Call Number (LC) Title Results
19930807 19930808 Important Americana and folk art. 1
19930823 Doulton ware; Poole pottery; Charlotte Rhead; Carlton ware. 1
19930826 British and continental pictures, watercolours, drawings and prints. 1
19930830 Silver and jewels, Wemyss ware, Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours. 1
19930902 Cameras, photographs and optical toys.
Fine netsuke.
British and continental glass and ceramics.
19930903 Three day unreserved public auction ... Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania German history and literature, antique reference books ... 1
19930908 Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Graphik Alter Meister und des 19. Jh., Möbel, Uhren, Teppiche, Skulpturen, Porzellan, Fayencen, Schmuck.
Oriental art; English furniture and decoration.
19930909 American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Modern British and continental paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculpture.
19930913 English and continental furniture and decorative objects. 1
19930914 Costume and textiles. 1
19930916 British and victorian pictures.
Decorative arts 1850 to the present day.
19930917 American and European paintings and prints.
19th century furniture, decorations and works of art.
19930918 French and continental furniture and objects of art.
Tableaux, sculptures, objets d'art et de très bel ameublement européens, tapis anciens d'Orient des résidences français de feu Monsieur M...
Dix-sept toiles hyperréalistes par John Kacere, Hilo Chen, Jean-Claude Adenin, Jerry Ott, des résidences françaises de feu Monsieur M ..., à la Maison de la Chimie.
19930921 The couture collection of Tina Chow; 20th century decorative arts. 1
19930922 American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Fine Oriental and European carpets.
Collections de monsieur et madame Lahillonne.
19930923 Vienna 1900.
American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
19930924 Tableaux anciens, bronzes, beaux objets d'art et d'ameublement XVIIe, XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe, tapisseries d'Aubusson. 1
19930925 Saturday sales at Christie's. 1
19930927 Bijoux anciens et modernes XIXe, 1930, 1950.
Bücher, Manuskripte, Autographen, Druckgraphik, Handzeichnungen.
19930928 Decorative arts, European ceramics, carpets, furniture and 20th century applied arts.
Exceptionnel ensemble de meubles et objets d'art.
Tableaux modernes, art contemporain, sculptures.
Glass, ceramics, British pictures, silver, furniture, textiles and carpets.