Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND623 .S52 A4 2009 Telemaco Signorini e la pittura in Europa. 1
ND623.S538 M633 2023 Elisabetta Sirani / 1
ND623.S55 J35 Signorelli and Fra Angelico at Orvieto : liturgy, poetry, and a vision of the end-time / 1
ND623 .S6 A8 1900 Sodoma, 1
ND623 .S6382 A4 1983 Itinerario di Pietro Sorri (1556-1622). 1
ND623 .S7 W34 1995 Bernardo Strozzi : master painter of the Italian Baroque (1581/2-1644) / 1
ND623.S77 N3b Bernardo Strozzi: paintings and drawings. Dedication exhibition of the University Art Gallery, October 8 to November 5, 1967. [Catalogue] 1
ND623.S78 A4 2001 Omaggio a Beato Angelico : un dipinto per il Museo Poldi Pezzoli / 1
ND623 .T43p Tiepolo et Guardi. Exposition de peintures et dessins provenant de collections francaises publiques et priv̌es, organiše au profit du Comiť national pour la sauvegarde de Versailles, novembre 1952. 1
ND623 .T43 P4 L'opera completa di Giambattista Tiepolo. 1
ND623.T43 P4 L'opera completa di Giambattista Tiepolo. 1
ND623.T48 G64 1998 Titian and Rubens : power, politics, and style / 1
ND623 .T5 A8 1897 Tiepolo. Mit 74 Abbildungen nach Gemälden und Radierungen. 1
ND623 .T5 A8 1910 Giambattista und Domenico Tiepolo : ihr leben und ihre werke / 1
ND623 .T5 A84 1994 Tiepolo and the pictorial intelligence / 1
ND623 .T5 L58 1986 Giambattista Tiepolo : his life and art / 1
ND623 .T515 A4 2012 Giandomenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) : ten fantasy portraits / 1
ND623 .T6 A4 2007 Tintoretto / 1
ND623 .T6 A4 2017 Tintoretto : a star was born / 1
ND623 .T6 A4 2018 Tintoret : naissance d'un génie / 1