Call Number (LC) Title Results
NE1050 .W34u Der Ulmer Holzschnitt im 15. Jahrhundert / 1
NE1052 .H43 2004 A heavenly craft : the woodcut in early printed books, illustrated books purchased by Lessing J. Rosenwald at the sale of the library of C.W. Dyson Perrins / 1
NE1052 .H43 2004a A Heavenly craft : the woodcut in early printed books / 1
NE1053 .C66w The woodcutters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century. 1
NE1053 .S34d Dutch and Flemish woodcuts of the fifteenth century / 1
NE1055 .C37 2009 Ugo da Carpi, l'opera incisa : xilografie e chiaroscuri da Tiziano, Raffaello e Parmigianino / 1
NE1070 .L82f 1923 Die Lübecker Bibel / 1
NE1092 .S37p A portfolio of proof impressions selected from Scribner's Monthly and St. Nicholas. 1
NE1092 .S37p 1881 Selected proofs from the first and second portfolios of illustrations from Scribner's monthly and St. Nicholas. 1
NE1093 .A53 H6 Artists on horseback : the Old West in illustrated journalism, 1857-1900. 1
NE1095 .B444 Dictionnaire des graveurs de la Société de la gravure sur bois originale (S.G.B.O.), (1911-1935) : sociétaires et invités français et étrangers / 1
NE1095 .C37p Prints from blocks, Gauguin to now / 1
NE1095 .H65m Modern woodcuts and lithographs by British and French artists / 1
NE1096 .G36x Xylon VI : Exposition internationale de gravure, 9 decembre 1972-28 janvier, 1973. 1
NE1096 .S35n The new woodcut / 1
NE1097 .C44a Artists calendar. 1
NE1097 .C44b Block print calendar. 1
NE1097 .D73n A national primer in the modern manner / 1
NE1097 .G87c 1937 American block print calendar 1937. 1
NE1097 .G87w Wisconsin artists calendar, 1936. 1