Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19941026 |
Beaux bijoux, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, argenterie moderne. Dessins et tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes; miniatures du XVIIIe siècle par Bourgeois, Sauvage; objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Old master paintings. French furniture, European works of art and porcelain from the collection of Alice Tully. Tableaux XIXe et modernes, tableaux anciens, objets d'art, meubles. Impressionist and modern art and ceramics. Tableaux anciens et modernes, Extrême-Orient, meubles et objets d'art. Dessins et tableaux anciens, faïence et porcelaine, objets d'art et d'ameublement, sièges et meubles anciens. Important French furniture, objects of art and sculpture. Fine antique arms and armour. Post war and contemporary British art. |
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19941027 |
British and continental ceramics. Old master pictures. Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art. Contemporary art. Old master, decorative, nineteenth and twentieth century prints. Dessins, aquarelles, gouaches; tableaux modernes; sculptures; tableaux contemporains. |
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19941028 |
Soldats de plomb et figurines d'étain; tableaux, gravures, aquarelles, bibliothèque militaire et historique, curiosités, ordres de chevalerie. Dessins anciens. |
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19941030 |
Contemporary Chinese oil paintings. Fine 19th and 20th century Chinese paintings. Fine Chinese works of art, jade and jadeite carvings, fine China trade pictures. Fine Chinese classical paintings & calligraphy. |
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19941031 |
An important Chenghua Doucai stemcup. Important Chinese ceramics. |
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19941101 |
Important Chinese ceramics and works of art. Fine Chinese snuff bottles. Contemporary art, part I. Contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture. |
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19941102 |
Contemporary art. Contemporary art, part II. Oak, country furniture and works of art. Victorian pictures. Fine jadeite jewellery and jade carvings. European and American furniture & decorative arts. Contemporary art from the estate of Gerald S. Elliott. |
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19941103 |
British and Victorian pictures. Œuvres sur papier du XXe siècle. Anciens tapis. Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. Fine Chinese snuff bottles. The nineteenth century. Möbel, Porzellan, Zinn, Schmuck, Silber, Kunst des Mittelalters, Uhren, aussereuropäische Kunst, Skulpturen, Plastiken und geschnitzte Bildwerke, Gemälde alter und moderner Meister. Contemporary art (part II). |
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19941104 |
Fine Victorian pictures, drawings and watercolours. Tableaux modernes, art abstrait et contemporain. Applied arts from 1880. Vienna 1900. |
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19941105 |
Art d'Asie. Cannes de collection. Tableaux modernes et contemporains. |
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19941105 19941106 | Important American furniture, European furniture, clocks, paintings, decorative arts and Oriental rugs. | 1 |
19941106 | Bijoux. | 1 |
19941107 |
Bücher, Manuskripte, Autographen, Druckgraphik, Handzeichnungen. Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian art. Fine Chinese export ceramics and works of art. Art islamique: Tableaux orientalistes. The Iris Fox Collection |
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19941108 |
Fine Chinese export porcelain and works of art. Modern paintings, drawings and sculpture. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture, part I. 19th century European paintings. British drawings and watercolours. |
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19941109 |
British paintings 1500 - 1850. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture,(part I). Livre, dessins et tableaux anciens, céramiques, objets d'art, bel ameublement, tapis, tapisserie. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture, part II. Orient et ses arts. Important silver; objects of vertu and prtrait miniatures. Estampes modernes et contemporaines, livres illustrés. |
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19941110 |
Majolica. Decorative rugs and carpets. Eighteenth and nineteenth century British drawings and watercolours. Important silver objects of vertu and portrait miniatures. 19th and 20th century prints. Property from the collection of Gertrude Bernoudy. Maritime sale. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part II). |
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19941111 |
Fine English furniture. British pictures. Clarice Cliff. |
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19941112 |
Jugendstil angewandte kunst. Contemporary prints. |
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19941114 |
Picasso lithographs from the Mourlot Collection. Dutch, Flemish and German old master drawings. Japanese metalwork and netsuke from a European collection. European silver. Japanese prints, screens, swords, tsuba, netsuke, ivories, metalwork, ceramics, lacquer and inro. |
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19941115 |
Satsuma. Important European silver = Orfèvrerie Europʹeenne. Tableaux du XXème siècle. Continental furniture, bronzes & works of art; old master paintings; continental ceramics. Orient, Extrême-Orient et Abyssinie. Tableaux modernes. Latin American paintings, drawings, sculpture, prints, and Haitian paintings. English and Continental ceramics and glass. Gold boxes, important miniatures, highly important works of art by Carl Fabergʹe, Russian objects and paintings =Boit̂es en or, superbes miniatures, très importantes oeuvres d'art par Carl Fabergʹe, objets et tableaux russes. Latin American paintings, drawings and sculpture, part I. Old master drawings. Objects of vertu, orders and decorations, Russian works of art and Faberg'e. Fine costume and needlework. |
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