Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV3672 .W5 A3 1838 | A narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea islands : with remarks upon the natural history of the islands, origin, languages, traditions, and usages of the inhabitants / | 1 |
BV3672 .W5 C3 1842 | The martyr of Erromanga : or, The philosophy of missions, illustrated from the labours, death, and character of the late Rev. John Williams / | 1 |
BV4510 .J35 | The pastor's daughter; : A memoir of Susan Amelia W___, who died January 20, 1843, aged 19 years. : With an introduction by the author of "The anxious inquirer." | 1 |
BV4510 .T8 | The Two friends, or, Religion the best guide for youth / | 1 |
BV4560 .C456 | The child's magazine and Sunday-scholar's companion, for the year ... | 1 |
BV4560 .S33 | Sabbath School messenger. | 1 |
BV4830 .K44 1618 |
Geistlich Malefitz Recht vnd gantzer Process, welchen der Gerechte Richter Jesus Christus, in seiner letzten Zukunfft am Jüngsten Gericht vber alle Menschen halten, vnd was Erden frommen für vnaussprechliche Belohnung, dagegen den Gottlosen für erschreckliche Straffen ankündigen werde, auch von den heilsamen Mitteln, die wir brauchen müssen, wenn wir der hellischen Qual entrinnen wollen ... / Dritter Theil des zwölff Andachten, oder geistlicher Wegweiser : nach dem himlischen Vaterland und ewigen Leben aus der himlischen Cantzley, und Theils aus etlicher heiligen Altvätern Chrifften mit fleis geschöpffet und zufammen getragen ... / |
2 |
BV4831 .B4 W4 1803 | The saints' everlasting rest: or, A treatise of the blessed state of the saints, in their enjoyment of God in glory. / | 1 |
BV4834 .F73 1828 | Der sichere Himmels-Weg oder Anleitung zum Christenthum / | 1 |
BX375 .H6 A4 1864 | Vo slavu s[vi͡a]tyi͡a ... Tr[oi]t͡sy ... napechatasi͡a kniga sīi͡a, Chasoslov, pi͡atdesi͡at tretīim tisnenīem. | 1 |
BX955.2 .W75 | The early modern papacy : from the Council of Trent to the French Revolution, 1564-1789 / | 1 |
BX958 .P6 P373 2005 | Papi in posa : 500 years of papal portraiture / | 1 |
BX1763 .L8 1671 | Den Roomschen Uylen-Spiegel. Getrocken uyt verscheyden oude Roomsch-Catholÿcke Legende-boecken, ende andere schrÿvers. Vermakelijck, ende stichtelijck om te lesen voor alle Catholijcke Hertekens. | 1 |
BX1970 .C64 1773 | Collectio, sive, Apparatus absolutionum, benedictionum, conjurationum, exorcismorum, rituum et cæremoniarum ecclesiasticarum, & admnistrationis sacramentorum ... / | 1 |
BX2000 .A2 | Breviarium romanum. | 1 |
BX2015 .F74 1860z | Petit missel illustré. | 1 |
BX2024 .A2 1575 | Officium B[eatae] Mariae Virginis : nuper reformatum, et Pii V. Pont[ificis] M[aximi] iussu editum. | 1 |
BX2163 .C37 1521 | Rosario della gloriosa Vergine Maria. | 1 |
BX2163 .C38 1524 | Rosario dela gl[or]iosa V[er]gine Maria. | 1 |
BX2183 .T663 1974 | Père [soleil / | 1 |