Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19930407 |
British pictures. Photographic literature & 19th century photographs; classics of American & European photojournalism; 20th century photographs. Les saisons russes, 1ère vente. Art islamique. Précieux objets de vitrine des XVIIIe, XIXe siècles. Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and watercolours. French and continental furniture and objects of art. |
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19930408 |
442 pièces d'or; objets de vitrine; bijoux; orfèvrerie; métal argenté. 19th and 20th century photographs. Tableaux modernes et sculptures; dessins et tableaux anciens, argenterie ancienne, objets d'art et de bel ameublement, tapis, ensemble de 40 tapisseries. Gravures, dessins, peintures XIXe et XXe siècles. |
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19930409 | Art nouveau, art déco; vente de collection. | 1 |
19930414 | Nineteenth and twentieth century paintings, drawings and sculpture. | 1 |
19930415 |
British and continental ceramics. Fine Oriental and European carpets. |
2 |
19930416 | English furniture, decorations and ceramics. | 1 |
19930418 | Fine modern Chinese oil paintings, drawings and watercolours. | 1 |
19930419 |
Tableaux russes, école de Moscou. Flacons à parfum. |
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19930420 |
Old master drawings. The Adam Ferneyhough collection of Ruskin pottery. 19th century European paintings. |
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19930421 |
Old master paintings. Porcelaines et faïences principalement du XVIIIe siècle. Decorative, topographical, sporting and modern prints. Silver. Tableaux modernes, tableaux anciens, bel ameublement. |
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19930422 |
Modern British and continental paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculpture. Important silver by Paul de Lamerie: the Dowty collection. European works of art and sculpture. Important silver by Paul Lamerie and other makers. Important silver, objects of vertu, Russian works of art and Judaica. Silver, China and crystal tableware, African tribal material, Oriental rugs; cut and art glass, miniature paintings and bronzes, Americana, lamps, etc., mirrors, English and continental porcelain, Chinese export porcelain tableware, Chinese snuff bottles, Japanese wooden netsuke, Japanese ivory netsuke, vrious materials netsuke, Chines and other Asian arts; paintings and bronzes, furniture. |
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19930423 |
Objets d'art et bel ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Lettres et manuscrits, autographes, quelques livres précieux. Important and fine old master pictures. A private collection of English and Scottish silver. Tableaux modernes, abstraits et contemporains, sculptures. École de St. Petersbourg. Autographes, tableaux du XIXème et modernes. Fine English and Continental silver. |
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19930426 |
Tableaux, art nouveau, art déco. Importants dessins et tableaux anciens. Fingask Castle, Rait by Perth. Indian, Himalayan, Southeast Asian and Indonesian art. Importants tableaux anciens. |
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19930427 |
Japanese prints, illustrated books and manuscripts. Fine Chinese ceramics, works of art, jade carvings and jadeite jewellery. Korean works of art. Tableaux anciens, art islamique, armes, souvenirs historiques, textiles, eventails, céramiques, objets d'art et d'ameublement. Mobili, dipinti antichi e del XIX secolo, ceramiche, oggetti d'arte e arti decorative. Islamic art and Indian miniatures, rugs and carpets. Oriental and Islamic costume and textiles. English and continental furniture, decorative objects, European and American paintings, and old master paintings and drawings. Armes anciennes. Dipinti, acquarelli e sculture del XIX secolo. |
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19930428 |
Bijoux; objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne des XVIII et XIX siècle; orfèvrerie moderne. Oriental manuscripts and miniatures. Antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour. Art d'Extrême Orient. Ancienne collection de monsieur X...; objets de curiosité, tabacologie; ivoires d'Extrême Orient. Fine Chinese snuff bottles. European and Oriental rugs, carpets and textiles. Tableaux anciens. |
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19930429 |
Figurines et soldats de plomb. Important ensemble de cadres. Atelier André Girard. Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. British and continental ceramics and glass. Islamic works of art; Indian, Himalayan and South-east Asian art. Forty views of West Lake. |
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19930430 |
Nineteenth and twentieth century sculpture. Two day unreserved public auction ... Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania German history and literature, antique and art reference books ... Extrême Orient; antiques; haute époque, haute curiosité. Porcelaines et objets d'art du XIXe siècle, verres anciens des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, boîtes à fixés sous verre, opalines Charles X et Napoléon III, cristallo-cérames et émaux, presse-papiers de cristal du XIXe siècle, meubles en bois clair d'époque restauration. Tableaux modernes, art nouveau, art déco. |
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19930503 |
Ten paintings by Andy Warhol from the collection of Frederick W. Hughes. Contemporary Art, Part I. |
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19930504 |
Objets d'art et bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Art de l'Islam; art d'Extrême Orient. Tableaux anciens et modernes; collection de porcelaine de la Chine d'époque Ming du XVe au XVIIIe siècle; céramiques européennes; eventails, mode, jouets; art déco, instruments de musique; meubles et objets d'art des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècle. Tableaux anciens des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, Extrême Orient, majoliques italiennes de XVe et XVIe siècles, art nouveau, art déco, orfèvrerie, objets d'art et ameublement du XVIe au XIXe siècle, tapisseries, tapis. Important ensemble de meubles et objets d'art, art déco. Dessins XIXe et XXe siècles. American paintings, drawings, watercolors and sculpture. Contemporary Art, Part II. |
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19930505 |
Contemporary art (part II). Importants tableaux des XIXe et XXe siècles. Oriental works of art. |
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