Call Number (LC) Title Results
M APPEL M342 Karel Appel : recent paintings and sculpture : October-November, 1987 / 1
M APPEL M342 1991 Karel Appel : black & white paintings : March 7 to April 6, 1991, Marisa del Re Gallery. 1
M APPEL M342p Karel Appel : portraits from the Titan series : [exhibition] December 1988-February 1989, Marisa del Re Gallery. 1
M APPEL N532e 1992 Karel Appel : recent work : November 14 to December 31, 1992. 1
M APPEL N682r Het Nieuwe werk van Karel Appel 1979-1981 = The New work of Karel Appel, paintings 1979-1981 : [tentoonstelling] Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 23 januari-14 maart 1982. 1
M APPEL P232k Karel Appel : sculptures. 1
M APPEL R763k Karel Appel : opere recenti : Galleria La Medusa, Marzo 1974. 1
M APPEL R845pm Appel's appels. 1
M APPEL S864a Karel Appel : Målningar 1947-1965 : Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 26 febr.-27 mars 1966. 1
M APPEL Z96 Collages 1949-1962 : Karel Appel : Oktober 1962. 1
M APPEL Z96k Karel Appel : 16. Dezember 1959 bis 23. Januar 1960. 1
M APPELT S777 Dieter Appelt : Pitigliano 1982 : 13. Januar - 6. Februar 1983, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus München Kunstforum. 1
M APPELT W855 Dieter Appelt / 1
M APPIA-A G166 Andrea Appiani, pittore di Napoleone : [mostra] Milano, Galleria d'arte moderna, dicembre 1969-gennaio 1970 / 1
M APPIA K38a Adolphe Appian, Otto H. Bacher and Félix Bracquemond. 1
M APPIA L847w Adolphe Appian (1818-1898), French landscape etcher : Exhibition opens Tuesday, 5th December. 1
M APPIA P232p Adolphe Appian : son œuvre gravé et lithographié / 1
M APPLE F312 Ida Applebroog / 1
M APPLE H252 Ida Applebroog : happy families : a fifteen-year survey / 1
M APPLE K89 Art at the edge : Ida Applebroog / 1