NE662 .C74 A4 2006
Lo sguardo inquieto dell'avvoltojo subalpino : opere su carta di Italo Cremona (1905-1979) / |
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NE662 .D87 C37 1997
Gaetano Dura : un litografo tra poesia e teatro nella Napoli dell Ottocento / |
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NE662 .L58
Sodobna beneška grafika : Moderna galerija Ljubljana, januar 1961 / |
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NE662 .M67 A4 1970z
Gravures de Morandi. |
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NE662 .P34 A4 1986
Mimmo Paladino : etchings, woodcuts and linocuts 1983-86. |
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NE662 .P37 A4 2003
Parmigianino incisore : catalogo completo delle incisioni / |
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NE662 .R3 A4 1909
Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings by Marc-Antonio Raimondi, his pupils & followers : to be opened on Saturday the eighteenth of September, and to last until the end of October, 1909 / |
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NE662 .R3 A4 1981
The engravings of Marcantonio Raimondi / |
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NE662 .R3 A4 2016
Marcantonio Raimondi, Raphael and the image multiplied / |
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NE662 .R3 B56 2016
Raffael und Raimondi : Produktion und Intention der frühen Druckgraphik nach Raffael / |
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NE662 .R3 K59 2016
Invenit, incisit, imitavit : die Kupferstiche von Marcantonio Raimondi als Schlüssel zur weltweiten Raffael-Rezeption 1510-1700 / |
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NE662.R66 A4 1993
Giulio Romano pinxit et delineavit : opere grafiche autografe di collaborazione e bottega / |
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NE662 .T64 A4 2004
Paolo Toschi (1788-1854) incisore d'Europa : Parma, Museo Glauco Lombardi, Biblioteca Palatina, 11 dicembre 2004-13 marzo 2005 / |
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NE662.6 .I47 2014
Imprinting the imagination : northern Renaissance prints from the Holtorp Collection / |
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NE662.6 .L47 2013
Les origines de l'estampe en Europe du Nord, 1400-1470 / |
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NE663 .D35h
Histoire de la gravure dans les anciens Pays-Bas et dans les provinces belges, des origines jusqu'à la fin du 16e siecle. |
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NE663 .G62
Sets and series : prints from the Low Countries, [exhibition] Yale University Art Gallery, June 15-August 9, 1984. |
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NE663 .K35p
Le peintre-graveur hollandais et flamand : ou, catalogue raisonné des estampes gravées par les peintres de l'école hollandaise et flamande / |
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NE663 .N38d
Dutch and Flemish sixteenth & seventeenth century engravings and etchings. |
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NE663 .R36h
Histoire de l'origine et des progrès de la gravure dans les Pays-Bas et en Allemagne jusqu'à la fin du quinzième siècle, / |
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