Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19931016 |
Atelier Luigi Loir, 1845 - 1916. Art moderne et contemporain. Important English furniture and decorations. 800 bijoux. |
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19931017 |
Arts dʹecoratifs du XXe siʹecle. Fine modern Chinese oil paintings, drawings and watercolours. |
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19931018 |
Décorations ordres de chevalerie. Objets d'art et de bel ameublement. Charmes russes, 8ème vente. Collection Albert Grosjean. The Reif collection of Chinese snuff bottles. Magnificent jewels. |
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19931019 |
Bijoux, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne. American furniture, paintings, decorative objects and Chinese export porcelain. European and Oriental carpets from the collection of Dildarian, Inc. Islamic art and Indian miniatures; and rugs and carpets. 'Out of shadow.' |
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19931020 |
Tableaux anciens et modernes, faïences et porcelaines, objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Important English pottery from a European private collection. Decorative, sporting, topographical and modern prints. Topographical paintings, watercolours and drawings. Photographically illustrated books; early photographs; nudes from the collection of Uwe Scheid; modern photographs. Fine watches, wristwatches and clocks. European and Oriental rugs, carpets and textiles. Majolica. Art d'Extrême Orient. Silver Livres et documents, tableaus et bronzes, grandes figurines, dʹecorations, souvenirs historiques. Affiches par Mucha; tableaux, dessins des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; bel ensemble de faïences et porcelaines europeʹennes; argenterie; objets d'ameublement mobilier XVIIIe. Meubles et objets d'art des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. |
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19931021 |
Fine silver, objects of vertu and Russian works of art. English and Continental ceramics. A highly important collection of objects by Carl Fabergé. Atlan. Himalayan, Indian and South-east Asian art. Soldats de plomb et figurines, militaria, armes à système. Tableaux anciens et XIXe siècle; objets d'art et d'ameublement; Aubusson XVIIIe. Tableaux et sculptures modernes et contemporains. |
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19931022 |
Fine English and Continental silver and gold. The Meech collection of silver, part one, Elizabeth I to Queen Anne silver. Art nouveau, art déco, tableaux. Japanese prints. Objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. |
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19931023 |
The American folk art collection of Burton and Helaine Fendelman. Important American furniture, folk art and decorative arts. |
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19931024 |
Estampes modernes et multiples, verres contemporains. Art de la Chine. Vues d'optique. Contemporary Chinese oil paintings. Gravures, dessins, tableaux, publicites pharmaceutiques, livres, mortiers; ceramiques françaises et etrangeres du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Fine Americana. Fine Chinese ceramics, works of art and snuff bottles. Art contemporain. Fine 19th and 20th century Chinese paintings. |
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19931025 |
Faïences françaises et porcelaines anciennes principalement du XVIIIe siècle. Silver, decorations, portrait miniatures, English and American furniture, rugs and carpets. Fine jadeite jewellery, jade carvings and China trade pictures. |
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19931026 |
Chinese and Japanese ceramics, furniture and works of art. Arts décoratifs du XXe siècle. Tableaux et sculptures du XIXe siècle et modernes. Verrerie, objets et sculptures, art nouveau, art déco, meubles et objets d'art, haute époque, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapis, tapisseries. Nineteenth century furniture, sculpture, porcelain and decorative objects. Oriental costume and textiles. Icones en bronze émaillé, icones sur bois, bijoux; objets de vitrine; argenterie ancienne; argenterie moderne; métal argenté. |
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19931027 |
Tableaux modernes, art nouveau, art déco. Bijoux. Antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour. Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and watercolours. Art moderne et contemporain. Fine Chinese ceramics, works of art, jade carvings and jadeite jewellery. Old master paintings. The Wilfrid Ward collection of antique firearms. Cabinet de curiosité, antiquités de fouilles, haute curiosité, antiquités américaines, Océanie, sculptures et ethnographie d'Afrique noire. Fine antique arms and armour. Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art. |
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19931028 |
Oriental art. Sculptures, objets d'art et de très bel ameublement, cheminées, boiseries. The nineteenth century. Old master pictures. British ceramics and Staffordshire figures. Important Chinese snuff bottles from the collection of Eric Young, part IV. |
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19931029 |
The property of Garrick C. Stephenson. Dessins et tableaux anciens, estampes, dessins, tableaux XIXe et XXe, objets d'art, sièges et meubles des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapis. Dessins, estampes, peintures, cannes, armes blanches et à feu, militaria, Afrique, outils, objets de curiosité et de navigation, verre, cristal, opaline, terre cuite, argenterie, céramique, livres, bibelots, glaces, pendules, objets d'art, beaux meubles anciens, lustres, tapis, tapisserie. Old master pictures. Faïences et porcelaines des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, art islamique, antiques, haute époque. 19th & 20th century furniture & decorations. |
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19931030 |
Fine continental ceramics from the collection of the late Siegfried and Lola Kramarsky. Europ̃isches Glas : 30 Oktober 1993. Important French furniture, porcelain, clocks and carpets. |
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19931101 | Fine Chinese export ceramics and works of art. | 1 |
19931102 |
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part I). Chinese export porcelain and works of art. Modern paintings, drawings and sculpture. |
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19931103 |
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part II). Victorian pictures. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture, part I. Dada and surrealist paintings and sculpture from the collection of Kurt and Arlette Seligmann. Oak, country furniture and early works of art. Extrême Orient. Sélections des plus fins tapis. |
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19931104 |
The Stanley J. Seeger collection of works by Picasso. British and victorian pictures. Clarice Cliff and Susie Cooper. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture, part II. Furniture, pictures, silver and porcelain from Moyns Park, Birdbrook, Essex. |
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19931105 |
Dessins, sculptures, tableaux anciens et modernes. Estampes modernes Henri M.Petiet, cinquième vente. Tableaux et sculptures des XIXe et XXe siècles. Bijoux, objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne et moderne. Dessins anciens et du XIXe siècle. Fine American and European paintings. Fine Victorian pictures, drawings and watercolours. A collection of watercolours by Albert Goodwin, R.W.S. |
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