Call Number (LC) Title Results
M LOUIS A555 Morris Louis, 1912-1962 : an exhibition to mark the publication of Morris Louis, the complete paintings, a catalogue raisonné by Diane Upright, published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., September 5-28, 1985, André Emmerich Gallery. 1
M LOUIS A555m Morris Louis, 1912-1962 : an exhibition to mark the publication of Morris Louis, the complete paintings, a catalogue raisonné by Diane Upright, published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., September 5-28, 1985, André Emmerich Gallery. 1
M LOUIS A555n Morris Louis, 1912-1962 : a commemorative exhibition, André Emmerich Gallery, September 9 to October 2, 1982 ... 1
M LOUIS B747 Morris Louis : in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / 1
M LOUIS B747m Morris Louis, 1912-1962 / 1
M LOUIS E37 Morris Louis : [exhibition] the Museum of Modern Art, New York / 1
M LOUIS F899m Morris Louis / 1
M LOUIS G154 Morris Louis. 1
M LOUIS H774m Morris Louis : an exhibition organised by the Auckland City Art Gallery in association with the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California. 1
M LOUIS K275 2001 Morris Louis / 1
M LOUIS M665dg Morris Louis, February 6 through February 28, 1970. 1
M LOUIS N532ae Morris Louis : [exhibition] Andre Emmerich Gallery, April 22 through May 10, 1972. 1
M LOUIS N532e Morris Louis: Bronze veils, first exhibition of a series of paintings from 1958. 1
M LOUIS U58d The drawings of Morris Louis. 1
M LOUIS U6 N3m Morris Louis : major themes & variations. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1976 / 1
M LOUIS U68m Morris Louis, the complete paintings : a catalogue raisonné / 1
M LOUTH L847p Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg, RA, 1740-1812. 1
M LOVAT M143b The book of Lovat Claud Fraser / 1
M LOVE L897a Arlene Love : sculpture / 1