Call Number (LC) Title Results
M YASUD A423 1993 Yasuda Yukihiko ten / 1
M YASUD T64 M68 The retrospective exhibition of Yukihiko Yasuda : June 10-July 11 1976, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo / 1
M YASUI O81s S. Yasui. 1
M YATES W421c Cullen Yates, American impressionist / 1
M YEATS F172du Jack B. Yeats, 1871-1957 : a centenary exhibition, April-June 1972. 1
M YEATS-J W585j John Butler Yeats and the Irish Renaissance / 1
M YEATS J118 Jack B. Yeats. 1
M YEATS L847t An exhibition of paintings by Jack B. Yeats. 1
M YEATS L847w 1961 Jack B. Yeats, (1871-1957) : Paintings, 24 October-11 November, 1961. 1
M YEATS L847w 1963 Jack B. Yeats : 28 March-27 April 1963. 1
M YEATS L847w 1965 Jack B. Yeats : 11 February-13 March 1965. 1
M YEATS M811w Jack B. Yeats, (1871-1957) : Paintings, 24 October-11 November, 1961. 1
M YEATS P996j Jack B. Yeats: a biography. 1
M YEATS S633c Jack B Yeats and his family : an exhibition of the works of Jack B. Yeats and his family at the Sligo County Library and Museum, Sligo. 1
M YEDID C397 Meira Yedidsion, May-June, 1992, Centro Culturale Fontanella Borghese. 1
M YELLA C153r Raymond Dabb Yelland (1848-1900). : [Exhibition] May 15, 1964 to July 10, 1964, California Historical Society, 2090 Jackson Street, San Francisco. / 1
M YELLI C262a Ain't you got a right to the tree of life? : The people of Johns Island, South Carolina, their faces, their words, and their songs / 1
M YENLI L736t T'ang Yen Li-pen ti wang t'u chen chi. 1
M YENLI T164y T'ang Yen Li-pen ti-wang t'u chen-chi =: [True vestiges of the delineations of emperors and kings] / 1
M YERSI G971n Yersin : Galeria de Exposic̜ões Temporʹarias, Lisboa, Marc̜o de 1987. 1