Call Number (LC) Title Results
N45 .P44 Monogrammlexikon 2 : internationales Verzeichnis der Monogramme bildender Künstler des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / 1
N45.R4 P2d Dictionnaire encyclopédique des marques & monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs, etc., etc. contenant 12,156 marques. 1
N45 .S54 Signatures & monogrammes d'artistes des XIXe et XXe si ecles. 1
N45 .W27s Seals of Chinese painters and collectors of the Ming and Chʻing periods / 1
N50.A5 A7d American art directory. 1
N50 .A54 American art directory. 2
N50 .D73k Dresslers kunsthandbuch : Erster band ... 1
N50 .I67d 2017 Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch = International directory of arts. 1
N50 .M23b Maecenas,/ 1
N50 .P26a 1914 Pantheon: adressbuch der kunst-und antiquitäten-sammler und-händler, biblioteken, archive, museen, kunst-, altertums-und geschichtsvereine, bücherliebhaber, numismatiker; ein handbuch für das sammelwesen der ganzen welt, 1
N50 .P26a 1926 Pantheon; internationales adressbuch der kunst- und antiquitäten-sammler und -händler, bibliotheken, archive, museen, kunst-, altertums- und geschichtsvereine, bücherliebhaber, numismatiker;. 1
N50 .V26a Alphabetical list of foreign dealers & collectors. 1
N51 .A73c A checklist of the collection, spring 1975 / 1
N51 .A73f From reliable sources : an exhibition of letters, photographs, and other documents from the collections of the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Archives, Gallery of the Archives of American Art. 1
N51 .A73m Archives of American art: a directory of resources. 1
N51 .K63u The United States art directory and year-book. [1st-2d year] / 1
N51 .P544as Directory / 1
N52.P46 A7 Directory. 2
N52 .P46 A7 1975 AEA directory, 1975 / 1
N52.P46 G8 The guide to art and artists in the Delaware Valley / 1