Call Number (LC) Title Results
M BUFFE V784 Vingt-mille lieues sous les mers de Jules Verne / 1
M BUFFE V986 Bernard Buffet, vues de Venise : aquarelles. 1
M BUFFO T218a John Henry Bufford, American lithographer ... / 1
M BUGAT H384 Bugatti / 1
M BUGAT O772 2001 Carlo Bugatti au Musée d'Orsay : catalogue sommaire illustré du fonds d'archives et des collections / 1
M BUGLI M357b Benedetto and Santi Buglioni / 1
M BUHOT B463 The late Félix Buhot, painter-etcher / 1
M BUHOT B767 Félix Buhot, catalogue descriptif de son oeuvre gravé / by Gustave Bourcard ; with additions and revisions by James Goodfriend. 1
M BUHOT C111 Félix Buhot (1847-1898) : prints and drawings including both famous and rare images and unusual states. 1
M BUHOT C532j Félix Buhot, 1847-1898 : a selection of rare etchings and lithographs acquired from the family of the artist. 1
M BUHOT C532j 1983 Félix Buhot (1847-1898) : [exhibition] R.S. Johnson International ... February 1983. 1
M BUHOT F534f Félix Buhot, peintre-graveur : prints, drawings, and paintings / 1
M BUHOT N532a Auction Sale Catalogue ... : etchings by Felix Buhot / 1
M BUHRM B836k Gisela Bührmann : Ölbilder, Handzeichnungen, Druckgraphik. Ausstellung Kunsthalle Bremen, 10. Dez. bis 21. Jan. 1973. 1
M BUIC P232j Jagoda Buić : formes tissées : [exposition] 18 juin-15 septembre 1975, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris. 1
M BUJOL M811f Françoise Bujold : Musée d'art contemporain, Montréal, du 10 juin au 4 juillet 1982 / 1
M BULKE D296 Morgan Bulkeley, two decades : [exhibition] DeCordova and Dana Museum and Park, Lincoln, Massachusetts, September 19-November 29, 1987. 1
M BULLO A63w Wynn Bullock. 1
M BULLO-C A3 Bullock : the autobiography of an artist / 1
M BULLO E56 Wynn Bullock : the enchanted landscape, photographs 1940-1975 / 1