Call Number (LC) Title Results
M LUCER L434 Michael Lucero : sculpture 1976-1995 / 1
M LUCHI B918m Luchian [de] Stefan Ditescu : expozitie comemorative organizata cu prilejul centenarului naşterii pictorului Stefan Luchian, 1968, peisajul si compozitia in aer liber. 1
M LUCHI B919s Expozitia Luchian / 1
M LUCIE E447 2002 Mary Lucier : selected works 1975-2000 : February 2-March 15, 2002, Emerson Gallery, Hamilton College / 1
M LUCIF T649 Noah's raven : a video installation / 1
M LUCIO E53 The etchings of Luigi Lucioni : a catalogue raisonne / 1
M LUCKM U58s Process, a public sculpture by Stewart Luckman : October 1-November 15, 1981, University Gallery, University of Minnesota. 1
M LUDOV A791 An artist's life in London and Paris, 1870-1925 / 1
M LUDWI D974s Peter Ludwigs : Malerei, Grafik, Dokumente : Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, 17.11.1982 - 30.1.1983, eine Ausstellung / 1
M LUGIN B515s Bernhard Luginbühl : Plastiken : Nationalgalerie Berlin, 21. Juni bis 14. August 1972, Kunsthaus Zürich, 29. März-14. Mai 1972 / 1
M LUGIN F829s Bernhard Luginbühl im Städel / 1
M LUGIN K92 Bernhard Luginühl, Figuren, 1947-1989. 1
M LUGIN S689b Bernhard Luginbühl, Zeichnungen 1946-1984 : [Ausstellung], Kunstmuseum Solothurn, 14.Oktober 1984 bis 6.Januar 1985 ; Kunstmuseum Thun, 7.Februar 1985 bis 8.April 1985 ; Hamburger Kunsthalle, 3.Mai 1985 bis 30.Juni 1985 ... 1
M LUIKE A681s De Schriftuurlyke Geschiedenissen en Gelykenissen Van het Oude en Nieuwe Verbond / 1
M LUIKE E530 The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker : Jan Luyken's mirrors of 17th-century Dutch daily life : an exhibition of drawings and prints at the Emily Lowe Gallery, 17 September-31 October, 1995 / 1
M LUINI M327 Bernardino Luini. 1
M LUINI M411b Bernardino Luini / 1
M LUKAC M989 Attila Richard Lukacs / 1
M LUKS C332g George Luks. 1
M LUKS L879w An exhibition of watercolors, drawings and oil paintings by George Benjamin Luks [1867-1933], October 10-November 18, 1973. 1