Call Number (LC) Title Results
20071016 19th century European paintings.
Important mobilier, sculptures et objets d'art.
Photographs from the Collection of Nancy Richardson.
Collection de Monsieur Marc Imhaus : faïences fines de Creil, Montereau, Choisy, faïences d'Apt des XVIIIe et début XIXe siècles.
20071017 On artists : photographs from the collection of Rex, Inc.
Important photographs : from a private American collection.
Importante orfèvrerie européenne.
Important pocket watches and wristwatches : properties from a descendant of the original owner, the collection of a distinguished gentleman, a private collection, a private collector, a West Coast collector.
Haute époque.
Tableaux anciens.
Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
20071018 Tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes, haute-époque, objets d'art, mobilier; chasse, tabacologie, argenterie, extrême-orient, céramique.
Estampes modernes, art moderne & contemporain.
Un' importante collezione privata di dipinti antichi ed opere di arte moderna e contemporanea.
Arts du spectacle : estampes, dessins, affiches, photographies, autographes.
20071019 Literatur und Buchillustration des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts, Kinderbücher, Philosophie, Autographen.
Important European furniture, works of art, ceramics and carpets.
Art contemporain, peintures, sculptures, photographies et multiples.
Estampes, tableaux anciens et modernes, céramiques - collection de Monsieur et Madame***, principalement faïences italiennes, des XVIème, XVIIème et XVIIIème siècle; extrême orient, armes, bel ameublement des XVIIIème et XIXèmes siècles, tapisseries.
Joaillerie, beaux bijoux anciens XIXème, art nouveau, art déco et modernes, bijoux russes, régionaux, bracelets montre ...
Le goût Steinitz, I.
Tableaux anciens et du XIXe siècle.
20071020 Eine Hamburger Privatsammlung.
Collection Alice Tériade.
Art contemporain.
Art moderne, collection Alice Tériade, ancienne collection Mary Moore, à divers.
20071021 Orfèvrerie ancienne et moderne : Bel ensemble d'Argenterie: curon, plats, timbales, verseuses, service à thé-café, légumiers, bourgeoirs, salières, pièces de service... Des orfèvres ou maisons: Cardeilhac, Christofle, Linzeler, Massat, Odiot, Puiforcat, Ravinet Denfert, Roussel, Tirbour, Tonnelier.
Livres anciens, gravures et lithographies, peintures anciennes et modernes, bijoux, orfèvrerie, objets d'art et mobilier du XVIIIe au XXe siècles.
Archéologie - Egypte, Grèce, Rome, Phenicie, Iran; Orient
Arts primitifs, art moderne et contemporain, photographies, design.
AF21.1, la scene française 1990-2007.
Art contemporain. 1 : succession Professeur Jean Hamburger, Paris; collection Monsieur et Madame X., France; ancienne collection Marcel Nahmias; à divers
Art Italien du XXe.
20071022 Hommage à Serge Ferat, collection Haba et Alban Roussot.
Egyptian, Mesopotamian and classical antiquities; Far Eastern works of art; important European works of art.
Art moderne II, dont collection Francis Lamond, et à divers amateurs.
Pablo Picasso : collection Inès et Gérard Sassier, collection de M. et Mme F. - céramiques de Pablo Picasso.
Jugendstil, Art Déco : Teil I.
Tableaux anciens, mobilier et objets d'art, principalement des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.
Tableaux modernes.
Bijoux anciens et modernes, XIXe siècle, 1900, 1930, 1950 : certains signés : Cartier, Boucheron, Van Cleef & Arpels, Mauboussin, Piaget, Chaumet, Bulgari, Poiray, Rolex, Vacheron Constantin.
Anciennement Galerie Fricker, tableaux contemporains, latinité.
20071023 65. Kunstauktion.
19th century European art.
Art contemporain. 2 : ensemble de 11 œuvres de Alecos Fassianos, provenant d'une collection particulière, Los Angeles; ensemble d'œuvres de Lutka Pink, vente au profit de l'Institut Weizmann.
Jugendstil, Art Déco : eine Süddeutsche Privatsammlung, Teil II.
Clarice Cliff & Moorcroft.
