NE150.6 .B72au
Grafika lat 1950-1975 w Republice Federalnej Niemiec : ze zbiorow Muzeum im. Ksiecia Antoniego Ulryka w Brunszwiku. |
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NE150.6 .V36g
Incisori e litografi della Repubblica democratica tedesca / |
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NE152 .R6 C3 1989
The print images of Rosso Fiorentino / |
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NE153 .B78b
Beeld-spraak van Luiken tot Lucebert : beeldende kunst van schrivers uit Nederland : [tentoonstelling], 17 novembre 1971 t/m 8 januari 1972, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I. |
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NE154 .R68bh
Hollandse graveurs van de XVIIe eeuw / |
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NE164.S7 N2s
Schweizisk grafik nu : [utställning] oktober - november 1970. |
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NE171.Y8 B35j
Jugoslovenska grafika 1965-1972 : Muzej savremene umetnosti. Beograd, jul-avgust 1972 / |
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NE178.4 .P65 T36 2002
Poliakoff, Tapies, Chillida U.A. : die Erker-Presse St. Gallen : vom Gedichtband zur Galerie mit Verlag und eigener Lithopresse / |
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NE189.7 .C26n
S. A. printmakers: works from the S.A. National Gallery =: S. A. grafiese kunstenaars: werke van die S.A. Nasionale Kunstmuseum ; exhibited in Cape Town ... / |
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NE191.O76 N2e
100 Mesterverk : europeisk grafikk i Kobberstikk- og håndtegningsamlingen : [utstilling], Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, 4. mars - 11. april 1977. |
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NE218 .B47h
The heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain / |
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NE218 .C25c
Cremona fedelissima città et nobilissima colonia de Romani : rappresentata in disegno col svo contato, et illvstrata d'vna breve historia delle cose piv notabili appartenenti ad essa, et dei ritratti natvrali de dvchi, et dvchesse di Milano / |
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NE218 .H37
Portraiture in prints / |
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NE220 .C63a
Das abendländische bildnis seit 1500 : Ausstellung 5. April bis 30. Juni, 1952. |
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NE220 .D78a
Allgemeiner portrait-katalog von W. E. Drugulin. |
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NE220 .S43m
Manuel de l'amateur d'illustrations : gravures et portraits pour l'ornement des livres français et étrangers / |
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NE230.B67 M8p
Printed portraits / |
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NE230 .P27bn
Exposition de portraits peints et dessinés du XIIIe au XVIIe siècle / |
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NE232.E34 S36
A face for any occasion : some aspects of portrait engraving / |
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NE232 .W43s
Konstnärsporträtt ur doktor C. Axel Widstrands grafiska samling : [februari 1948]. |
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