Call Number (LC) Title Results
M POLKE A865 Athanor : il padiglione : XLII Biennale di Venezia, 1986 / 1
M POLKE D249 Sigmar Polke : drawings from the 1960's : [exhibition] October 17-November 21, 1987. 1
M POLKE D344 2002 Sigmar Polke : history of everything : paintings and drawings, 1998-2002 / 1
M POLKE K960 Sigmar Polke : die drei Lügen der Malerei / 1
M POLKE M393s Sigmar Polke : 5 January to 26 January 1985. 1
M POLKE M523 Sigmar Polke, Druckfehler 1996-98. 1
M POLKE M986 1995 Sigmar Polke : photoworks, when pictures vanish. 1
M POLKE M986s Sigmar Polke : Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Rotterdam 1983, Städtisches Kunstmuseum Bonn 1984. 1
M POLKE R683 Sigmar Polke : works on paper 1963-1974 / 1
M POLKE S195 Sigmar Polke. 1
M POLKE S775 Sigmar Polke : Fotografien : Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 11. Februar bis 25. März 1990. 1
M POLKE T216 Sigmar Polke, join the dots. 1
M POLKE T726 Sigmar Polke, Transit / 1
M POLKE W177 Sigmar Polke, illumination. 1
M POLLA C683a Antonio del Pollaiuolo / 1
M POLLA C957a Antonio Pollaiuolo / 1
M POLLA E85a Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo : complete edition with a critical catalogue / 1
M POLLA-J N532c A unique collection of sixty-six fine old coloured aquatints of coaching scenes after James Pollard ... 1
M POLLA-J S464j James Pollard, 1792-1867: painter of the age of coaching. 1
M POLLA-J S464n The golden age of coaching and sport as depicted by James Pollard / 1