Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND2757 .T68 C37 1987 Il Ciclo dei mesi di Torre Aquila a Trento / 1
ND2757 .U73 C5 1986 The Studiolo of Urbino : an iconographic investigation / 1
ND2757 .V35 J3 1990 Sayonara, Michelangelo : the Sistine Chapel restored and repackaged / 1
ND2758 .C76a Gli affreschi nelle ville venete del Cinquecento / 1
ND2759 .M34m The great age of fresco : discoveries, recoveries and survivals. 1
ND2767 .L29o Old Russian murals & mosaics : from the XI to the XVI century / 1
ND2779 .N67 Norges dekorative malerkunst gjennem 1000 år. 1
ND2785 .C2 C6e The earliest painted panels of Catalonia. 1
ND2785 .C2 C6s The stucco altar-frontals of Catalonia / 1
ND2785.M2 R6p Pinturas de las bovedas. 1
ND2786 .A46s Spanish frescoes of the Romanesque period / 1
ND2786 .C2 K8r Romanesque mural painting of Catalonia / 1
ND2786 .C66s Saint Perpetua Altar Frontal ... 1
ND2786 .R43m Mittelalterliche Malerei in Spanien : katalanische Wand- und Tafel-Malereien. 1
ND2789.L4 M8f Frescos deslocados : XXI exposição temporária : catálogo / 1
ND2792.Z5 M87p The painted Romanesque ceiling of St. Martin in Zillis / 1
ND2796 .G6 W43 1986 Tokalı Kilise : tenth-century metropolitan art in Byzantine Cappadocia / 1
ND2806 .R46 Repertoriul picturilor murale medievale din România (sec. XIV-1450) / 1
ND2812.Y8 L5s Srednjeveške freske na Slovenskem : Narodna galerija, Ljublijana / 1
ND2812.Y8 L5se Srednjeveške freske : razstava kopij iz zbirke galerije fresaka v Beogradu. 1