N5350.M38 M37
Wonderful things : the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb / |
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N5350 .M86h
Nofretete, Echnaton : [Ausstellung] 17. Januar-21. März 1976, Haus der Kunst, München : [Katalog]. |
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N5350 .N28n
The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el-Bahari. |
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N5350 .N28s
The shrine of Saft el Hennen and the land of goshen (1885). |
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N5350 .N33e
An Egyptian funerary bed of the Roman period in the Royal Ontario Museum. |
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N5350 .N38ma
Ancient Egyptian epigraphy and palaeography. |
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N5350 .N38me
Varia / |
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N5350 .N38 Mh 1916
A handbook of the Egyptian rooms ... |
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N5350.N53 M8f
For eye : Egyptian images and inscriptions : April 2, 1977 through February, 1978. |
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N5350.O7 N27s
Solens rike : Aknaton, Nefertiti, Tut-Ank-Amon : Nasjonalgalleriet, 16. juli - 16. september 1975. |
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N5350 .O77t
Tutankhamun treasures. |
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N5350 .P27e
Egypt. |
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N5350 .P27 Lh 1849
Notice des monuments exposés dans la galerie d'antiquités égyptiennes (salle du rez-de-chaussée et palier de l'escalier du sud-est) au Musée du Louvre / |
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N5350 .P37a
The arts & crafts of ancient Egypt,/ |
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N5350 .P53p
The pyramid of Unas./ |
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N5350 .P72n
Staroegyptské mumie : Katalog výstavy, [Praha, br̆ezen] 1971 / |
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N5350 .P72t
Tajemná Núbie.: Čs. archeologické výzkumy v Egyptě 1961-65. Květen-zaři 1975 ... |
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N5350 .Q84h
Hierakonpolis .../ |
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N5350 .R37a
Annecy, musée-château, Chambéry, musées d'art et d'histoire, Aix-les-Bains, musée archéologique : collections égyptiennes / |
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N5350 .R67a
The art of Egypt through the ages,/ |
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