Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND1265.S9 S2 Surrealismo e arte fantástica. 1
ND1265.S9 S7 Surrealism? : Surrealism surrealism surrealism-surrealism(3) / 1
ND1265.S9 T8 Le Muse inquietanti : Maestri del Surrealismo / 1
ND1265.S9 W2 Les initiateurs du surréalisme. 1
ND1265.S9 W35s Surrealism / 1
ND1265.S9 Z87h Ernst Faesi, Walter Grab, Werner Urfer [Ausstellung] 3.-31. Juli, 1968 [von] Zurcher Kunstgesellschaft. 1
ND1268 .B55m Modern primitives: masters of naïve painting / 1
ND1268 .D84g Naive Malerei und anonyme Bilder : Ausstellung von Mitte November bis Jahrsende 1968, Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf. 1
ND1268 .S75n Näifs del Brasile, Näifs di Haiti / 1
ND1270 .B28t Trompe l'œil =: the eye deceived / 1
ND1270 .C46t Look again : exhibition of American trompe lóeil art [at] the Taft Museum. 1
ND1270 .C53s Spectacle of realism : an exhibition of 19th century European and American paintings : April 15-May 17, 1970 / 1
ND1270 .F72r The reality of appearance : the trompe l'œil tradition in American painting / 1
ND1270 .J23cy Young American realists / 1
ND1270 .K26s The Salzer collection : trompe-l'œil and still life paintings / 1
ND1270 .L35r The reminiscent object : paintings by William Michael Harnett, John Frederick Peto and John Haberle. [Exhibition] La Jolla Museum of Art, July 11 through September 19, 1965; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, September 28 through October 31, 1965. 1
ND1270 .M27i Illusion in art : trompe l'oeil : a history of pictorial illusionism / 1
ND1270 .M55d Aspects of a new realism : Milwaukee Art Center, June 21 through August 10, 1969, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, September 17 through October 19, 1969, Akron Art Institute, November 9 through December 14, 1969. 1
ND1270 .M67 More than meets the eye : the art of trompe l'oeil. 1
ND1270 .M75r Survey/sondage 70 : Réalism(e)s. 1