Call Number (LC) Title Results
19781127 Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient.
Fine English and Welsh porcelain.
19781128 Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Beaux bijoux; montres anciennes; argenterie ancienne.
Old master paintings and drawings.
The Eric W. Phipps collection of drawings and watercolours.
Important Chinese ceramics and works of art.
American and European paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculpture.
Printed books & autograph letters.
Dessins anciens, tableaux anciens.
Chinese ceramics; works of art.
Estampes modernes; aquarelles, dessins, gouaches; tableaux modernes.
19781129 Good French and continental furniture, bronzes, animalier bronzes, works of art and sculpture; clocks and watches.
Tableaux anciens, Extrême-Orient, objets d'art, bel ensemble de mobilier du XVIIIe siècle.
Collection Marcel Tessier, seconde vente.
Japanese swords, armour, and sword fittings.
Important seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century British paintings.
Le chat noir; Aristide Bruant; les journaux humoristiques; Montmartre.
Russian works of art.
Gravures, tableaux modernes, art 1900.
Fine jewelry.
19781130 Porcelaines et faïences des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Fine English furniture.
Oriental ceramics and works of art.
Objets de haute curiositʹe.
Important eighteenth and nineteenth century English drawings and watercolours.
Dessins, tableaux anciens et du XIXe siècle, meubles et objets d'art, tapisseries, tapis.
Important English silver.
19781201 Important musical instruments.
The Edward Hornby collection of fine and rare watches.
The Hochschild collection of highly important English furniture and decorative objects.
Important old master pictures.
Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient.
Estampes et lithographies des XIX et XXe siècles; art. 1900, 1925 et 1950, gravures, dessins et tableaux.
Fine art nouveau & nineteenth century sculpture.
Faïences, porcelaines; bijoux, orfèvrerie, montres.
Tableaux anciens; armes anciennes; porcelaines et faïences anciennes; bronzes; sculptures; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles.
Antiques; antiquitʹes prʹehispaniques; Ocʹeanie; Afrique.
19781202 The Chanel wardrobe and casket of costume jewellry.
Estampes anciennes.
Art dʹeco.
Fine English furniture, decorations and clocks.
19781203 Tableaux anciens, art nouveau, art déco, bijoux, sièges et meubles des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : bois sculptés, bronzes, curiosités, montres des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. 1
19781204 Tableaux, meubles et objets d'art.
Tableaux modernes et du XLXe siècle.
Fine Oriental carpets and textiles.
English and Continental glass and glass paperweights.
Fine continental porcelain.
Orientalistes, 1830-1930.
Fine seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century Chinese school and European paintings, drawings, watercolours, prints and maps.
Antiquitʹes classiques; haute ʹepoque, haute curiositʹe; icones russes des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
19781205 Impressionist and modern drawings, watercolours and sculpture.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Haitian paintings.
American, British and European contemporary art, 1945-1978.
Impressionist and modern paintings.
Art d'Extrême-Orient.
Chinese ceramics, works of art, reference books and jade carvings.
European ceramics.
Dessins et tableaux de maîtres anciens, tableaux modernes.
19781206 English and foreign silver.
Contemporary art.
Dolls, miniatures and automata; toys, lead soldiers, original comic strip art & Disney celluloids.
Highly important jewelry.
Important old master and modern prints.
Assiettes populaires; vases ʹepoque Napolʹeon III, bronzes, ʹecritoires, boites.
Ostasiatische Kunst: China, Japan, Tibet, Nepal, Indien, Sűdostasien.
Fine continental, English and American silver, watches and objects of vertu.
Netsuke, inro & lacquer and Japanese works of art.
Decorative arts 1900-1939.
Important impressionist and modern drawings and watercolours.
Important impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
Arts and crafts furniture, textiles, enamels, metalwork and stained glass.
Art d'Iran
Objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
19781207 Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
Studio ceramics.
Tableaux anciens, tableaux du XIXème siecle, bijoux, argenterie ancienne et moderne, objets d'art et archéologie, meubles, tapisseries, tapis d'orient.
Objets d'art d'Orient et Extrême-Orient.
Miniatures, tableaux anciens, pierres dures d'Extrême-Orient, objets d'art, sièges et meubles.
Dipinti antichi e moderni.
Fine French furniture.
Fine old master drawings.
19781208 Faïences et porcelaines principalement des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.
Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels, sculptures, tableaux modernes.
Dessins anciens; tableaux anciens; faïences, porcelaines; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement, tableaux et dessins anciens.
Nineteenth century impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Fine English furniture, needlework, prisoner-of-war work, works of art and Oriental rugs and carpets.
American paintings, drawings and sculpture of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Decorative arts 1880-1940 including art nouveau and art deco.
Arts de l'Islam et d'Orient.
Fine Medieval, Renaissance and later works of art, pewter, glass, maiolica and tapestries.
Art nouveau, art dʹeco.
