Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB159.N3 O7ct An Exhibition of Chinese terra cotta sculpture from Han through T'ang dynasty. 1
NB163.V6 C2v The Venus of Milo : an archaeological study of the goddess of womanhood / 1
NB163.V62 J56 Aphrodite : a Greek goddess. 1
NB164 .C66p Les portraits grecs,/ 1
NB164 .C66p 2 Les portraits romains,/ 1
NB164 .H35g Greek & Roman portraits / 1
NB164 .R43v Ancient portraiture : the sculptor's art in coins and marble : a loan exhibition on display at the Virginia Museum, April 29 to July 20, 1980 / 1
NB164 .W67r Roman portraits : [a loan exhibition of Roman sculpture and coins from the first century B.C. through the fourth century A. D., Worcester Art Museum, April 6-May 14, 1961 / 1
NB164 .Z87a Altrömische Porträt-Plastik: [Ausstellung] 8. August bis 19. September 1953. 1
NB165.A8 M2 Zum Mainzer Augustuskopf. 1
NB169.H6 N3m The Horses of San Marco, Venice / 1
NB169.H6 N3m 2 Les chevaux de Saint-Marc, Venise : [exhibition] Galeries nationales du Grand Palais. 1
NB169 .J64u Ur-Engur : a bronze of the fourth milennium in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; a brief treatment on canephorous statues. 1
NB170 .A74 2014 Medieval and Renaissance sculpture : a catalogue of the collection in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford / 1
NB170 .B58 A4 1997 Medieval and Renaissance sculpture and works of art. 1
NB170 .B66r Farbige Bildwerke des Mittelalters im Rheinland : Ausstellung des Landeskonservators Rheinland im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn, Juli-24. Sept. 1967. 1
NB170 .B68m The medieval sculptor: [exhibition catalogue, 1
NB170 .D83b Bildwerke des Mittelalters / 1
NB170 .H25d Deutsche und französische Kunst. im Mittelalter. 1
NB170 .K64s Sammlung E. und M. Kofler-Truniger, Luzern: [Katalog]. 1