Call Number (LC) Title Results
19790627 Modern British drawings, paintings and sculpture.
American and European paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculpture.
Important English and foreign silver.
Orientalisme; peintures modernes et du XIXe siècle; verreries et beau mobilier art nouveau.
Arts d'Asie, cʹeramique de la Chine; ivoires, jades; laques du Japon, art lamaique; sculptures du Gandhara, peintures et paravents du Japon, tapis d'Orient.
Fine old master and British prints.
Oriental ivories, Shibayama and works of art.
Fine netsuke, sculpture, inro and lacquer; a series of inro; a good series of suzuribako and other lacquer wares.
200 tableaux modernes.
Tableaux anciens, orfèvrerie ancienne et argenterie moderne, rare baton de marʹechal du second empire, objets d'art; bel ameublement.
19790628 Collection Kanzler: bel ameublement, gravures, dessins anciens, tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, bronzes modernes, argenterie, porcelaines chinoises et europʺeennes.
Old master, nineteenth and twentieth century prints.
Fine English furniture.
Atelier Andrʹe Lanskoy.
British prints 1780-1940, nineteenth century and modern prints.
An interesting collection of old master drawings.
Fine old master drawings.
English and foreign silver and plate.
Fine Russian works of art.
19th and 20th century photographs.
19790629 Medieval works of art; Gothic wood sculpture; Renaissance works of art.
English furniture.
English, French and continental furniture, decorations and clocks.
Photographic images and related material.
Important old master pictures.
Moderne Kunst des neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, Bilder, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Graphik, Skulpturen, Autographen, illustrierte Bücher.
Fine rugs, carpets, gelims and textiles.
19790630 Objects of art, fine English and continental furniture, Eastern rugs and carpets. 1
19790702 Important Italian maiolica.
Livres des XVIe au XXe siècles; livres anciens, livres romantiques, éditions originales; alpinisme, suisse, régionalisme, voyage; livres sur les beaux arts, périodiques, bibliographies; livres modernes, illustrés par des peitures.
Fine French paperweights and millefiori objects.
Impressionist and post-impressionist paintings.
19790703 Modern paintings and drawings from the Paul Rosenberg Family collection.
Impressionist and modern paintings.
Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels; cʹeramique; sculptures; tableaux modernes.
Impressionist and modern drawings, watercolours and sculpture.
English pottery; English porcelain.
Contemporary art.
Fine Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
19790704 Impressionist and modern paintings and drawings.
Important old master and modern prints.
Important impressionist and modern paintings.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
English furniture including a collection of cast-iron furniture, clocks, bronzes, works of art; textiles and rugs.
Icônes, bijoux; objets de vitrine; argenterie ancienne; argenterie moderne; mʹetal argentʹe.
Livres, gravures et dessins du dix-huitième siècle, première vente.
Julian Barrow, an Englishman's view of New York : [exhibition].
19790705 Important impressionist and modern drawings and watercolours.
Objects of vertu, walking sticks and parasols; English and foreign silver including smallwork from 1835; and 18th, 19th and 20th century fans.
Fine French furniture and continental tapestries.
19790706 Nineteenth century impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Fine French furniture, works of art, tapestries, rugs and carpets.
Antiquitʹes du Bassin Mʹediterranʹeen.
Porcelaines de Chine.
19790709 Sculpture and works of art.
Important Chinese and Korean ceramics, bronzes, enamels and works of art.
Fine modern sporting guns and rifles, antique firearms, fishing tackle, natural history trophies, sporting prints and a collection of engravings from Blair Castle.
Russian works of art.
Fine Oriental miniatures and manuscripts.
19790710 Fine Oriental ceramics and works of art.
Important old master drawings.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Fine Japanese prints, paintings, screens, illustrated books, and reference works.
Tableaux des XIXe et XXe siècles.
19790711 Drawings of views of Rome, Florence and elsewhere by Giuseppe Zocchi.
Decorative works of art, furniture and rugs; American & European paintings, watercolors, drawings & sculpture.
Important old master paintings.
Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco.
Meubles et objets d'art du XVIIIe et du XIXe siècle.
Japanese netsuke, inro and works of art.
Fine old master paintings.
English and foreign silver.
Old master drawings.
Art d'Orient
Chinese jades, hardstone carvings and snuff bottles.
19790712 Old master engravings, etchings and woodcuts.
Studio ceramics.
Indian miniatures.
Continental furniture.
Medieval works of art; Gothic works of art and sculpture; Renaissance bronzes; reference books, caskets, jewellery and Baroque sculpture and bronzes.
Works of art and objects of vertu.
19790713 Rugs and carpets, tapestries, textiles and furniture.
Fine old master pictures.
19790716 19th century English and continental sculpture.
English pottery, porcelain and Wedgwood.
19790717 Art nouveau, art dʹeco and studio pottery.
Continental pottery; continental porcelain.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Old master and 19th century continental drawings.
19790718 Oriental works of art and furniture.
Seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century British paintings.
Japanese porcelain, pottery, lacquer, bronze and other metalwork, ivory carvings, wood and ivory netsuke.
19790719 Indian and Islamic works of art.
Pewter and metalwork, English and Continental oak.
Good musical instruments.
Oriental ceramics.
Eighteenth and nineteenth century British drawings and watercolours.
Important English and foreign silver and plate.
19790720 Fine Victorian pictures.
Rugs and carpets, furniture.
19790723 English and continental ceramics.
Oriental ceramics, bronzes, enamels, paintings and works of art.