Call Number (LC) Title Results
19961027 American furniture and decorative arts. 1
19961028 L'Art de la céramique de 1880 à 1960.
Verres emaillés 1900; tableaux anciens et modernes, objets d'art et de très bel ameublement, mobilier ancien XVIIIème, tapisseries XVIIème, importants tapis d'Orient, exceptionnel tapis de la Savonnerie vers 1810.
19961029 Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes; haute époque, objets d'art et d'ameublement principalement du XVIIIe siècle.
Fine watches and wristwatches.
Indonesian pictures, watercolours, drawings and works of art.
19961029 19961030 Mauerbach benefit sale. 1
19961030 Important French furniture, ceramics, tapestries and carpets, including property from the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Dessins, aquarelles, tableaux, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, bijoux, orfèvrerie, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, objets d'art du XVIIIe siècle, mobilier du XVIIIe siècle.
American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Objets d'art et d'ameublement.
Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, sculptures, objets d'art et d'ameublement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Tableaux anciens; tableaux XIXe, début XXe siècles; mobilier et objets d'art.
Old master paintings.
The Vitale collection of highly important European clocks: part I.
19961031 Korean works of art.
Modern British and continental paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculpture.
A private collection of Korean art.
British and continental decorative arts from 1850 to the present day.
Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and watercolours.
The nineteenth century.
19961101 Applied arts from 1880.
Bauhaus and other important 20th century avant-garde design.
Old master pictures.
Japanese works of art.
The William F. Du Pont collection of netsuke and inro.
19961102 Santa Fe art auction, classic western American art.
New Hampshire auction.
Japanese modern and contemporary art.
Fine French and Continental furniture, decorations, ceramics and carpets.
Japanese prints.
19961103 The Jingguantang collection, magnificent Chinese works of art.
Contemporary Chinese oil paintings.
Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings.
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
19961105 19th century European and Indonesian paintings.
Beaux bijoux, montres.
19961106 Estampes, tableaux anciens et modernes, céramique, mobilier XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapis, tapisseries.
Oak, country furniture, folk art and works of art.
Porcelaines d'Extrême Orient, porcelaines et faïences étrangères, porcelaines et faïences françaises, antiquités de fouille, Egypte, Grèce, Rome, Moyen-Orient, antiquités préhispaniques, objets de curiosité, sculptures de Haute Époque, plaques de cheminée.
Victorian pictures.
American and European decorative arts.
Important prints from the collection of John Wesley Warrington.
Tableaux modernes, abstraits et contemporains.
Estampes et livres illustrés du XXe siècle.
American and modern prints and illustrated books.
Timbres poste, estampes, autographes et livres.
Art d'Extrême Orient.
Fine silver and objects of vertu.
19961107 British and Victorian pictures.
British and continental ceramics.
Ocean liner furnishings and memorabilia.
Art de l'Islam, tableaux orientalistes.
19th and 20th century prints.
Important prints by Jasper Johns from the collection of David Whitney.
Contemporary prints and multiples.
Silver, portrait miniatures and objects of vertu.
19961108 Fine Victorian pictures, drawings and watercolours.
Fine English furniture.
Souvenirs napoléoniens et historiques, armes à feu des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, miniatures et dessins, tableaux anciens et du XIXe siècle; sculptures, objets d'art, instruments de musique, mobilier, tapisseries, tapis.
19961109 Angewandte kunst.
Contemporary prints.
19961111 Old master pictures.
Dutch, Flemish and German old master drawings.
19961112 Chinese export porcelain and works of art.
British drawings and watercolours.
Impressionist and modern art.
Five Impressionist works of art.
Impressionist and modern art, part I.
Old master paintings.
Old master drawings.
Japanese prints, screens, armour, swords, tsuba, lacquer, metalwork, ceramics, netsuke and inro.
19961113 Orders, decorations and medals.
Royal French silver.
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part I).
Oeuvres sur papier; tableaux modernes; sculptures; tableaux contemporains.
Japanese prints, paintings and works of art.
Tableaux XIXe et XXe siècles; sculptures.
Impressionist and modern art, part II.
The racing sale.
Property from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard.
Céramique; objets d'art et de bel ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapisseries, tapis.
19961114 Impresssionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculptures (part II).
Works of art on paper.
Collections du Bourg de Bozas provenant du Château de Prye.
Important English furniture.
Vases, verreries et céramiques de Gallé.
19961115 British pictures.
Art nouveau & art déco.
Objets d'art et de très bel ameublement.
Important English furniture.
Bijoux anciens et modernes, objets de vitrine des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté.
19961117 Tapis d'Orient, caucasiens et persans des XIXe et XXe siècles. 1