Call Number (LC) Title Results
20041021 Contemporary art.
Staffordshire figures, British ceramics and Welsh pottery and porcelain.
Important English furniture, silver and carpets from HSBC's corporate art collection.
Impressionist and modern art.
Important European furniture, works of art, tapestries, ceramics and carpets : including property from the collection of the late Deane F. Johnson.
Important English furniture, silver, ceramics & decorations.
20041022 Art du Japon : collection de Mme X.
Magnificent English furniture from the Collection of Theodore and Ruth Baum.
Gravures et tableaux, estampes japonaises, poupees et mobilier de poupees, canons, armes, objets d'art et d'ameublement, tapis.
20041023 Fine French and Continental furniture, decorations and carpets.
Property from the collection of Mrs. Marella Agnelli.
L'art et son concept, art minimal, art conceptuel, art and language-- : art contemporain, les avant-gardes chinoises.
20041025 Dessins des XIXe et XXe siècles, scultures et tableaux des XIXe et XXe siècles, art abstrait et contemporain. 1
20041026 19th century European art : including property from HSBC's corporate art collection.
Catalogue of fine chess sets and games : including property from the Ernst Boehlen collection, including playing cards, pictures and prints, chess memorabilia and books.
19th century furniture, sculpture, works of art and ceramics.
Art modern, art abstrait et contemporain.
20041027 Photographies.
Furniture and decorative objects.
Archéologie, arts d'Asie, arts primitifs.
Old master pictures.
Orfèvrerie et objets de vitrine.
Tableaux modernes, tableaux anciens, Extrême-Orient, meubles et objets d'art.
Important Hebrew manuscripts from the Montefiore endowment.
Collection d'un amateur : arts décoratifs du XXe siècle, art africain, tableaux et sculptures du XXe siècle.
19th century European art.
20041028 The Scottish sale.
Renaissance furniture & works of art from Villa Ca' del Sole, Capri : a private collection.
The collection of Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords : sporting paintings, sculpture & trophies, vol. I.
The collection of Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords : Americana, English furniture, silver & decorative works of art, vol. II.
Estampes anciennes, estampes modernes et contemporaines.
Haute Epoque : important early furniture and tapestries.
Old master paintings.
20041029 Photographie.
American painting, sculpture, and photography : Heritage signature auction.
Prints : including property from the Collection of Rita & Daniel Fraad.
The collection of Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords : early American silver, vol. III.
20041030 Photographie + Photoarbeiten = Photography. 1
20041031 Fine modern and contemporary Chinese paintings.
Southeast Asian pictures.
Chinese contemporary art.
The dragon emperor.
20th century Chinese art & Asian contemporary art.
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
Important 20th century Chinese paintings from the Yageo Foundation.
20041101 Dragon & phoenix, 800 years of patronage.
Fine Chinese paintings.
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art.
20041102 Old master paintings.
Chinese and Japanese ceramics and works of art.
Prints and multiples.
Old master drawings.
20041103 European furniture, decorative objects and picture frames; British and continental pictures.
Property from an important American collection : to be offered in The Impressionist and Modern Art (Evening Sale), November 3, 2004, JERI-1429 and Post-War and contemporary Art (Evening Sale), November 10, 2004, RIOT-1431.
Impressionist and modern art (evening sale).
The sporting sale.
Bijoux anciens et modernes XIXe siècle, 1930-1950 ...
Important 20th century design.
Moderna kvalitén = Modern art & works of art.
Old master pictures and drawings.
Tableaux XIXème siècle, modernes et contemporains.
20041104 Impressionist & modern art part one : including property from the Collection of Hester Diamond, property from the Philip and Muriel Berman Collection, property from the Estate of Wendell Cherry, property from the Estate of Sarabel Florsheim.
Impressionist and modern works on paper.
Old master through contemporary prints.
100 important old master prints.
19th century British and continental ceramics.
Impressionist and modern art (day sale).
Property from the Collection of Hester Diamond.
20041105 Bijoux.
Impressionist & modern art part two : including property from the Philip and Muriel Berman Collection and property from the Estate of Sarabel Florsheim.
Objets d'art, bel ameublement des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : provenant d'une propriété du XVIIIe siècle et de divers amateurs.
Fine prints
20041105 20041107 Holiday sale 2004 : featuring important examples of Roseville and Weller from a midwestern collection, items from an important collection in Iowa as well as items from several other fine collections. 1
20041106 New Hampshire weekend auction.
20th century design.
Art contemporain.
Art and antique auction.
20041107 American furniture & decorative arts. 1
20041108 Veronica's revenge : contemporary photography from the Lambert Art Collection.
Bijoux, montres.
Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine ... Duchenne de Boulogne, album.
Atelier Raymond Tellier (1897-1985) et peintres douaisiens (Anc coll de l'artiste), atelier Eugène Mavic (1907-1990).
Collection d'art contemporain.
Arts décoratifs du XXe siècle.
Collection Michel Wittock : deuxième partie : reliures à décor sous l'ancien régime.
20041109 Chinese ceramics and works of art including export art.
Succession de Monsieur X-- : livres anciens ceratins aux armes de Madame Victoire, tableaux modernes, mobilier par Jules Leleu, eléments décoratifs par Max Ingrand : beau mobiler des XVIIIè et XIXè siècle, tapisserie de Picart Ledoux, tapis.
Chinese porcelains and enamals from the Alfred Morrison collection, Fonthill House, sold by order of the Lord Margadale of Islay, D.L.
Japanese and Korean works of art.
Contemporary art / evening.
Interior decorator : including bronze and sculpture : the collection of Apollo Antiques Ltd.
European ceramics, Dutch delftware and glass : including five private collections.