Call Number (LC) Title Results
N1315 .C3 1909 Illustrated catalogue ... of the sculpture / 1
N1315 .C3 1953 Catalogue of French paintings. 1
N1315 .C3 1970 Catalogue of Italian paintings, with which is included a small group of Spanish pictures. 1
N1315 .C3 1973 Glasgow's European treasures : an exhibition of European masterpieces to commemorate Britain's entry into the European economic community. 1
N1315 .C3d 1962 Dutch and Flemish, Netherlandish and German paintings. [Catalogue. 1
N1315 .C3f 1985 French paintings and drawings : illustrated summary catalogue. 1
N1315 .D4 1951 A Kelvingrove jubilee,/ 1
N1315 .D4 1987 Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum / 1
N1315 .D4e Educational experiment, 1941-1951. 1
N1315 .G548t 25 Glorious years : an exhibition of outstanding acquisitions to mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee, 1977, Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove, Glasgow. 1
N1315 .H25 The Hamilton bequest : an exhibition of paintings presented to the Corporation of the City of Glasgow by the Hamilton Trust from 1927. 1
N1316 .C3 1951 The art collections / 1
N1316 .C3 1973 Glasgow University's pictures: a selection of paintings, drawings, prints, and other works from the Hunterian Museum,: University of Glasgow. 1
N1316.H86 C3 1952 The Hunterian Collection: an eighteenth century gentleman's cabinet, lent by courtesy of the University of Glasgow. 1
N1317 .C3 1984 The Burrell Collection / 1
N1320.3 .A52 Concise catalogue of oil paintings. 1
N1321 .H44e Notes on early ukiyo-e prints, classified by artist. 1
N1321 .T65a Ukiyoe hanga abunae. 1
N1350 .C3 1911 New authorised catalogue of pictures & tapestries ... at Hampton Court. 1
N1350 .C3 1927 The new authorised historical catalogue of the pictures, tapestries and furniture in the King's collection at Hampton Court : abridged from the author's larger works, with a guide to Cardinal Wolsey's rooms, the Great Hall, Haunted Gallery and other state apartments / 1