très beaux tapis d'Orient; objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIe-XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Fine antique arms and armour. Art d'Extrême-Orient ; Louristan, Egypte, Grèce, Rome Jewelry, coins and currency. A collection of Schuco and Marx toys; post cards, cigarette cards and advertising material. Fine English and foreign silver. Important paintings by old masters. Old master paintings. |
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19770616 |
Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century continental and English drawings and watercolours. Important old master paintings. English and continental furniture. Important musical instruments. English and foreign silver and plate. |
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