Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB1529 .O77s Statues et monuments d'Ottawa et de Hull. 1
NB1541 .T67v Cityforms / 1
NB1585 .B57m The monumental remains of royal & eminent persons ... 1
NB1587 .S84 H69 2015 The Howards and the Tudors : studies in science and heritage / 1
NB1588.L75 T4 London's statues. 1
NB1603 .D28r Renascence : the sculptured tombs of the fifteenth century in Rome, with chapters on the previous centuries from 1100 / 1
NB1603 .F37t La tomba nell 'arte italiana dal periodo preromano all'odierno: due centosettantadue tavole con 400 illustrazioni, raccolti e ordinati con testo esplicativo da Giulio Ferrari ... 1
NB1643 .A69 1927 Kodai chōkoku tōki zushū = Catalogue of the old Sculptures and potteries / 1
NB1664.B78 P2t Filip Tas : [exposition / 1
NB1667 .A74h Haniwa : as shown in four American museums, 1960 : exhibition/organized and directed by The Asia Society, and circulated with the cooperation of the International Program of the Museum of Modern Art ; sponsored by the Tokyo National Museum, the Society for International Cultural Relations (KBS) Tokyo, and the Japan Society, New York ; foreword by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd ; introd. by Seiroku Noma. 1
NB1667 .B63 Bohi to kinenhi = Grave & monument / 1
NB1667 .M45h Haniwa,: the clay sculpture of protohistoric Japan, 1
NB1750 .C65 Religious sculpture 1949. 1
NB1800 .F84g Der grabbau,/ 1
NB1800 .P26t Tomb sculpture : its changing aspects from ancient Egypt to Bernini / 1
NB1803 .I8 O47 2004 Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni (1667-1740) and the Vatican tomb of Pope Alexander VIII / 1
NB1803 .U6 M55 2014 Beyond grief : sculpture and wonder in the Gilded Age cemetery / 1
NB1803 .U6 S76 2008 Pioneer cemeteries : sculpture gardens of the Old West / 1
NB1810 .C643 2006 Un cofanetto del rinascimento nel Castello di Adelaide di Susa / 1
NB1810 .C66 Nc 1951 Catalogue des sarcophages et cercueils égyptiens / 1