Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19971107 |
Bijoux, monnaies or, objets de vitrine, argenterie ancienne et moderne, métal argenté. Armes blanches et à feu des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, dessins et aquarelles, tableaux anciens et du XIXe siècle, Extrême Orient, faïences et porcelaine, sculptures, objets d'art, instruments de musique, mobilier, tapisserie, tapis. The Marina and Willy Staehelin-Peyer collection. 19th and 20th century prints. Tableaux et dessins anciens, tableaux modernes, estampes, céramique, poupées et textiles, haute époque et curiosités, instruments de musique, mobilier et objets d'art. Fine Victorian pictures, drawings and other works of art. Important English furniture. |
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19971108 |
Angewandte kunst. Spielkarten. |
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19971109 | Contemporary prints. | 1 |
19971110 |
Orders, decorations, medals, fishing tackle, guns, militaria & aeronautica. Dutch, Flemish and German old master drawings. The collection of Victor and Sally Ganz. Old master pictures. |
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19971111 |
Chinese export porcelain and works of art. Impressionist and modern paintings from a Texas foundation. Quilts, costume and textiles. The collection of the Marquis de Gonet; Ten important paintings by Odilon Redon. Old master paintings. British drawings and watercolours. 20th century paintings, drawings and sculpture. Early silver spoons and flatware. Old master drawings. Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part I). |
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19971112 |
Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture (part II). Modern design. Clocks and barometers. The Evelyn Sharp Collection of modern art. Orders, decorations and medals. |
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19971113 |
Impressionist and modern art, part II. Impressionist and modern art, part I. Ten paintings by Paul Cézanne. Staffordshire figures and related wares. Works of art on paper. Clarice Cliff. An eighteenth century collection of British prints. Important English furniture. Old master paintings, drawings and picture frames. Art d'Extrême Orient, faïences et porcelaines des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. British and continental watercolours and drawings. |
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19971114 |
Tableaux anciens; estampes et dessins; tableaux modernes dont école bretonne et de Pont-Aven; argenterie des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; important ensemble de sculptures en bois, pierre ou marbre des XIIe, XIIIe, XIVe, XVe, XVIe siècles, éléments d'architecture; bibelots, objets d'art, bel ensemble de mobilier par Dominique; mobilier des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles; tapis, tapisseries des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Auction Contemporary art: paintings, prints & sculpture at auction. Modern British and continental paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculpture. Tableaux anciens, art déco, objets d'art et d'ameublement, tapis. British pictures. |
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19971117 |
Important European silver, gold boxes and objects of vertu. Roland Chanco. The Henle collection. Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art. Icones russes et grecques des XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe, XIXe siècles. Art de l'Islam et de l'Orient, tableaux orientalistes. Important watches and wristwatches. A selection of works of art from the Henle Collection. |
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19971118 |
Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art. Contemporary art. Satsuma. Japanese swords, tsuba, prints, ceramics, metalwork and the Mati collection of netsuke and inro. Tableaux anciens; sculptures, haute époque, objets d'art, mobilier, tapisseries, tapis. Atelier René Levrel, 1900-1981, aquarelles, pastels, peintures, 2e vente et tableaux et sculptures modernes. |
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19971119 |
Contemporary art, part 1. L'aigle et la légende. Masterpieces of art nouveau jewellery. Property from the Andrew Crispo Collection. Japanese prints, paintings and works of art. Art de l'Islam, Extrême Orient, archéologie, art nouveau, art déco, céramique. Important Hindu and Buddhist art. Objets d'art et d'ameublement . European paintings. Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and watercolours. Bijoux, miniatures, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté. Contemporary art. Gravures par Albrecht Dürer, tissus anciens, objets d'art, mobilier XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tapisseries et tapis. American furniture & decorations; majolica. Photographs. |
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19971120 |
19th and 20th century sculpture. 19th and 20th century continental pictures. The Dorothy Buffum Chandler collection. Gemälde alter und moderner Meister, Handzeichnungen, Aquarelle und Druckgraphik 16. bis 20. Jh., Möbel, Spiegel, Uhren, Skulpturen, Keramik, Glas, Silber. The Keir Collection of medieval works of art. Bedeutende Gemälde alter und moderner Meister, deutsche, österreichische und osteuropäische Kunst, Schweizer Kunst, ausgewählte Möbel und feine Zierstücke. Tableaux et sculptures XIXe et XXe siècles. Contemporary art, part II. Haute époque. |
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19971121 |
Dessins anciens. Oriental costume and textiles. Autour de Cocteau, Bérard, tableaux modernes, art déco. 19th century continental pictures, watercolours and drawings. Estampes anciennes et modernes. L'oeil d'un amateur 2, œuvres anciennes, modernes et contemporaines. Fine American and European paintings. Estampes et tableaux contemporains, sculptures, tableaux modernes. Horlogerie de collection. |
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19971123 |
Tableaux et sculptures modernes, art contemporain, art primitif. Art moderne et contemporain. Céramiques et verreries, tableaux XIXe et modernes. |
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19971124 |
Lalique and 20th century bronzes and sculpture. Mexican paintings and sculpture. Japanese prints, paintings and screens. Important Latin American paintings, drawings and sculpture (part I and part II and colonial works of art. Moderna kvalitén. Art nouveau, art déco. Arte moderna e contemporanea. Dutch, European and modern silver & books. Bedeutende Streichinstrumente aus in- und Ausländischem Besitz. |
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19971125 |
The Henle collection. Beaux bijoux anciens; boîtes en or, argent ou pierres du XVIIIe siècle; orfèvrerie ancienne; objets de vitrine. Important clocks, watches and marine chronometers. Tableaux modernes, tableaux anciens, objets d'art, meubles. FIne Dutch and foreign silver, Judaica, Russian works of art and "objects of vertu". Latin American art from the Barratt-Brown Collection. Fine European ceramics and glass. Dessins anciens et du XIXe siècle. Constructivist art from Latin America. Decorative pictures. Latin American art. |
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19971126 |
Jewellery and watches. Objets d'art et bel ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. European works of art, decorative objects, carpets and furniture. |
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19971127 |
Judaïca; tableaux du XIXe siècle; tableaux modernes; tableaux abstraits et contemporains. Bijoux modernes; anciens; Extrême Orient. Modern British and Irish art. Estampes, estampes anciennes; estampes modernes. Importants dessins et tableaux impressionnistes. Importants dessins et tableaux impressionnistes et modernes. 19th century British and continental ceramics. |
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19971128 |
Ostasiatische Kunst. Estampes et livres illustrés du XXe siècle. Dessins et tableaux modernes, sculptures. |
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19971129 | Horlogerie de collection, bijoux anciens et modernes. | 1 |