Call Number (LC) Title Results
19791020 Fine French and continental furniture and decorations. 1
19791021 Auguste Pégurier (1856-1936): aquarelles, pastels, peintures; 1re vente.
Ancienne collection larcade, importantes sculptures en marbre et en pierre des époques romaine, romane, gothique et des XVIe - XVIIe s., sièges et meubles des époques et des styles des XVIe - XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, importantes statues, portail, fontaine, grands vases en porphyre du XVIIIe siècle, succession de Mme à divers amateurs, argenterie, bijoux, céramiques, tableaux anciens des XVIIIe et XIXe s.
19791022 Fine pictures, drawings and watercolours from the 17th to the 20th century.
English pottery and porcelain.
Fernand Pinal, 1881-1958.
19791023 Meubles et objets d'art des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Cartes postales.
Veiling van Hollandse tegels en tegeltableaux, Glas, Delfts aardewerk, Europees en Aziatisch porselein en aardewerk, Art Noveau en Art Deco.
Zilver, koper, brons, tin, klokken en horloges, sculpturen, varia, juwelen, tapijten, meubelen.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
English pottery; English porcelain.
Très belles estampes des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; dessins et tableaux anciens, meubles et objets d'art; tapis d'Aubusson.
19791024 Tapis d'Orient.
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings, watercolours and sculpture.
Delfts aardewerk.
Céramique, haute époque, objets d'art et de bel ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle; importants tableaux anciens.
Fine antique arms and armour.
Dutch Delft.
English and foreign silver.
Bedeutende Kunstwerke, 19./20. Jahrhundert.
Fine gold boxes and objects of vertu; clocks and watches.
Tableaux anciens; objets de vitrines; bronzes, pendules, lustres, bijoux, argenterie, mʹetal argentʹe; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles, XVIIIe siècle; tapis; tapisserie.
American paintings, drawings and sculpture of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
Victorian International VII: good 19th and 20th century porcelain, silver, decorations, works of art, furniture and rugs.
Estampes, gravures du XVIIIe siècle, estampes des XIXe et XXe siècles, vingt-huit planches de la tauromachies de F. Goya en 1er tirage, affiches, imagerie, modes, oiseaux, portraits, sports, vues de France et de l'Étranger, important ensemble de vues de Paris, vues d'optique.
Cʹeramique de la Chine et du Japon des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Photographic images and related material.
19791025 English and foreign silver and plate.
Möbel, skulpturen...
American 19th & 20th century paintings, drawings, watercolors & sculpture.
19th and 20th century photographs.
Antique jewelry.
English furniture.
Important Art Nouveau & Art Dʹeco.
Nineteenth century European drawings and watercolours.
Watches; scientific instruments; clocks.
Studio ceramics.
19791026 Rugs, carpets and textiles, works of art, furniture.
Important Victorian pictures.
Estampes; dessins, aquarelles, gouaches et pastels; tableaux modernes.
Prʹehistoire, antique, haute ʹepoque; archʹeologie; haute curiositʹe.
Photographic images and other material from the Beaton studio.
Argenterie ancienne.
Tableaux anciens, armes, art nouveau, art dʹeco, meubles, objets d'art, tapis d'Orient.
Important American Indian art.
19791027 English furniture, decorations and clocks.
Tapis d'Orient.
Cartes postales sʹelectionnʹees.
19791028 Collection de Son Altesse le Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan: Tapis d'Orient, tapisseries, meubles, tableaux, porcelaines, objets d'art.
Tableaux modernes; sculptures.
19791029 Fine Dutch drawings = Belangrijke Nederlandse tekeningen.
Estampes anciennes et modernes; tableaux, aquarelles, pastels, dessins modernes; bronzes.
Art nouveau, art déco.
Dessins anciens: bijoux.
Fine Americana.
Faïences, bronzes et objets d'art des XV au XVIIIe siècles.
19791030 Militaria.
United States 1861-1869 postal history and Confederate States of America.
Chinese hardstone carvings, works of art and Qing porcelain.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Old master and 19th century continental drawings.
Livres anciens, modernes et dédicaces; manuscrits; art nouveau, art déco; meubles d'epoque et de style; dessins et tableaux modernes.
