Call Number (LC) Title Results
19850523 Botanical and architectural drawings and watercolours.
Important 19th century European paintings, drawings and watercolors.
Chinese ceramics and decorative works of art.
Fine American furniture, silver and decorative arts.
Glass and European ceramics
Fine Asian works of art and sculpture, Pre-Columbian art, fine Eastern rugs and carpets, fine furniture, clocks and works of art.
Important English silver.
19850524 Art russe, dessins, aquarelles, gouaches, tableaux, icônes, porcelaines; objets de vitrine, argenterie.
Important continental furniture and tapestries.
Dessins, aquarelles, peinture du XIXe; dessins, tableaux anciens; argenterie; objets d'art d'Extrême Orient; jades et pierres dures, ivoires; tentures chinoises, peintures du Japon; art nouveau, art dʹeco; mobilier d'époque et de style; tapis; tapisseries des Flandres et d'Aubusson.
Old master pictures.
Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and watercolors.
Chinese ceramics, jades and works of art including property of the estate of Dr. Ip Yee.
Jugendstil und angewandte Kunst.
French and continental furniture and decorations.
19850527 Argenti e orologi. 1
19850528 Old master and English pictures.
English and Continental pictures.
Important Latin American paintings, drawings, sculpture and Haitian paintings.
19850529 Bijoux; ensemble de bijoux des annʹees 45/50; bijoux en or Napoleʹon III et XIXe; argenterie
Aquarelle, Handzeichnungen und Druckgraphik alter und moderner Meister, Autographen, dekorative Graphik, Buchschmuck und Einbände von der Gotik bis zur Barockzeit, illustrierte Bücher des 16.-20. Jahrhunderts, Schweizer Bücher und Ansichten sowie Landkarten und Trachtenblätter.
Décorations; casques français; collection de casques à pointes: du modèle 1867 au modèle 1915
Monnaies antiques; monnaies françaises; monnaies étrangères
Objets de vitrine et de curiosité des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècle
Tableaux, meubles et objets d'art, art nègre, tapisserie, tapis.
Carpets, objects of art, garden furniture and architectural fittings
Dessins anciens, tableaux anciens.
Nineteenth century European paintings.
English and continental watercolours, drawings and prints.
Furniture, paintings, decorative objects and Oriental works of art.
English and foreign silver and objects of vertu.
19850530 Latin American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Important American 18th, 19th and 20th century paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Fine English furniture.
Victorian watercolours and drawings and Irish pictures.
Art chinois de haute ʹepoque et estampes japonaises.
Oriental ceramics, works of art, paintings and prints
19850531 Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Mobilier art dʹeco.
Bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie anciènne et moderne.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement; sièges et meubles.
Belle réunion de verreries françaises et étrangères des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.
Pre-Columbian art.
Important American paintings, drawings and sculpture of 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
Collection de quinze bronzes par Pompon.
The Rabiah Collection of American Art.
19850603 Fine Chinese paintings.
Ancient and Islamic glass = Verres antiques et de l'Islam.
English porcelain and pottery.
Livres illustrés modernes; reliures mosaïquées; dessins originaux.
Important Chinese sculpture sold for the benefit of the J.T. Tai Foundation.
19850604 Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
Chinese furniture and Oriental works of art.
Armes anciennes et modernes
Important Chinese ceramics from the J.M. Hu Family collection.
Costume, textiles, linen, lace, samplers, embroidery and wallpaper
Pictures and drawings from the 17th to the 20th centuries.
The Bradford collection of 18th century Dutch engraved glass.
English and continental glass and glass paperweights.
Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art, Indonesian and South East Asian art.
The contents of the Manor House, Church Street, Ware, Hertfordshire.
Dessins et tableaux anciens, icones, tableaux modernes, objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe.
19850605 Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art, property of Hartman, Rare Art, Inc.
Objets d'art d'Extrême-Orient.
Important paintings by old masters.
Fine Chinese paintings.