19781209 Marine: très belles estampes anciennes et modernes; objets scientifiques et de marine, maquettes, tableaux, dessins, aquarelles sur la marine. 1
19781210 Importants tableaux modernes. 1
19781211 20. Jahrhundert.
Belle collection de verres irisʹes; rares bijoux en or; intailles et amulettes, terres cuites sumʹeriennes, hʹellʹenistiques, romaines et islamiques.
15.-19. Jahrhundert.
Affiches publicitaires de la belle epoque.
Objets et mobilier de poupʹee; jouets et modèles rʹeduits divers; l'automobile; modèles rʹeduits de vʹehicules automobiles; le train; poupʹees et automates.
Cartier jewelry.
Le Musʹee Secret de Roger Peyrefitte.
Dessins anciens et du XIXe siècle.
Faïences & porcelaines anciennes.
Antique and reproduction furniture including many fine French, continental and American pieces; 18th century and contemporary decorations such as American, English and Continental silver, German porcelain figures, Boehm porcelain birds, crystal candelabra and lamps, assorted American, European and Russian bronzes, Oriental hardstone and ivory carvings; fine china, crystal and glass including English soft paste and porcelain tableware, French gilded crystal stemware; 17th, 18th and 19th century paintings, American portrait miniatures; extremely fine antique French tapestries and a large assortment of Oriental rugs
Peintures, aquarelles, dessins et gravures; estampes modernes, pastels; dessins modernes, dessins anciens et du XIXe siècle; gouaches, miniatures, tableaux anciens et du XIXe siècle, objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient, cʹeramiques de la Chine, objets d'art et d'ameublement d'ʹepoque Louis XV et Louis XVI.
Fine Japanese prints.
Etains, faïences populaires, verrerie, objets de vitrine et de curiositʹe.
Fine sculpture and works of art.
Important Chinese ceramics, bronzes, enamels, archaic jades and works of art.
Cʹeramiques de la Chine; cʹeramiques du Japon, ivoires; ʹemaux cloisonnʹes; pierres dures laque, tsuba, coffres et paravent.
19781212 Fine Dutch, Flemish and German drawings.
Japanese prints, paintings, screens, and reference works.
Extrême Orient.
English and continental silver, watches and objects of vertu.
The Lindberg collection of early Chinese ceramics.
Fine Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Good musical instruments; violins, viola and violincellos.
African, Islamic, ethnographic works of art & antiquities.
Objets d'art et de très bel ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle.
Important old master drawings.
The Lyttelton papers.
Fine Chinese ceramics, silver and works of art.
19781213 Caucasian, Turcoman, nomadic and Persian rugs.
Japanese ceramics, lacquer, wood sculptures, bronzes and other metalwork, and an interesting group of contemporary pottery and other works of art.
Terres cuites antiques de Tunisie; cʹeramiques prʹecolombiennes; meubles et objets d'art; tapisseries, tapis, boiseries.
English furniture, clocks, works of art and textiles.
Important old master paintings.
Fine old master paintings.
Tableaux anciens, cʹeramique, meubles des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Objets d'art et d'ameublement; objets de vitrine; bois sculptʹes, bronzes, pendules, sièges et meubles; tapisseries anciennes.
19781214 Cʹeramique de la Chine; pierres dures; jades anciens des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; tapis d'Orient.
Foreign silver and allied wares and objects of vertu from 1835.
Fine continental furniture, objects of art, tapestries, Eastern rugs and carpets.
Chinese jades, hardstone carvings and snuff bottles.
Edouard Manet etchings and lithographs.
Important nineteenth century and modern prints.
Objets de haute curiositʹe.
Important Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Western Asiatic antiquities; fine ancient and Islamic glass from the collection of Wheaton College.
19781215 Rugs and carpets, works of art, paintings on glass, textiles, furniture.
Collection Jacques Lehmann.
Scientific instruments; watches; clocks.
Important livres illustrés et œuvres originales d'artistes modernes, gouaches, dessins, gravures : Barbier, Bissière, Bonnard, Denis, Dufy ...
Objets d'art et d'ameublement; cʹeramique, porcelaines et faïences anciennes; objets de vitrine; bronzes, pendules, lustres; sièges et meubles.
Fine Oriental miniatures and manuscripts, Islamic works of art, and 19th century paintings.
English decorative prints, 1700-1900, including sporting subjects, portraits, caricatures, topographical views, and naval and military subjects.
Importants bijoux; objets de vitrine; orfèvrerie russe; orfèvrerie ancienne; argenterie moderne.
Fine old master pictures.
Tableaux anciens, XVIIe, XVIIIe, XIXe siècles, art prʹehispanique, art nègre.
19781216 Wedgwood and allied wares.
Art nouveau, art dʹeco, peintures, arts graphiques, arts dʹecoratifs.
Fine Persian rugs and carpets.
Tapis d'Orient.