19791031 English furniture, English and continental works of art and bronzes; rugs and carpets.
Nineteenth and twentieth century photographs
Important art nouveau and art deco.
Bijoux, orfèvrerie, tableaux anciens, meubles d'ʹepoque et de style.
Icons = Griekse en Russische iconen.
Fine old master paintings.
Good 19th and 20th century Oriental works of art.
Bijoux; objets de vitrine; argenterie ancienne; argenterie moderne.
19791101 Moderne graphik, bilder = Gravures modernes, tableaux.
A study collection of old brass candlesticks.
Photographic images and related material.
Pewter and metalwork, English and Continental oak.
English and foreign silver smallwork including a collection of propelling pencils; objects of vertu, pipes, card cases, sticks, beadwork, ivories, enamels and decorative miniatures from 1835; and 18th, 19th and 20th century fans.
Pre-Columbian, American Indian and ethnographic works of art.
19791102 Important Chinese ceramics, archaic jades, bronzes, sculpture, works of art and paintings.
Rugs and carpets, tea caddies, furniture.
Oriental ivories, lacquer and Shibayama.
Pictures, drawings and prints.
Twentieth century photographs : the collection of Joseph Macdonald.
19791103 Gemälde, Skulpturen, Graphik.
European ceramics.
19791105 Volume two: Oriental works of art and furniture.
English and continental ceramics.
Works of art and furniture, Volume One.
The William N. Copley collection.
19791106 Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
Dessins et croquis d'Eugene Delacroix; dessins du XIXe siècle; collection d'almanachs anciens et de cartonnages romantiques.
Russian and European avant-garde art: 1905-1930.
English pottery; English porcelain.
Objets d'art et d'ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle; sièges et meubles.
Porzellan, asiatisches Porzellan, Asiatica, Netsukes, Elfenbein, Antiken, Glas, Jugendstil, Bücher, Plastiken, diverse Antiquitäten, Dosen, Miniaturen, Bilder, Zeichnungen, Graphik, Möbel, Spiegel, Zinn, Bronzen, Teppiche, Tapisserien, Silber, russisches Silber, Ikonen, Judaica, Schmuck, Sammlung von Goldmedaillen Ausprägungen seltener und früher Briefmarken, Rodin-Plastik, Bilder, Sammlung von 252 Bildern vorwiegend israelischer Künstler.
Tableaux anciens; bijoux; montres des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; objets de vitrine; argenterie ancienne et moderne; cʹeramiques du XVIIIe siècle; haute ʹepoque, sculptures, icônes, meubles et objets d'art des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles; tapisseries, tapis d'Orient.
19791107 The Paulette Goddard Remarque collection of paintings and drawings.
Estampes, tableaux XIXe et contemporains, rare sculptures.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors.
Old master paintings.
Furniture and decorative arts from 1875.
Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century British and European paintings.
Good Japanese porcelain pottery, lacquer, inro and netsuke.
Dessins anciens et du XIXe siècle.
19791108 Important 19th and 20th century drawings and watercolors.
Important ensemble de dessins, lavis, pastels, aquarelles, peintures, sculptures de Julio Gonzalez.
Important contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Ceramiche europee, porcellane ed oggetti d'arte orientali.
Tableaux modernes, bronzes, meubles et objets d'art.
The Cyrus tapestries.
Old master, nineteenth and twentieth century prints.
The James MacGillivray collection of woodwind instruments.
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Continental furniture.
English, Irish and foreign silver and plate.
Japanese ceramics and works of art.
Asiatica, Asiatische Keramik.
Highly important musical instruments; comprising violins and violas, including the Baron Rothschild, ...violoncellos, bows.
British drawings and watercolours 1750-1930 and European architectural drawings.
19791109 Modern paintings and sculpture.
Cʹeramique de la Chine; tapis de Chine et d'Orient.
Rugs and carpets, tapestries, works of art, furniture.
Fine African and Oceanic art.
Dessins, aquarelles, gouaches et pastels; tableaux.
Railwayana, live steam and clockwork automobilia, locomotives, stationary steam engines, models, ships' fittings, scrimshaw and model ships.
Contemporary art.
Old master pictures.