Call Number (LC) Title Results
19820419 Oriental ceramics
Albert Huyot.
English and Continental prints.
Tableaux anciens, icones Russes, meubles et objets d'art, tapisseries, tapis anciens.
English porcelain and pottery.
Oriental paintings, prints, scrolls and Tibetan thankas
Arts decoratifs styles 1900 et 1925.
Belangrijke Nederlandse en Vlaamse Tekeningen = Fine Dutch and Flemish drawings.
19820420 Important silver, objects of vertu and jewellery.
Fine and important Chinese snuff bottles.
Victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours.
English pottery and porcelain.
Good antique arms & armour.
Later European ceramics.
United States, British and foreign postage stamps and postal history.
Good antique arms & armour
Old Master, modern and British prints.
19820421 19th and 20th century paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Important sculpture and works of art.
Carpets, objects of art, clocks and barometers
Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels, ceramique, sculptures, tableaux modernes.
Antique firearms, armour, edged weapons and militaria.
Fine English and continental pottery, porcelain and Wedgwood.
Important contemporary and Art Deco jewelry and objets de vertu.
Atelier Félix Buhot, 1847-1898 ; tableaux modernes
Haute epoque, tres belle statuaire.
Archeologie Mediterraneenne, antiquites Perses et Islamiques; extreme-orient.
Succession Anne Otto Wertheimer : dessins, tableaux, cadres des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles...argenterie, faïences, verrerie, Extrême-Orient, archéologie, haute-époque, objets d'art, meubles
Important old master paintings.
19820422 Medieval works of art, Gothic and Renaissance sculpture, Renaissance and later bronzes, jewellery and mounted hardstones, ivories, Baroque sculpture, metalwork, caskets and art reference books.
Oriental works of art
British drawings and watercolours 1750 - 1930 and watercolours of Irish interest.
Fine Eastern textiles, rugs and carpets.
Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, ceramiques, extreme-orient, objets d'art, bel ensemble de mobilier du XVIIIe siecle.
Tableaux des XIXe et XXe siecles.
European ceramics
Fine French furniture and objects of art.
Important continental porcelain and fine French furniture, decorations and clocks.
Decorative arts part I, arts and crafts, Art Nouveau and Art Deco.
19820423 Decorative arts, part II, art pottery and studio ceramics.
Important ensemble estampes, dessins, lavis, pastels, aquarelles par Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen 1859-1923.
Important continental furniture, clocks and tapestries.
Important Old Master pictures.
Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, ivoires, importants bijoux, beau mobilier du XVIIIe.
American 18th century, 19th century and western paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Art Islamique.
Meubles et objets d'art principalement du XVIIIe siècle
19820424 Fine American Indian art.
English pottery.
19820425 Important Japanese kodogu and gaiso and works of art. 1
19820426 Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient.
L'illusion theatrale: danse, theatre, opera, music-hall, cinema, television.
Fine antique American and English silver; porcelain tableware; 18th and 19th century American, English and continental furniture; 19th and 20t h century American and European paintings, graphics and watercolors; fin e selection of Oriental rugs
The remaining contents of the studio of the late Patrick Larking R.P., R.O.I.
Bijoux anciens et modernes, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté
Maquettes de costumes de theatre de Jean I et Jean II Berain.
English and Continental watercolours and drawings.
Livres sur les beaux arts; estampes anciennes et modernes; tableaux, aquarelles, dessins modernes; bronzes de Barye.
19820427 Fine Victorian watercolours and drawings.
Tableaux anciens; tableaux du XIXe siecle et modernes; miniatures, bel ensemble de porcelaines; pendules et cartels du XVIIIe siecle; sieges et meubles des epoques regence, Louis XV et Louis XVI; important paravent d'epoque Kang-hi; tapis, tapisseries.
English drawings and watercolors.
Quilts, samplers, embroidered pictures, lace bobbins and linen.
19820428 Bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie.
Estampes japonaises.
Carpets and objects of art
Chinese paintings, ceramics and works of art.
Fine rugs, carpets and textiles.
Printed and manuscript Americana.
Haute epoque.
English and Continental pictures
19820429 The Thomas G. Rizzo collection of important American folk art and related decorative arts.
Importants tableaux anciens.
Oriental works of art
Good silver.
European ceramics
English furniture.
19820430 Estampes.
Old master pictures.
Art Nouveau and Art Deco
Old master and nineteenth century drawings.
Indian, Himalayan and South East Asian, and Islamic works of art.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siecles.
19820501 Fine oriental rugs and carpets. 1
19820502 Jugendstil, Glas, Silber, Uhren, Works of Art, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Zinn, Steinzeug, Gerät aus Bronze, Kupfer, Messing. 1
19820503 Paintings, drawings and sculpture from the collection of the University of southern California. 1
19820504 Furniture, paintings, decorative objects, Oriental and tribal works of art and antiquities.
Important pictures, drawings and watercolours from the 17th to the 20th century.
Goss, pot-lids, commemorative ware and Staffordshire
Costume, accessories, fans, textiles and embroidered pictures
Contemporary paintings, drawings, sculpture and jewelry.
Art musulman.
19820505 Contemporary art.
Tableaux modernes & contemporains, sculptures.
Continental furniture and works of art.
Carpets, objects of art and sculpture
English and Continental pictures.
Fine medical books.
19820506 Tapis d'Orient.
Oriental works of art
Fine European silver.
Contemporary paintings, sculpture, drawings, watercolors and collages.
English and foreign silver and plated wares, objects of vertu and fans.
European ceramics
19820507 Catalogue of fine carpets.
Antiques, arts primitifs, haute curiosite.
Objets d'art et d'ameublement, principalement du XVIIIe siecle.
Fine Victorian pictures.
Fine Faberge, Russian works of art, gold boxes, objects of vertu and portrait miniatures.
Japanese works of art including Chinese furniture and decorations.
99 tapis d'Orient.
English furniture.
19820509 La collection Reynaud de faience de Marseille. 1