Call Number (LC) Title Results
19990413 Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian art.
Antiques, haute époque, haute curiosité.
Vente sur ordonnance du Tribunal de commerce de Paris en date du 4/12/1998.
Arms, armour, militaria and aeronautica.
19990414 Tableaux anciens, dessins, tableaux XIXe, meubles et objets d'art XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe, tapis, tapisserie.
Important English and Continental silver and gold.
Gravures, dessins, tableaux XIXe - XXe, sculptures.
Photographies des XIXe et XXe siècles.
Icônes grecques, collection Hélène Stathatos; dessins et tableaux anciens; tableaux et sculptures modernes; objets d'art et d'ameublement, des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Autour du cheval.
Old master drawings and fine frames.
Bijoux, objets de vitrine, orfèvrerie ancienne, argenterie moderne, métal argenté.
19990415 Spring gallery sale.
Important watches and wristwatches including and exceptional private Rolex collection.
Old master paintings.
Important English furniture.
Étoffes anciennes.
Oriental ceramics and works of art.
19990416 Important English silver from a New England collection.
Important bijoux.
Important silver, objects of vertu and Russian works of art.
Old master drawings.
Objets d'art d'Extrême Orient.
Dessins et tableaux anciens; céramiques islamiques; objets de vitrine, faïences et porcelaines; collection de tableaux en broderie; sculptures et bronzes; objets d'art et de bel ameublement; mobilier XVIIe, XVIIIe et début XIXe; tapisseries, tapis.
Tableaux figuratifs des XIXe et XXe siècles, atelier du peintre oranais Joseph Rodrigo, 1919-1987, atelier du peintre marseillais Horace Richebé, 1817-1956, atelier du sculpteur André Abbal, 1876-1953.
Old master pictures.
Dessins et tableaux anciens principalement des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, dessins et tableaux modernes des XIXe et XXe siècles.
19990417 English & continental furniture & decorations. 1
19990419 Islamic art, manuscripts and printed books of Iranian interest.
Art nouveau, art déco.
19990420 Alte Meister und Bilder des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. 1
19990421 Fine Oriental and European rugs and carpets.
Zeitgenössische Kunst.
Islamic and Indian costume and textiles.
Art du Vietnam, art d'Extrême-Orient.
Bijoux anciens et modernes, montres de collection.
19990422 Important English furniture, objects of art and carpets.
The Estate of Mrs. John Hay Whitney.
Tableaux, tapisseries & sculptures modernes.
Oriental rugs and carpets.
Spring 1999 autograph auction, part II.
Jugendstil und Kunsthandwerk des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Spring 1999 autograph auction, part I.
Arts of the Islamic world.
19990423 Antiquitäten.
Spring antique sale.
Collection Jean-Michel Warin; faïences et emaux de Longwy, le Théâtre des Orients.
19990424 Photographie und Photoarbeiten.
Estampes, tableaux, multiples.
19990425 Contemporary Chinese oil paintings.
Bijoux, argenterie; meubles, objets d'art et d'ameublement des XIXe et XXe siècles; verreries, céramiques 1900; tableaux anciens des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles; tableaux du XIXe siècle et modernes; livres des XIXe et XXe siècles.
Fine classical Chinese paintings and calligraphy.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880-1938.
Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings.
19990426 Photographs from the Coville collection.
Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings.
Beaux bijoux.
19th century European paintings, drawings and watercolours.
The Imperial sale & fine Chinese works of art.
Fine classical Chinese paintings.
Voyages en Orient.
19990427 The David Feigenbaum Collection of Southworth & Hawes and other 19th-century photographs.
Quilts, costume and textiles.
Fine Chinese ceramics, works of art, jade carvings and snuff bottles.
19990428 Nineteenth century decorative arts; antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour.
Silver, portrait miniatures and objects of vertu.
Twentieth century British art.
Roland Topor, 1938-1997.
Très bel ensemble de meubles et objets d'art des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Studio pottery.
Export art of China and Japan.
Beaux bijoux, anciens et modernes, orfevrerie ancienne; objets de vitrine.
Magnificent jadeite jewels.
19990429 Art on paper.
California, Western and American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Old master, 19th and 20th century prints.
Exploration and travel.
The Russian sale.
19990430 1830-1930, tableaux, dessins et sculptures.
The Alexander collection.
19990501 Contemporary prints. 1
19990503 Old master paintings.
Old master, nineteenth and tweentieth century prints.
19990504 Fine French and Continental furniture, decorations, ceramics, and carpets.
Bijoux & haute-couture.
Tableaux modernes; sculptures; mobilier.
Old master pictures.