Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
19990413 |
Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian art. Antiques, haute époque, haute curiosité. Vente sur ordonnance du Tribunal de commerce de Paris en date du 4/12/1998. Arms, armour, militaria and aeronautica. Silver. |
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19990414 |
Tableaux anciens, dessins, tableaux XIXe, meubles et objets d'art XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe, tapis, tapisserie. Important English and Continental silver and gold. Gravures, dessins, tableaux XIXe - XXe, sculptures. Photographies des XIXe et XXe siècles. Icônes grecques, collection Hélène Stathatos; dessins et tableaux anciens; tableaux et sculptures modernes; objets d'art et d'ameublement, des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Autour du cheval. Old master drawings and fine frames. Bijoux, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté. |
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19990415 |
Spring gallery sale. Important watches and wristwatches including and exceptional private Rolex collection. Old master paintings. Important English furniture. Étoffes anciennes. Oriental ceramics and works of art. |
6 |
19990416 |
Important English silver from a New England collection. Important bijoux. Important silver, objects of vertu and Russian works of art. Old master drawings. Objets d'art d'Extrême Orient. Dessins et tableaux anciens; céramiques islamiques; objets de vitrine, faïences et porcelaines; collection de tableaux en broderie; sculptures et bronzes; objets d'art et de bel ameublement; mobilier XVIIe, XVIIIe et début XIXe; tapisseries, tapis. Tableaux figuratifs des XIXe et XXe siècles, atelier du peintre oranais Joseph Rodrigo, 1919-1987, atelier du peintre marseillais Horace Richebé, 1817-1956, atelier du sculpteur André Abbal, 1876-1953. Old master pictures. Dessins et tableaux anciens principalement des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, dessins et tableaux modernes des XIXe et XXe siècles. |
9 |
19990417 | English & continental furniture & decorations. | 1 |
19990419 |
Islamic art, manuscripts and printed books of Iranian interest. Art nouveau, art déco. |
2 |
19990420 | Alte Meister und Bilder des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. | 1 |
19990421 |
Fine Oriental and European rugs and carpets. Zeitgenössische Kunst. Islamic and Indian costume and textiles. Art du Vietnam, art d'Extrême-Orient. Bijoux anciens et modernes, montres de collection. |
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19990422 |
Important English furniture, objects of art and carpets. The Estate of Mrs. John Hay Whitney. Tableaux, tapisseries & sculptures modernes. Oriental rugs and carpets. Spring 1999 autograph auction, part II. Jugendstil und Kunsthandwerk des 20. Jahrhunderts. Spring 1999 autograph auction, part I. Arts of the Islamic world. |
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19990423 |
Antiquitäten. Spring antique sale. Collection Jean-Michel Warin; faïences et emaux de Longwy, le Théâtre des Orients. |
3 |
19990424 |
Photographie und Photoarbeiten. Estampes, tableaux, multiples. |
2 |
19990425 |
Contemporary Chinese oil paintings. Bijoux, argenterie; meubles, objets d'art et d'ameublement des XIXe et XXe siècles; verreries, céramiques 1900; tableaux anciens des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles; tableaux du XIXe siècle et modernes; livres des XIXe et XXe siècles. Fine classical Chinese paintings and calligraphy. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880-1938. Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. |
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19990426 |
Photographs from the Coville collection. Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings. Beaux bijoux. 19th century European paintings, drawings and watercolours. The Imperial sale & fine Chinese works of art. Fine classical Chinese paintings. Voyages en Orient. |
7 |
19990427 |
The David Feigenbaum Collection of Southworth & Hawes and other 19th-century photographs. Quilts, costume and textiles. Fine Chinese ceramics, works of art, jade carvings and snuff bottles. Photographs. |
4 |
19990428 |
Nineteenth century decorative arts; antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour. Silver, portrait miniatures and objects of vertu. Twentieth century British art. Roland Topor, 1938-1997. Très bel ensemble de meubles et objets d'art des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Studio pottery. Photographs. Export art of China and Japan. Beaux bijoux, anciens et modernes, orfevrerie ancienne; objets de vitrine. Magnificent jadeite jewels. |
10 |
19990429 |
Art on paper. California, Western and American paintings, drawings and sculpture. Old master, 19th and 20th century prints. Exploration and travel. Photographs. The Russian sale. |
6 |
19990430 |
1830-1930, tableaux, dessins et sculptures. The Alexander collection. |
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19990501 | Contemporary prints. | 1 |
19990503 |
Old master paintings. Old master, nineteenth and tweentieth century prints. |
2 |
19990504 |
Fine French and Continental furniture, decorations, ceramics, and carpets. Bijoux & haute-couture. Tableaux modernes; sculptures; mobilier. Old master pictures. |
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