Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19780612 |
Ensemble de ceintures et boucles; bel ensemble tapis d'Orient. Important jewelry. Art d'Orient: bronzes du Louristan, calligraphies, manuscrits, miniatures; céramiques; métaux Islamiques; laques et émaux Kadjar; tapis. Fine Chinese export porcelain and works of art. |
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19780613 |
Fine marine paintings, drawings and watercolours from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and navigational instruments, ships' fittings and fixtures and ship models. Modern and contemporary paintings, drawings & sculpture. Estampes, dessins, aquarelles, gouaches, pastels, tableaux modernes, bronzes. English drawings and watercolours. English enamels and English pottery; English porcelain. |
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19780614 |
Haute ʹepoque. 1869 pictorial issue postage stamps. Fine old master paintings. 200 tableaux modernes. Art nouveau, art dʹeco. Tableaux modernes Tableaux anciens, bijoux, orfèvrerie, faïence, porcelaine, objets d'art, bel ensemble de mobilier du XVIIIe siècle, tapis. Objects of vertu, antique jewelry, chess sets, portrait miniatures, watches, ancient, foreign and American coins, American, Continental & English silver. Succesion Maria Callas Good 19th and 20th century porcelain, silver, decorations, works of art, furniture and rugs. |
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19780615 |
Tableaux anciens, bijoux, argenterie, armes, icônes russes, antiquitʹes ʹegyptiennes, haute ʹepoque, meubles, objets, tapis d'Orient. Tableaux modernes, art 1900, cʹeramiques de Gallʹe. Continental furniture. European glass and continental ceramics. Fine English and foreign silver and plate including a group of early English spoons. |
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19780616 |
Postcards, cigarette cards, Stevengraphs, printed ephemera, posters, advertising material and amusement machines. French and continental furniture, decorations, rugs & carpets. Fine continental pictures of the 19th and 20th centuries. Chinese export porcelain and European porcelain and pottery. Tableaux anciens et modernes; bijoux anciens et modernes; orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne; faïences et porcelaines du XVIIIe siècle; porcelaines du XIXe siècle; blancs de Pouyat; objets d'art et d'ameublement; beau mobilier en bois clair d'ʹepoque Charles X; meubles anciens des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles; art 1900. Extrême-Orient Tableaux anciens, objets d'art et d'ameublement. Faïences anciennes. Les arts du feu: cʹeramique, verrerie 1880-1930. Faïences et porcelaines anciennes. Fine jewelry. |
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19780619 |
English and Welsh porcelain. Tableaux anciens et modernes, objets d'art et de bel ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle. Antiquités préhispaniques ; art nègre Fine Chinese snuff bottles. Russian works of art. Antiquitʹes egyptiennes; antiquitʹes grecques et romaines. Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient. |
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19780620 |
Important English drawings and watercolours. Fine Chinese export porcelain. The Robert von Hirsch collection, volume one: old master drawings, paintings and medieval miniatures. Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours. Estampe de Rembrandt; estampes modernes; tableaux, pastels, aquarelles, dessins modernes; art 1900, art dʹeco, verrerie, cʹeramique; objets d'art et meubles. Chinese works of art. |
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19780621 |
Art d'Extrême-Orient ; art d'Orient Important old master drawings. Fine French and continental furniture, clocks, works of art, bronzes and animalier bronzes. Bronzes antiques de la Perse du IIIe millénaire à l'époque romaine Fine English and foreign silver. Tiffany and other 19th & 20th century works of art. Dessins et tableaux anciens ; objets d'art et meubles anciens Disneyana, comic strip art and toys, session two. 18th, 19th and 20th century American paintings, drawings and sculpture. |
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19780622 |
Tapis d'Orient. English furniture. June 22nd, 1978: Early European pottery; June 27th 1978: Meissen porcelain. Important musical instruments. Objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. English and foreign silver and plated wares from 1835. The Robert von Hirsch collection, volume two: works of art. |
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19780623 |
The Robert von Hirsch collection, volume three: furniture and porcelain. Dessins, aquarelles, gouaches, pastels; tableaux. Tableaux anciens; cʹeramique; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles anciens; tapisseries. American furniture, decorations and clocks. Highly important English pictures. Objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles. |
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19780626 |
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle. The Robert von Hirsch collection, volume four: impressionist and modern art. Fine Continental pottery and Italian maiolica. Modern prints. Oriental ceramics, bronzes, enamels, works of art and paintings. German glass. |
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19780627 |
Fine Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours. Important continental porcelain. Impressionist and modern paintings. Livres des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, dessins anciens; tableaux; cʹeramiques du XVIIIe siècle; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles; tapisseries, tapis d'Orient. Impressionist and modern drawings, watercolours and sculpture. Old master, nineteenth and twentieth century prints. Chinese snuff bottles. Fifteen German expressionist paintings. |
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19780628 |
Tableaux anciens...bijoux...argenterie moderne...objets d'art et mobilier des 17e, 18e, [19e] siècles et de style, tapis d'Orient Bijoux anciens et modernes; objets de vitrine; miniatures; orfèvrerie ancienne; argenterie moderne; mʹetal argentʹe. Nineteenth and twentieth century prints; old master prints. Important Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture. Contemporary art. Important Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolours. American and European works of art, arms and armour, paintings and furniture. Photographic images and related material. Hans Sebald Beham, the collection of prints formed by Gordon Nowell-Usticke. Fine Japanese netsuke; ojime; inro; lacquer wares. |
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19780629 |
Fine English furniture. Oriental ceramics, furniture and works of art. Importanti porcellane e maioliche. Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture. Important old master and modern prints. Très importante collection de 260 surimono; de 277 oban; paire de paravents japonais; collection de 55 pochoirs anciens. English and foreign silver and plate. Fine netsuke and inro. |
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19780630 |
Photographic images and other material from the Beaton studio. Important French and Continental furniture, clocks, works of art, tapestries, rugs and carpets. Tableaux, dessins, miniatures, objets d'art, etains, bois sculptés, sièges et meubles, tapisseries. Nineteenth century impressionist and modern paintings and drawings. |
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19780703 |
Important continental porcelain. Fine French glass paperweights; a fine collection of paperweights. Chinese jades, snuff bottles and hardstone carvings. Oriental ivories, Shibayama and lacquer. |
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19780704 |
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours. Important old master drawings. Antiques; haute curiositʹe, arts primitifs. |
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19780705 |
English furniture, watches, clocks and works of art. Japanese works of art. |
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19780706 |
Important Indian miniatures. Estampes et tableaux modernes. English ceramics. Bijoux, argenterie ancienne et moderne. Pictures from the Clark collection. Fine French furniture. |
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19780707 |
Scientific instruments; watches. Viewers, cameras, scientific instruments, medical instruments and accessories, domestic and office equipment, stuffed birds, talking machines and mechanical music. Beaux bijoux Objets d'art d'Asie, cʹeramique de la Chine; jades, ivoires; laques du Japon; paravents japonais; meubles chinois et japonais, tapis d'Orient et de Chine. |
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