Call Number (LC) Title Results
19810518 Bibliothèque d'Anatole France á la Béchellerie (près Tours); livres anciens et modernes, chronique de Nuremberg (1493).
Japanese ivories, lacquer, shibayama and works of art.
English and Continental prints.
English porcelain.
English and foreign silver.
Art nouveau, art deco.
Oriental ceramics
The Saul P. Steinberg Collection: important modern paintings and sculpture, part 1.
Bijoux...orfèvrerie française XVIIIe-XIXe et moderne...orfèvrerie étrangère principalement du XIXe siècle
Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne et moderne, faience et porcelaine, objets d'art et d'ameublement, sièges et meubles anciens, tapisseries.
Monnaies romaines : république, empire
Gioielli, oggetti preziosi ed orologi.
19810519 Decorative, sporting and topographical prints and maps.
Oriental rugs, Oriental and decorative arts, and silver.
Le Domaine Enchanté, eight important paintings by René Magritte.
Oriental ceramics.
Eight important paintings from a private collection.
Objects of vertu, English and Russian enamels.
Bijoux...objets de vitrine...collection de hochets, orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne
Important jewelry.
The Edward T. Chow collection, part three, catalogue of Ming and Qing porcelain and various works of art.
German expressionist paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Fine textiles, embroidery and lace.
Victorian drawings and watercolours.
The Saul P. Steinberg Collection: important modern drawings and watercolors, part 2.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
19810520 Kunst des 19./20. Jahrhunderts = Art du 19e/20e siècle = Art of the 19th/20th century.
Bijoux anciens et modernes, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
Paintings, drawings and sculpture from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh B. Block.
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
19th and 20th century costume, oriental robes,quilts and needlework.
Pictures, watercolours, drawings, prints and sculpture.
Furniture, carpets, objects of art and musical instruments
French and continental furniture, clocks and watches.
19810521 Fine English furniture.
Oriental works of art
Cameras and photographic equipment
Hollandse tegels, glas, art nouveau en art déco, europese ceramiek en delfts aardewerk.
Tapis d'Orient.
Fine Oriental miniatures, manuscripts and Islamic works of art.
Japanese ceramics, works of art and furniture.
Bibliothèque d'un amateur : éditions originales, grands papiers et livres illustrés modernes, livres anciens et romantiques, belles reliures
Modern paintings and sculpture.
Good 18th & 19th century furniture, bronzes and eastern rugs and carpets; clocks, barometers and watches.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture.
European ceramics
Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors.
Alte Kunst: Gemälde, Skulpturen, Porzellan, Fayence, Glas, Silber, Dosen, Möbel, Tapisserien, Orientteppiche.
British watercolours and drawings, 1750 - 1920.
Coins, medals and decorations of the world and of the United States of America.
19810522 Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels, tapisserie, tableaux modernes.
Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors.
Bijoux...objets de vitrine...orfèvrerie ancienne...argenterie moderne
Rugs and carpets and furniture.
Fine Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Egyptian, and Near Eastern antiquities.
Tableaux anciens, mobilier des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Important european porcelain.
Fine Continental pictures of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
19810523 Chinese ceramics, hardstone carvings, works of art, textiles, rugs and reference books.
Atelier Andrey Prevost (1890-1961), 2e vente.
Textiles et tissages, tapis anciens.
Estampes; tableaux, aquarelles, dessins; sculptures, tableaux modernes.
19810525 Art oriental islamique: céramique, bronzes et divers; art d'Extrême-Orient: céramique de la Chine et du Japon; importante suite d'estampes japonaises.
Fine eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century China trade paintings, drawings, watercolours and prints.
Monnaies antiques, françaises, étrangères
Bijoux..., objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne et moderne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, art 1900 - 1925, porcelaines et faiences, objets d'art, meubles.
19810526 English and continental glass.
Asiatische Keramik; Japan; Japanische Malereien, Südostasien, China; Tibet, Nepal, Indien.
Dessins, aquarelles, gouaches et pastels.
Tableaux anciens, objets d'art, instruments de musique, mobilier art nouveau, art déco, sièges et meubles des XVIIe et XIXe siècles, tapisseries, tapis d'Aubusson, de Chine et d'Orient.
Fans from the Lucien Duchet collection and other fine fans
Importanti dipinti disegni bronzi e stampe.
19810527 Archéologie: Égypte, Perse, Grèce, Rome.
Decorative works of art, furniture and rugs.
Bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
English and Continental pictures.
Old master paintings and eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century British paintings.
Furniture, oak, carpets, domestic metalware and objects of art
19th and 20th century American and European paintings, drawings and watercolors.
Bibliothèque du Professeur Th. Alajouanine : livres anciens, livres illustrés modernes; deuxième partie
19810528 19th century European paintings, part II.
European ceramics
Topographical paintings, watercolours, drawings and prints.
Objects of art, Continental furniture, tapestries, Eastern rugs and carpets.
Oriental works of art
Important 19th century European paintings, part I.
English and foreign silver and plated wares from 1837.
19810529 Nineteenth Century European paintings.
Fine old master pictures.
Art nouveau and art deco.
American impressionist & 20th century paintings, drawings, watercolors & sculpture.
European and American books and sets.
Rugs and carpets and furniture.
Fine European works of art, tapestries and furniture.
19810530 Important art Nouveau and art Deco.
Gemälde, Skulpturen, Graphik.
19810601 20. Jahrhundert.
English and Continental watercolours and drawings.
Fine Japanese netsuke, inro, lacquer wares and ceramics.
Oriental ceramics
Livres anciens romantiques et modernes
15-19 Jahrhundert.
Dessins anciens et du XIXe siecle.
Furniture and decorative arts, Volume I.
19810602 Costume, samplers, textiles, linen and lace
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
Pre-Columbian, American Indian, African and Oceanic art, Egyptian, classical, Western Asiatic, Islamic and later works of art.
Fine Japanese swords and sword fittings.
Dessins et tableaux de maitres anciens.
Ostasiatische kunst: China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, Südostasien.
Furniture, paintings, decorative objects and Russian icons.
Fine Japanese prints, paintings, screens and illustrated books.
Fine and antique jewellery.
Objects of vertu and miniatures
Ordres et décorations français, coloniaux, étrangers dont certains attribués a des français
19810603 Cartes, instruments scientifiques, souvenirs historiques, armes de chasse modernes, armes anciennes
Fine old master paintings.
English and Continental pictures.
Master drawings.
Jewelry, silver, watches, art nouveau & art deco, Oriental works of art, European ceramics, furniture and decorations, rugs & carpets, America n paintings and 19th & 20th century prints.
Porcelaines et faiences francaises et etrangeres principalement du XVIIIe siecle.
Ensemble d'autographes & manuscrit original de "la Vie Parisienne" d'Offenbach
Monnaies d'or, bijoux...argenterie ancienne...argenterie moderne
Fine Japanese prints, illustrated books and Japanese and Chinese paintings.
Collectors' carrousel.
French furniture, clocks and works of art; oriental ceramics and furniture.
Carpets, objects of art, clocks and barometers
19810604 19th Century ivory-carvings, sculpture and works of art.
Montres et pendules de collection.
English ceramics.
Oriental works of art
Ballet and theatre material.
Mobili ed oggetti d'arte.
Ölgemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Graphik alter und neuer Meister.
English and foreign silver and plate.
European ceramics
Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art, volume II.
19810605 Chinese, european and oriental rugs and carpets.
An important public sale of rare books, autographs and manuscripts, large private collection of Western memorabilia and historical Americana ... : sale: Friday, June 5th, 1981 ... Samuel T. Freeman & Co. ... 1808 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Faiences, porcelaines.
Chinese decorative arts.
Important Victorian pictures.
Estampes, tableaux anciens.
Beaux livres, tableaux des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, objets d'art, mobilier de style, importante tapisserie d'Aubusson de Magnelli
Old master paintings and drawings.
American and European paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture.
Bijoux...objets de vitrine...argenterie ancienne et a thé, soupières
19810606 English, French and continental furniture, decorations and clocks. 1
19810608 The late Chingwah Lee Collection, San Francisco, fine oriental art.
English and Continental prints.
Oriental paintings, prints and scrolls, Indian and Islamic paintings and miniatures
Chinese ceramics, bronzes, enamels, paintings and works of art.
19810609 Glass
Highly important jewelry and watches.
Fine and important Chinese snuff bottles from the collection of Edward T. Chow and various other sources.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
English and Continental glass.
Fine and important Chinese snuff bottles from the collection of F.W.A. Knight.
Textiles, costume, linen, lace, fans and accessories, including leather and crocodile cases
Old master and nineteenth century drawings and watercolors.