Call Number (LC) Title Results
M BRETO-A C397 André Breton : la beauté convulsive. 1
M BRETO-A C397s André Breton y el surrealismo : 1 de octubre-2 de diciembre de 1991, Museo Nacional, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. 1
M BRETO-A M637o Omaggio a = Hommage à = Homage to André Breton : sotto l'egida del Centro francese di studi--Milano, del Centro culturale francese--Roma, e con la collaborazione di Arturo Schwarz. 1
M BRETO-A P770 Revolution of the mind : the life of André Breton / 1
M BRETO-J S935j Jules Breton and the French rural tradition / 1
M BRETO-W S675m William L. Breton, nineteenth-century Philadelphia artist. 1
M BREU M677 Jörg Breu the Elder : art, culture, and belief in Reformation Augsburg / 1
M BREWS B848a A book of sketches / 1
M BREWS B848i Italian and Sicilian sketches : a memorial volume. 1
M BRIAR S218 Gabriel Briard, 1725-1777 ... / 1
M BRICH I39b Alfred Thompson Bricher, 1837-1908. By Jeffrey R. Brown, assisted by Ellen W. Lee. [Exhibition] Indianapolis Museum of Art, September 12-October 28, 1973; George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, November 25, 1973-January 13, 1974. 1
M BRIDG H777c Charles Bridges and William Dering : two Virginia painters, 1735-1750 / 1
M BRIDG-M M345 Markings, aerial views of sacred landscapes / 1
M BRIGGS G655s Sketchbook containing some detailed studies in pencil, charcoal, some with white or sepia : (work done at Goodrich Hall, ca. 1826-1829). 1
M BRIGM S663 Songs of a pagan / 1
M BRIGN B517k Serge Brignoni : [Ausstellung] 20. November 1969 bis 4. Januar 1970. 1
M BRIGN B517s Serge Brignoni, Gemälde und Skulpturen (1924-1963) : 22. Februar bis 30. März 1964. 1
M BRIGN K95 Serge Brignoni : Kunsthalle Berne / 1
M BRILL M468d Das Leben und die Werke der Brüder Mattheus und Paul Brill : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Landschaftsmalerei um die Wende des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts / 1
M BRISC B859a Arthur Briscoe, 1