Judaïca, livres anciens et modernes, documentation, estampes, photographies.
Art of the Islamic and Indian worlds.
20071024 Arts of the Islamic world : including fine carpets and textiles.
19th century furniture, sculpture, ceramics & works of art.
20th century British art.
Orfèvrerie, collection de Monsieur Jean Thuile.
19th century European art and Orientalist art.
Art d'Asie.
Important printed books and manuscripts.
Céramiques, collection de Monsieur Jean Thuile et divers amateurs.
California, Western and American paintings, drawings and sculpture.
Tableaux anciens & modernes, céramiques européennes, curiosités & haute époque, objets d'art & d'ameublement, tapisseries & tapis.
65. Kunstauktion.
20071025 Estampes modernes, collection de Monsieur S., et à divers, dessins et aquarelles par J. Villon.
19th century furniture, sculpture, works of art and ceramics.
Fine American and European paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture.
Ariane Dandois : European furniture, paintings & Asian art, volume 1.
Nineteenth century Meissen: the collection of Dr. W.A. Criswell, sold to benefit Criswell College.
Oriental rugs and carpets.
Bijoux : anciens & modernes
20071026 New Hampshire Action : [property of various owners : Claude and Alvan Bisnoff collection of American folk art : A. Elmer Crowell bird carvings from the collection of Dr. Fritz Talbot : Robert Clifford collection of Pilgrim century Americana : Mochaware from the collection of Jonathan Rickard : property from the Batlimore Museum of Art, sold to benefit the acquisition fund : William Rockhill Nelson Trust of Kansas City, sold per order of the Trustees : the collection of Betsy and Timothy Trace : glass from the collection of Harold A. Bair, sold for the benefit of the Sandwich Glass Museum, Sandwich, Massachusetts : Florence Durfee Dedham pottery collection, part II : American and European glass from the Florence Bushee collection, sold per order of the Trustees of the Historical Society of Old Newbury for the benefit of acquisitions and conservation fund.
La sculpture du XIXe siècle à nos jours.
Ariane Dandois : European furniture, paintings & Asian art, volume 2.
Tableaux anciens, mobilier & objets d'art, tapis, tapisseries.
Tabacologie, objets de vitrine.
Important silver and objects of vertu.
Fine art auction.
Indian and Islamic works of art.
20071027 John sollo and david rago present a 20th century modern weekend. 1
20071028 The interior sales : auctions 28-31 October : Puritan perspectives, parlour pieces, palace porcelains, monograms & mementoes. 1
20071029 Property from aristocratic families including coaches from a royal stable.
Livres et documentation, lithographies, tableaux, tableaux et objets de marine, argenterie, orfèvrerie, objets d'art, mobilier.
Art déco, design.
20071030 The journey of a Cotswold antiquarian : early furniture, works of art & textiles.
A Mary Cassatt collection: prints and drawings from the descendants of Robert Hartshorne.
Thimbles and needlework accessories.
Collection Michel Coquenpot, haute époque.
The library of the Earls of Macclesfield removed from Shirburn Castle.
Prints and multiples.
Modern and contemporary Irish art.
20071031 Haute époque : important early furniture, works of art & tapestries, including property from a cabinet de curiosité.
Tableaux russes, école de Paris, art contemporain, tableaux impressionnistes, tableaux du XIXe siècle.
100 important old master prints
Old master through modern prints.
Succession Jean-Baptiste Hugues
International modern and contemporary art : including Arab, Iranian, Indian and Western art.
Important maritime art : from the reign of Charles I to the present day.
20071101 Prints.
Old master paintings.
20071103 Auction of fine and decorative arts.
American furniture & decorative arts : featuring the Jacquelin Patterson collection of lighting.
20071104 Modern & contemporary art. 1
20071106 20th century British art.
Camille Pissarro's Les Quatre Saisons : impressionist and modern art:
The marine sale.
Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse: the seduction of the seraglio: impressionist and modern art:
Anton Philips: entrepreneur & connoisseur.
Importanti dipinti, oggetti d'arte ed arredi : già dalle collezioni di Palazzo Serristori, Firenze =
Impressionist and modern art : evening sale.
Fine Chinese ceramics and works of art : including export art.