ND2785.M2 R6p
Pinturas de las bovedas. |
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ND2786 .A46s
Spanish frescoes of the Romanesque period / |
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ND2786 .C2 K8r
Romanesque mural painting of Catalonia / |
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ND2786 .C66s
Saint Perpetua Altar Frontal ... |
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ND2786 .R43m
Mittelalterliche Malerei in Spanien : katalanische Wand- und Tafel-Malereien. |
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ND2789.L4 M8f
Frescos deslocados : XXI exposição temporária : catálogo / |
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ND2792.Z5 M87p
The painted Romanesque ceiling of St. Martin in Zillis / |
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ND2796 .G6 W43 1986
Tokalı Kilise : tenth-century metropolitan art in Byzantine Cappadocia / |
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ND2806 .R46
Repertoriul picturilor murale medievale din România (sec. XIV-1450) / |
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ND2812.Y8 L5s
Srednjeveške freske na Slovenskem : Narodna galerija, Ljublijana / |
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ND2812.Y8 L5se
Srednjeveške freske : razstava kopij iz zbirke galerije fresaka v Beogradu. |
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ND2812.Y8 P27a
L'Art Medieval Yougoslaves ... |
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ND2812 .Y8 R2
Frescoes of Sopoćani. |
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ND2812.Y8 W27m
Medieval frescoes from Yugoslavia / |
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ND2812.Y8 Z8m
Mittelalterliche Fresken aus Jugoslawien. |
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ND2815 .R6
The wall-paintings of India, Central Asia & Ceylon; |
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ND2819.I7 B73o
Oriental forerunners of Byzantine painting : first-century wall paintings from the fortress of Dura on the middle Euphrates / |
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ND2821 .D27p
La peinture séfévide d'Ispahan : le Palais d'Ala Qapy / |
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ND2821 .N38mp
Persian fresco paintings / |
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ND2824.6 .C46p
Popular art in Afghanistan : paintings on trucks, mosques, and tea-houses / Micheline Centlivres-Demont ; [transl. from the French by Robin R. Charleston]. |
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