Call Number (LC) Title Results
19880422 Estampes modernes et livres illustrés; tableaux modernes.
Important old master pictures.
Photographic images, a collection of stereoscopes and related material.
European metalwork and Scandinavian treen.
Watches, clocks and barometers.
Art nouveau, art déco.
19880423 The Andy Warhol collection, art nouveau and art deco.
Furniture, pictures, silver and plate, porcelain, rugs and carpets and works of art.
Tapis d'Orient.
19880424 Icônes russes XVIe au XIXe siècle; icônes grecques du XIXe siècle, samovars russes du XIXe siècle, tapis russes XIXe siècle.
Collection de dessins du XIXe siècle, atelier Henriette Tirman; atelier Maurice Lang.
Art contemporain, Éloge du grand format.
Atelier François d'Albignac (1903 -1958).
The Andy Warhol collection, collectibles, jewelry, furniture, decorations and paintings.
Bronzes et sculptures des XIXe et XXe siècles.
Tableaux XIXe et modernes.
19880425 Tapis d'Orient.
19th Century European paintings.
19880426 English and victorian pictures, watercolours and drawings.
Importanti dipinti, arredi, maioliche, porcellane orientali ed europee.
Objets d'art d'Extrême Orient.
English drawings and watercolours.
Sportings guns, arms, armour and militaria.
Bijoux; objets de vitrine; argenterie ancienne; argenterie moderne; métal argenté.
Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours and scottish silver.
19880427 Tableaux anciens; orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne; art d'Extrême Orient; objets d'art; mobilier; tapisserie; tapis; après décès de M. Karl Hammer, de Mme C.
The Andy Warhol collection, jewelry and watches.
Antique arms and armour.
19880428 Fine paintings and drawings.
Beaux bijoux anciens & modernes, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté.
English and continental silver, portrait miniatures and objects of vertu.
The Andy Warhol collection, American Indian art.
19880429 Bernasconi Collection of Italian pictures and drawings of the 19th century, part II.
Tableaux modernes.
The Andy Warhol collection, Americana and European and American paintings, drawings and prints.
Gravures, dessins, aquarelles XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe siècles; tableaux anciens et modernes; sculptures XIXe et XXe siècles; art nouveau, art déco; meubles et objets d'art XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapisseries, tapis.
Tableaux militaires, bibliothèque; objets maçonniques, figurines et soldats de plomb; belle petite selle de Mameluck pour enfant.
Dessins et tableaux anciens et modernes, orfèvrerie, objets de vitrine, céramiques, miniatures, pendules, sièges et meubles des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapisseries, tapis d'Orient.
"The horse in art"; fine pictures, drawings, prints, bronzes and racing memorabilia.
19880502 Bill Parker.
Robots, spacetoys and post-war glass.
Contemporary art.
Contemporary art, part I.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
The Andy Warhol collection, contemporary art.
19880503 Photography.
Contemporary art, part II.
19880504 Tableaux modernes.
Extrême Orient.
Art nègre du Congo, art de l'Islam et de l'Orient, importante bibliothèque de documentation.
Nineteenth century European paintings.
19880505 Fine English furniture, Eastern rugs and carpets.
Joaillerie; objets de vitrine; orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne; métal argenté.
Judaica, books, manuscripts and works of art.
Art contemporain.
19880506 Mobilier XVIIIe & XIXe siècles.
Fine English furniture.
Jugendstil und angewandte Kunst.
Decorative arts 1850 to the present day.
Tableaux modernes.
19880507 20 ans après... les images de la révolte. 1
19880508 Modern illustrated books and twentieth century decorative arts. 1
19880509 Important European porcelain.
Dessins, aquarelles, pastels, gouaches; tableaux modernes.
Arts et spectacles.
Chinese porcelain and works of art.
European silver.
Tableaux anciens, meubles et objets d'art.
19880510 European silver, miniatures and objects of vertu = Ofrèvrerie européenne, miniatures et objets de vitrine.
The Moran Caplat collection of designs for Glyndebourne.
Russian works of art and Fabergʹe, portrait miniatures, gold boxes and objects of vertu.
Costume, textiles and fashion plates.
Important tribal art.
European ceramics.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture, Part I.
Chinese export porcelain; Chinese decorative arts.
19880511 Bijoux, argenterie.
Watches, clocks and wrist watches = Montres, pendules et montres-bracelets.
Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors.
Porcelaines et faïences européennes; bel ensemble de faïences du Midi.
Modern British paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture, Part II.
Objets d'art et de bel ameublement.
19880512 The nineteenth century.
Magnificent jewells from the collection of his late Royal Highness Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan III.
Magnificent jewels = Superbes bijoux.
19th and 20th century prints.
19880513 Old master pictures. 1