Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19830509 |
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: porcelaines et faïences, objets de vitrine, bronzes, sièges et meubles, tapis, tapisseries Japanese works of art. Art russe. Carlos-Reymond 1884-1970, Marthe Lebasque: dessins, aquarelles, peintures. Les années 50. Succession Seigneur, de Dinan: vente au profit de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale et la Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer; Objets d'art, sieges et meubles anciens English and Continental watercolours, drawings and prints. Alte Kunst, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Porzellan, Fayence, Glas, Silber, Möbel, Textilien, Orientteppiche. Oriental ceramics and works of art. Silver. 19th & 20th century photographs. Important European porcelain. |
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19830510 |
English drawings and watercolours. Waffen, Militaria. Tableaux et sculptures des maitres du XIXe siècle et modernes. Important gold boxes. Fine watches, miniatures, antique jewellery, objects of vertu. Dessins et tableaux anciens, miniatures, tableaux du XIXe siècle et modernes. Henri Lebasque: dessins, aquarelles, peintures. Wertvolle Bücher und Autographen des 15.-20. Jahrhunderts. Contemporary art. Fine embroidery and costume. Contemporary art from the collection of Harriet Mnuchin Weiner. Importanti dipinti, disegni e stampe. Photographs. |
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19830511 |
Important Russian works of art and objects by Carl Faberg'e, Russian Silver, Niello enamels, icons, porcelain. Modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. English and Continental pictures. Contemporary art. Portrait miniatures, gold boxes, object of vertu, Faberge, and Russian works of art. Furniture. Carpets and objects of art. Fine Chinese ceramics, jades and works of art. Antique arms and armour. Objets d'art et d'ameublement Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient |
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19830512 |
European silver. Oriental silk carpets. Important Pre-Columbian art. Fine European silver. Staffordshire. European ceramics Oriental carpets. 18th, 19th and 20th century Latin American paintings, drawings and sculpture. 18th, 19th and 20th century Latin American paintings, sculpture, prints, photographs and Haitian paintings. Eastern rugs and carpets. |
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19830513 |
Eighteenth century English furniture. Gemälde, Skulpturen, Graphik, Bücher. Fine English pictures. |
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19830513 19830514 | Fine Japanese prints, paintings, netsuke, lacquer, swords and works of art. | 1 |
19830514 |
Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century China trade paintings, drawings, watercolours and prints. Chinese ceramics, works of art and jades. |
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19830516 |
Silver Oriental paintings, prints and scrolls. English and Continental watercolours and drawings. Important Japanese prints, paintings, ceramics, Netsuke and decorative works of art. |
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19830517 |
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture. 19th Century rugs, sculpture, porcelain, works of art and furniture. |
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19830518 |
Carpets and objects of art Impressionist paintings and drawings from the estate of Doris D. Havemeyer. English and Continental pictures. Fine Japanese prints, illustrated books, paintings and screens and Chinese paintings. Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture. Furniture Antique Extrême Orient, estampes japonaises. Très belles estampes originales des XIXe et XXe siècles, livres d'art ou illustrés. Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors. Bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté |
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19830519 |
Important 19th and 20th century European paintings. Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors. A distinguished collection of French furniture. Livres sur la gravure, estampes modernes, tableaux, aquarelles, dessins modernes, bronzes. Good scientific and medical instruments, cameras, optical toys, office equipment and craftsman's tools. Glass and European ceramics Modern paintings and sculpture. |
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19830520 |
Continental furniture, 1580-1840. Livres; tableaux anciens; aquarelle, peintures XIXe siècle et modernes; bijoux; orfèvrerie ancienne; argenterie moderne; sièges et meubles XVIIIe et XIXe siècle; tapis d'Orient; tapisserie d'Aubusson. Photographies, gravures, dessins, tableaux, sculptures, art nègre, ameublement art nouveau, art Déco. Contemporary Paintings, drawings and sculpture. Timbres-postes. |
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19830521 | Late 19th and 20th century works of art, including fine art nouveau and art deco. | 1 |
19830523 |
The Signature Collection, self-portraits by international artists 1983 in the medium of makeup. Oriental ceramics and works of art. Objects of vertu and silver English and Continental watercolours, prints and drawings. |
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19830524 |
Costume, textiles, embroidered pictures, samplers, linen, lace patchwork quilts and furs. Argenti e gioielli, ceramiche, orologi, tappeti, oggetti d'arte, mobili. |
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19830525 |
British Impressionist and Post-Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture. Monnaies d'or franc̲aises et étrangères, bijoux anciens et modernes, objets de vitrine, montres, orfevrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté Furniture Fine books and manuscripts. Veiling van Europese ceramiek, art nouveau en art d'eco, Delfts aardewerk, glas en Hollandse tegels. Important ensemble d'oeuvres de Steinlen: aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels, tableaux modernes. Pictures, watercolours, drawings, prints and sculpture : Particularly of American, Canadian, African, Australasian, Eastern and Islamic interest. Haute époque. Importanti maioliche e porcellane, mobili ed oggetti d'arte, orologi, argenti, gioielli. Carpets and objects of art |
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19830526 |
The Irving M. Feldstein Collection European ceramics Victorian watercolours and architectural drawings and watercolours. Silver and plated wares. Fine English furniture, Eastern rugs and carpets. Nineteenth and twentieth century clocks and wristwatches. Archʹeologie d'orient, terres cuites, glyptique, bronzes, bronzes, parthes et sassanides, antiquities. Important collection of art deco. Important arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco. Important 19th century European paintings and drawings. |
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19830527 |
Tableaux modernes, extreme-orient... Old master pictures. Bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne et moderne, métal argenté Extrême-Orient, c'eramique, art nouveau, objets d'ameublement sièges et meubles, tapis. Victorian, Edwardian and later furniture. Nineteenth Century European paintings, drawings and watercolors. Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles |
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19830530 |
Estampes, dessins, aquarelles, gouaches, pastels, tableaux modernes et XIXe. Art du Japon: ancienne collection Corbin et divers amateurs. Tapis d'Orient 2O. Jahrhundert. |
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19830531 |
Silver British and Irish pottery and porcelain. Arts primitifs. Importants tableaux et sculptures modernes. Bijoux; argenterie; objets prʹehistoriques, antiquitʹe, icones; armes anciennes de collection; tableaux des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; objets d'arts et d'ameublement; mobilier des XVIIe, XVIIIe siècles; tapis; voitures. |
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