Call Number (LC) Title Results
N396 .F8 C47 1987 La figure de la République : le concours de 1848 / 1
N396 .G7 T9 2003 The Turner Prize 2003 : an exhibition of work by the shortlisted artists: Jake and Dinos Chapman, Willie Doherty, Anya Gallaccio, Grayson Perry : 29 October 2003-18 January 2004 at Tate Britain. 1
N396 .G7 T93 2001 The Turner Prize 2001 : an exhibition of work by the shortlisted artists: Richard Billingham, Martin Creed, Isaac Julien [and] Mike Nelson : 7 November 2001-20 January 2002, Tate Britain. 1
N396 .G7 T93 2005 The Turner Prize 2005 : an exhibition of work by the shortlisted artists : 18 October 2005 -22 January 2006 at Tate Britain : Darren Almond, Gillian Carnegie, Jim Lambie [and] Simon Starling. 1
N397 .C5 B54 1994 XI Bienal Internacional de Arte, Valparaíso, Chile : iberoamericana : pintura, escultura, grafica : Galeria Municipal de arte "Valparaíso", noviembre-deciembre 1994, enero 1995. 1
N397 .F8 A15 2011 Furenchi windou : Dyushan-shō ni miru Furansu gendai bijutsu no saizensen = French window : looking at contemporary art through the Marcel Duchamp Prize / 1
N400 .A53ac AAM constitution & bylaws and bylaws of standing professional committees, August, 1977. [Compiled by C. Bannerman]. 1
N400 .I36i ICOM '66-71 : activities reports, future programmes. 1
N400 .I36s ICOM statutes ; ICOM code of professional ethics. 1
N400 .I67m 1948 Première conférence biennale, Paris, 28 juin-3 juillet 1948 : résumé des travaux, compte-rendu des manifestations. 1
N400 .I67m 1965 Papers from the Seventh General Conference of ICOM =: Actes de la septième Conférence générale de l'ICOM, 22.9 - 3.10, 1965. 1
N400 .I67m 1977 Museums and cultural exchanges =: Musées et échanges culturels : the papers of the eleventh general conference of ICOM, Moscow, 23-29 May 1977 = actes de la onzième conférence générale de l'ICOM, Moscou, 23-29 mai 1977 / 1
N400 .I67m 1980 The world's heritage, the museum's responsibilities : proceedings of the 12th General Conference and 13th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums, Mexico City, 25 October-4 November 1980 / 1
N400 .I67m 1983 Proceedings of the 13th general conference and l4th general assembly of the International Council of Museums, London, 24 July - 2 August 1983 : museums for a developing world. 1
N400 .I67m 1986 ICOM '86 : proceedings of the 14th General Conference and 15th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums, Buenos Aires, 26 October-4 November 1986 : museums and the future of our heritage, emergency call. 1
N400 .M26 nos. 4/6 MJ, Manifesta journal : journal of contemporary curatorship : no. 4, Autumn/Winter 2004, Teaching curatorship ; no. 5, Spring/ Summer 2005, Artist & curator ; no. 6, Autumn/Winter 2005, Archive: memory of the show. 1
N400 .T74 Association of Art Museum Directors, a review of its first 75 years, 1916-1991 / 1
N405 .A57r Map : the collections. 1
N405 .B73p A pictorial treasury of the marine museums of the world: a guide to the maritime collections, restorations, replicas, and marine museums in twenty-three countries / 1
N405 .C44g Guide to the galleries. 1