Carpets and objects of art
Bibliothèque Robert et Irène Delmas
Argenterie moderne; mʹetal argentʹe; beaux bijoux anciens et modernes; objets de vitrine; orfèvrerie
Bronzes du Louristan.
Art d'Orient, archéologie, art musulman.
Art nègre; Océanie, Indonésie, Inde; ouvrages sur les arts primitifs; antiquités préhistoriques; antiquités méditeranéennes, objets de haute époque et curiosité
Marine sale.
English and Continental watercolours and drawings.
Peintures modernes et orientalistes; dessins anciens; tableaux anciens.
Horlogerie de collection,première partie: ouvrages et documents sur l'horlogerie outillage : deuxième partie.
19850606 Tableaux d'aujourd'hui.
Moderne Kunst.
Important sporting paintings and prints.
Watches and wristwatches; clocks.
Important old master paintings.
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
Fine Chinese and Japanese ceramics, works of art, furniture, paintings and prints.
Fine Continental furniture, objects of art and tapestries.
Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Graphik des 15.-19. Jahrhunderts.
Glass and European ceramics
19850607 Modern sporting guns, and the James W. Russell, Jr. collection of American firearms.
English furniture.
Modern British and Irish paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Art nouveau, art deco and doulton ware
Gemälde, Druckgrafik, Skulpturen, Grafik.
Fine gold and diamond jewelry
English furniture, decorations, and carpets including English, Continental and American silver.
Estampes, importants tableaux et sculptures modernes.
Ensemble d'oeuvres provenant de l'atelier Agathe Vaito.
Faiences et porcelaines XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Important British and American sporting pictures.
19850608 Rolf Nesch Sammlung Reinhard des arts 1
19850609 Automobiles de collection; automobiles de prestige; 23 affiches sur la marque Peugeot 1
19850610 Russian works of art, icons, objects of vertu.
Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels, sculptures, tableaux modernes.
20. Jahrhundert.
Modern British and Continental pictures, drawings, watercolours and sculpture.
Atelier J.-F. Auburtin (1866-1930).
Grand musée anatomique du docteur Spitzner
Tableaux, porcelaines et faïences, mobilier ancien.
19850611 English and Continental pictures.
Ostasiatische Kunst.
Fine instruments of science and technology, 1550-1950.
Joaillerie, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne, métal argenté.
The contents of Thorntree, Mendham, New Jersey.
19850612 Ölbilder, Zeichnungen, Graphik bis DM 2000.
Victorian paintings and sculpture.
Icons and Russian works of art.
Estampes, dessins et tableaux modernes; sculpture, dessins et tableaux anciens; faïence et porcelaine; objets d'ameublement et mobilier anciens.
English and Continental furniture, paintings and works of art.
Important jewelry.
Tableaux modernes et anciens, bel ensemble d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
English and continental watercolours, drawings and prints.
Faïences françaises du XVIIIème siècle.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Archéologie, Égypte, Grèce, Rome, Perse, Gaule.
Carpets, objects of art and sculpture
Tableaux modernes; tableaux XIXe siècle.
19850613 Russian and Greek icons and Russian works of art.
Fine Japanese works of art.
Furniture, metalwork, pewter and works of art.
Arts and crafts, art nouveau and art dʹeco.
Fine French and Continental furniture, objects of art, clocks, tapestries and sculpture.
Oriental ceramics, works of art, paintings and prints
19850614 Alphonse de Lamartine et son temps, lettres, autographes, manuscrits, documents
Dessins, aquarelles, gouaches, tableaux des XIXe et XXe siècles, art nouveau, art dʹeco.
Art nouveau, art déco.
Important English furniture and reference books.
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Tableaux modernes; tableaux anciens; antiques, haute ʹepoque; objets d'art et d'ameublement; sièges et meubles anciens; tapisseries; tapis d'Orient.
Important architectural designs and commissions.
Bijoux; argenterie
Fine Chinese ceramics, jades, snuff-bottles and works of art.
19850615 Fine art nouveau and art deco.
Tapis caucasiens et persans fin XIXe siècle, début XXe siècle.
Important paperweights.