Call Number (LC) Title Results
N8010 .F37si Signs & symbols in Christian art / 1
N8010 .F37si 1961 Signs & symbols in Christian art / 1
N8010 .G56 L Burgen und feste Plätze : der Wehrbau vor Einführung der Feuerwaffen = Chateaux-forts et places fortes : l'architecture militaire avant l'introduction des armes a feu /
Liturgische Geräte, Krueze und Reliquiare der christlichen Kirchen, systematisches Fachwörterbuch. Objets liturgiques, croix et reliquaires des eglises chretiennes, dictionnaire spécialisé et systématique.
N8010 .G56p Paramente und Bücher der christlichen Kirchen, systematisches Fachwörterbuch. Parements liturgiques et livres des églises chrétiennes, dictionnaire spécialisé et systématique. 1
N8010 .H34i Ikonographische studien .../ 1
N8010 .H85h The history, principles, and practice of symbolism in Christian art. 1
N8010 .I65a Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism./ 1
N8010 .J25s Sacred and legendary art./ 1
N8010 .J25s 2 Sacred and legendary art / 1
N8010 .J36c Christian symbolism / 1
N8010 .K83i Ikonographie der Heiligen / 1
N8010 .L86m Monumental Christianity: or, Tghe art and symbolism of the primitive church as witnesses and teachers of the one Catholic faith and practice, 1
N8010 .M27 L Larmes celestes: texte et réalisation artistique, 1
N8010.M4 A7b The Bible through Dutch eyes : from Genesis through the Apochrypha : [exhibition] Milwaukee Art Center, 9 April-23 May 1976 / 1
N8010 .M66r Repertorio de símbolos cristianos / 1
N8010 .R32i Iconographie de l'art chrétien / 1
N8010 .S54 1975b A handbook of symbols in Christian art / 1
N8010 .W27s The sign language of the mysteries. 1
N8010 .W33c Church symbolism: an explanation of the more important symbols of the Old and New Testament, the primitive, the mediaeval and the modern church / 1
N8011 .E82m Monastic iconography in France from the Renaissance to the Revolution. 1